Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Future will Unfold in Blessed Beautiful Ways


go forth in wonder with comfort, joy, healing and happiness as your companions and the future will unfold in blessed beautiful ways.

we all have the capacity to change. parts of us change every day. it is up to us whether that change is positive. we all have the capacity to love...

the first thing that attracted me to my wife was her intelligence. she is a Phd. I have always gravitated toward intellect. I find it intoxicating. she is an amazing woman. she is an amazing mother. she is an amazing human being. she taught me that love was real and that I was worthy. the moment she came into my life I was forever changed. she vanquished the darkness and brought me into the light. she is my angel.

we find the love within when we trust, respect and appreciate our intrinsic goodness and inspiring greatness.

enrich your daily life with activities that shine a light on the beauty and blessing that you are.

I like to solve mysteries. mysteries of the heart, the soul, the spirit and the self. I am a divine detective on a cosmic case of courageous compassion and celestial consciousness.

I shall on this day connect to the soul in a way which facilitates growth and goodness.

if my heart and soul need cleansing I close my eyes and travel to ancient angelic realms of spirit where I bathe in waters of divine wisdom which make the world around me one of nuturing truths and divine guidance.

when I do those things that are good for my soul I am better able to enjoy life and I am rewarded with happy healing experiences that raise my vibration and awaken my spirit.

my son turned twelve yesterday. I can still remember when he was a baby and I would lay on the couch with him on my chest and we would fall asleep. I would awaken to see him sitting up and playing with his feet while laughing. to this day he still makes my life worth living. he still surprises me. he still makes me laugh. he is a big footed tween with an even bigger heart and I am blessed to have him in my life. when the world is dark he is my light. I love him and every day he tells me that he loves me.

create with courage and intention a path that focuses on the spiritual where you fully enjoy life and yours will be a journey of loving experiences that align with the highest greatest good.

pursue your true calling and the universe will give you a sacred embrace which will activate within you a deep appreciation and reverence for the blessings in your life and the world around you.

a sense of the sacred deep within my heart and soul has in times of suffering brought me peace and comfort which has helped me to grow and blossom into the being of light I am today.

in a moment of deep self discovery I felt the breath of my heart and was inspired to shine my light and share my love.

the spirit and soul reveal themselves in those moments when we take delight in being who we are.

may yours be a joyful journey of good fortune and a divine destiny of spiritual bliss where happiness is your cause, peace is your purpose and love is your path.

with sacred intent and courageous compassion I breathe life into those parts of myself that need healing and happiness arises from within and embraces me with love.

I was talking to my inner truth about life and all its struggle when the light from within my heart showed me visions of all the moments in which I found the courage to be happy. It was then I put the struggles in their place and we began to focus on all the good times in my life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 20, 2022

You Are Here To Love


you are here to love. do that, be that, live that, free that, embrace that, see that, experience that, feel that, know that, accept that, claim that and celebrate that. you are here to love.

I feel greater satisfaction within when I focus on sacred practices that connect with the heartbeat of heaven.

miracles are brought forth and we experience greater happiness when we break free of limitations while embracing possibilities and opportunities.

the simplest things can sometimes have the most powerful impact. smile, laugh, sing, dance, reach out, speak softly, say thank you and say I love you.

a heart inspired is a blessing that opens us to the lightness of our being which brings a beauty most sacred to to every step and every breath we take.

I looked into the mirror one day and saw the face of truth who told me to do that which brings me joy and happiness. I did exactly that and my path became one shaped by joy, light and love.

the more I treat myself with kindness and the more I focus on my complete self the greater my ability to use my sacred senses and connect to the universe.

walk heart first into the world with the belief that there is a freedom in every step which will bring joy and serenity to your life.

the heart of humanity beats within me a song of divine hope and sacred healing that inspires me to be a good person on a good path in which my purpose is to do good.

soul nurturing efforts weave faith into my being which helps me to live my true nature by serving the highest greatest good.

give yourself the freedom to believe in your greatness and then live that greatness. give yourself the freedom to believe in your goodness and then live that goodness. give yourself the freedom.

there are many gifts inside of you waiting to be opened and shared.

the freezing temperatures and significant snow are visiting this weekend and I will respond by sitting at my front window, drinking hot chocolate and reading a good book.

today I will go where inspiration comes from and connect with spirit, communicate with soul and embrace all that is sacred.

the isolation imposed upon us has given me the opportunity to catch up on my reading which has made a considerable contribution to my mental health and well being.

do things of meaning and substance that greatly benefit yourself and others by expressing what is inside of you in sincere sacred ways that lovingly embrace humanity.

I align with the sacred when I light a fire within my heart and share its warmth and love with the world.

nourish and nurture yourself with love and happiness and you will be touched by the light and blessed with a healthier happier more joyful life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 13, 2022

I Breathe My Soul Alive


home for me is a loving nurturing environment and place of sacred light in which I can flourish and thrive as I breathe my soul alive.

know yourself better and you will know what to do to make life better for you.

