Thursday, July 25, 2019

Let this be the Day you Bestow your Beautiful Gifts upon those who need them the Most

you are a unique individual of infinite love who has within them sacred energies that are divinely transformative. let this be the day you bestow your beautiful gifts upon those who need them the most.

make it your meaning and purpose each day to awaken to the true sacred beauty of who you are.

tell me the story of your soul.

if you are looking for some side show mystic then don't look at me. if you are looking for somebody to tell you the name of your future partner go to a used karma salesman. if you are looking for medical advice see a doctor. if you are looking for lottery numbers grow up and get a life. I am a professional. a modern day psychic is a practitioner of spirit. my job is to counsel, confirm and affirm. my role is to offer guidance and direction. my purpose is to inspire and uplift. if you are looking for someone who will only tell you what you want to hear then look not my way. if you are looking for somebody honest with integrity whose sincere desire is to help you in pure positive sacred healing ways then you have come to the right place. my name is MicHEAL. I am The Ancient One.

I have a wealth of spirit which I have throughout my life tried to share with others so that they too could see the richness of life and begin to count their own blessings.

love when pure and honest is a miracle of joy that expresses beautifully the true sacred nature of who we are.

focus your energy on those things that give you the most pleasure as the mere intention will open you to a world of greatness, wholeness, goodness and happiness.

I have voiced my opinion and my opinion has responded with profound blessings and positive healing energy.

believe what you believe and be who you are but do not place your ignorance, apathy, anger, hatred, prejudice and stupidity at my doorstep. I have throughout my life done my best to be a good man while others have continued along a path of hurtfulness. you can only lift others up for so long before they begin to drag you down. the hardest lesson I have learned as a psychic and healer is that sometimes you just have to say no. if you are reading this and you are one of those with a chip on your shoulder who thinks that they know everything and that everybody else is wrong then you need not seek my services. I will not carry your burden. I will pray for you. I will send you light and love. I will not be yet another victim of your madness. I have done much for many and the time has come for me to do something for myself.

we are a sacred source of goodness whose life is a blessing of light meant to nurture the world with love.

we touch enlightenment when we express the beauty of who we are in ways that awaken, uplift and purify the heart of those we know and love.

we have to stop supporting and championing those who use their power and privilege to rape and molest the mind, body and soul of humanity. just because someone is a celebrity, ceo, priest or politician doesn't mean that their behaviour should be excused. we need to expect more from them. we need to ask more from them. we need to demand more from them. we have to make them accountable for their actions. we have to start supporting those of character and integrity who use kindness and compassion to make the world a better place.

higher realities encompass me with love whenever I use the divine spark within to light the way for others.

open your mind fully, open your heart fully, open your soul fully and open your spirit fully. the more open we are the more beauty, truth and transformation we bring into our lives.

love flows freely from a heart that is pure.

every morning when you awake serve yourself loving blessings which nourish the heart and soul for when our sacred self is fed well it is beneficial to our whole world.

when we use our gifts, blessings and abilities to help others live a richer happier life we ourselves grow and expand in miraculous ways that embrace the flow of the universe.

I live my life one day at a time and one dream at a time. I live my day one dream at a time and one life at a time. I live my dream one day at a time and one life at a time. I am alive and I live.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Friday, July 19, 2019

I live my life one day at a time and one dream at a time.

I live my life one day at a time and one dream at a time. I live my day one dream at a time and one life at a time. I live my dream one day at a time and one life at a time. I am alive and I live.

mindful and motivated are we who walk our path with respect for ourselves and reverence for the earth.

the moment I stepped out of the darkness I began to see feathers from angels strewn along my path which led me to sacred places of goodness, greatness and glory.

it is the heart that lights the way. it is the heart that heals the soul. it is the heart that raises the spirit. be of good heart and yours will be a divinely glorious life.

a deeper sense of the sacred will embrace your destiny with a goodness that will enhance every experience and enrich every moment.

personal freedom comes to us when we liberate our mind, body, soul and spirit.

it was while watching one of those used karma salesmen run about catching phrases and then passing them out to the unexpecting public that I put my words in the pocket of my soul and began to act out my intentions in a way that helped my dreams blossom.

we evolve as beings of spirit when we use our energies to enrich and empower those who are struggling to see the beauty and experience the magnificence of who they truly are.

today I will connect my humanity to my divinity and set out on an adventure of spirit that brings light and love to the world around me.

a leader is not someone whose thoughts and actions are sexist and racist. that is not a leader. that is a loser. that is a monster. we have to stop approaching politics as a team sport . we have to begin to make choices that embrace all humanity with kindness and compassion. we do not need leaders. what we need is lovers of life whose path and purpose is to make our world a better place.

let us unite in peace and set our spirits free that we as angels on earth may experience fully the greatness of who we are and the glory of the universe that is our home.