I had breakfast with the greater good the other day who said in passing that I should go where I feel inspired which I did and not only was I inspired I was also motivated to help others act in kind.

lift your spirits and you not only elevate yourself you elevate the world. we all have the ability to changes lives for the better. open your heart and you not only love yourself...

no matter the struggle I continue to expand and grow for mine is a home in which I am blessed each and every day to breathe in happiness and love.

my truest and highest selves amplify my sacredness by helping me connect to my life energy, evolve into who I truly am and experience fully love and light.

you experience the ethereal when you live your sacred purpose, make the right choices, speak from the heart and bathe in the beauty of your true self.

I was acting beneficially while walking toward self appreciation when I was birthed into a new reality of hope that guided me to a sacred place of faith, freedom and love.

your spirit loves you. my spirit loves you. your soul loves you. my soul loves you. your heart loves you. my heart loves you. you are loved. you are loved. you are loved.

I am deeply grateful for the wisdom of my wife, the compassion of my child and the love I receive each and every day from both of them.

I feel the vibrations of the life force awakening my spirit when I engage in positive practices and make karmic choices which embrace the highest good.

blessings await you. they are not beyond your reach. they are not in hiding. they are all around you. to see them you need only remove the obstacles and roadblocks in your life such as stress, anger, fear... the more things you remove the clearer your vision and the easier it becomes to see what is and has always been all around you. blessings await you.

awake, aware and alive are those blessings of light who believe that they are beautifully formed beings connected to the heavens and earth by a greater purpose and a higher calling.

you can at any moment make an impact that improves the quality of life for yourself and others.

whatever the experience whether it be good or bad I evolve in positive ways for I know that I like you deserve a destiny dictated by blissful realities and sacred blessings.

I have risen from the depths of darkness and depression throughout my life and I will rise from this current struggle with a refreshed spirit and a rejuvenated soul.

compassion and kindness bring people together for they are blessings crafted with love that breath by breath cultivate the sacred.

I was exploring my gifts when I encountered some blessings that helped me create a new path which benefited the heart and soul of who I truly am.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One

Thursday, January 06, 2022

I am Happy and I am at Peace.


I am whole and I am free. the past two years have been a great struggle for all of us. we have had much to endure and overcome. I have survived by rising above my challenges which I have done by focusing on my family. the intelligence strength, courage and beauty of my wife and the innocence, sincerity, brilliance and love of my son. I am happy and I am at peace.

we live on a quiet street in a safe neighborhood. we live on a cul de sac. we are right in the circle part. yesterday it snowed and a group of small children were out front playing in the circle. they were laughing, running and playing happily. when we bought our house eleven years ago the street had small children playing in the circle. those children are now driving cars... one thing ends, there is a transition and another thing begins. thats how I choose to look at life. yesterdays frolic in the snow by the next generation of children is my reminder that things will change and we will once again be happy and joyful.

welcome into your heart what is already there. welcome those simple things that make you laugh and smile. welcome a song and a poem. welcome the morning sun. welcome greater well being. welcome love. welcome into your soul what is already there.

I directed my passion toward my purpose and found my hearts desire sitting comfortably in a place of peace waiting for my arrival.

I try each day to promote happiness. I walk my path with honesty and truth as my companions. I speak my mind and share my thoughts openly. I fill my days with the love of spirit. I try each day to cultivate hope...

my son has the heart of an angel. throughout the day he asks whether I not I have had a good day. he asks it first thing in the morning and before bed at night. he says I love you many times a day which is a blessing because he is honest and sincere. I know when he speaks that I am truly loved. he is my light. he is my world. he is my love. he is my son and we are one. I started the new year with the words have you had a good day and ended the day with the words I love you dad. I am blessed.

let us all do our best this day to cultivate joy for we are vessels of light with the ability to change lives for the better.

the heart is filled with healing energy which when shared creates a happier, healthier more harmonious world.

you help me grow and I will help you grow and together we will help others grow which will create a loving caring community of spiritual growth.

give with me the gift of truth. the truth of hope, the truth of happiness, the truth of laughter, the truth of peace, the truth of bliss, the truth of enlightenment and the truth of love.

I engage in spiritual awakening soul unfolding practices that bring me joy and make mine a life spent in the light.

I will walk this new year with purpose and positive intention. I will be a force of light and love on a mission of hope who encourages great joy and happiness. I will embrace my ethereal existence by living my true calling. I will.

this coming year I will sow seeds of spirit in the garden of my soul from which will grow fruits of peace, freedom, joy and happiness.

healthy choices that facilitate peaceful well being accelerate spiritual evolution in profoundly transformative ways that connect us to the universe.

my life profoundly changed for the better when I met my wife for she brought me into a nurturing environment that nourished my mind, body, spirit, heart and soul.

when I am at my best mine is a blissful blossoming state of being.

today I will engage in activities that activate love. today I will be caring and compassionate. today I will be driven by positive purpose. today I will hold my head high and my arms out. today I will honor my path. today I will receive energy from a higher source. today I will be me happily and unapologetically. today I will enjoy life. today I will greet every person I meet with a song in my heart and a smile on my face. tomorrow I will engage in activities that activate love...

happy new year. I wish you a year of love and light that radiates joy in which you feel more freedom as you achieve the highest greatest good. happy every year.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One