I was resting one day within the colours of a rainbow when I saw with eyes of spirit the true beauty of the garden sanctuary that is Sacred Mother Earth.

serve selflessly, live spiritually, act soulfully and love sacredly for by doing so you connect to the earth, the universe and the heavens.

with reverence and respect I refresh and renew those parts of my spiritual self that radiate righteousness.

the more conscious I become of others suffering the greater is my compassion and the more loving is my intention.

love emerges when we live our life in ways which embody the miracle of our true sacred self.

mine is an essence of spirit which when nurtured kisses the world and embraces the universe with truth, beauty and light.

if we act collectively with spirit as our guide and love as our intention we can light the world with peace freedom, hope and happiness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Friday, July 12, 2019

Healthy and happy are those beings of spirit who seek to bless themselves and others with love and light.

healthy and happy are those beings of spirit who seek to bless themselves and others with love and light.

happiness is your purpose. joy is your purpose. bliss is your purpose. kindness is your purpose. compassion is your purpose. love is your purpose. live your purpose.

the realization and acceptance that we are divine beings helps our soul to blossom.

my ptsd was poking me with a stick while my o.c.d taunted me with thoughts of things undone when my a.d.d said what are we going to do next and my depression replied nothing. I need to make new friends.

when we aspire to inspire what transpires is a joyfully liberating feeling of love that elevates the human spirit.

there are realities unseen that light the world with love which reveal themselves when we remove and release those things that block our hopes, dreams and visions.

at this very moment I am sending you the light of my spirit and the love in my heart to embrace you with healing energy to nourish your soul and brighten your world.

the pursuance of positive change elevates and transforms our life while connecting us to the radiant beauty of our true sacred self.

a beacon of light is on its way which will nourish your spiritual self and help you heal your wounds that you may experience greater happiness and harmony.

your intent when pure and positive imprints your life with gifts of goodness, greatness, gratitude and glory.

I find that when I open the door to spirit a light fills my world with waves of bliss that make mine a journey where there is beauty in every breath.

we benefit significantly from grateful attitude for it is a hug of joy that we bestow upon ourself.

when your purpose is greatness and your intention is goodness yours is a path of glory.

in those moments when you are touched profoundly by someones kindness return that blessing by reaching out to others with positive actions that create a flow of love which inspires good in all.

at my darkest time happiness confused me, joy infuriated me, elation attacked me and love betrayed me. I began to see the light when I opened my heart and soul to those things that people had tainted for me and used them to paint my path as a portrait of truth, transformation and transcendence.

I know you are suffering right now but when I look at you I do so with the eyes of love and I see the true divine beauty within. the time has come for you to look at yourself with eyes of love, see your greatness and let its healing light free you from your pain.

the highest paths are the ones that bring heaven to earth and share its beauty and brilliance in uniquely inspiring ways that replenish the spirit and rejuvenate the soul.

joy is a heavenly light which with beautiful clarity blesses us with love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, July 04, 2019

Thoughts generate feelings and today I choose to think of things that make me feel Happy

thoughts generate feelings and today I choose to think of things that make me feel happy.

the essence of your being is a blessing that breathes love and kindness. embrace your essence with the knowledge that each breath you take creates a flow of divine grace and beauty.

focus your smile on those who suffer in silence with the knowledge that this simple gesture radiates a divine grace that lifts the spirit by contributing positively to humanity.

when I need guidance and inspiration I look within for my heart and soul are places of faith that embrace me with simple sacred gifts which help me grow spiritually.

people see me as a bit rough around the edges but truth is I am more sensitive then I let on. it still upsets me greatly when people are mean, ignorant and hateful for no reason. I find it disturbing when people are hurtful towards others they don't even know just because they are different. I am especially bothered when I see parents who allow their children to walk this path and not only do nothing to stop it but actually foster it. know this that if you choose to be that kind of person then I have chosen to be the person that calls you out in public and puts you in your place.

I love who I am when I am not being who others want or expect me to be.

you are your sacred purpose. to love, honor, appreciate, respect, revere and embrace fully who you truly are is to live your divine destiny.

a spirit approached me and asked me to open my heart to the miracles within. I did and found myself surrounded by a sacred beauty that benefited myself and others.

no matter the direction you take you are walking a path to enlightenment. whether or not you see it and believe in it is up to you.

I am devoted to making my life extraordinary and I do so by embracing those simple blessings that people take for granted. common courtesy and kindness inspire me. a simple smile and a warm embrace empowers me. I have found in the ordinary pockets of beauty and brilliance that have awakened my spirit. I am dedicated to making my life extraordinary.

personal freedom begins the moment we allow ourselves to heal. by making a conscious effort to rid yourself of negative people, places and things you open gateways to a better more beautiful life.

we are born who we are and then society slowly takes away our innocence and does its damndest to form us into something we are not. we spend our lives trying to make it back to who we truly are and some of us never make it home. stand strong. believe in yourself. be different. be weird. be neither a square nor a round peg. be whatever the hell you wish to be. be exactly who you are.

dreams are but realities in waiting and we are beings of light with the ability to end the waiting and give birth to those visions.

I was listening to the voice of spirit talking to my higher self about how sacred and special life is when I was embraced by a radiant light that illuminated all the blessings in my world.

a rewarding life is one that embraces the miraculous in ways that nourish, cultivate and bring joy to every aspect of our existence.

I was on a journey of wholeness when I discovered a path to happiness which led me home to my loving family.

to respect ones own divinity is to open the heart and soul to the wonders of the universe and the miracles of the self.

see your magnificence and use it to activate your blessings and purify your purpose.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One