Thursday, August 30, 2018

Bring Forth The Love Within

by living with integrity we bring forth the love within and life becomes a blessing of deeper meaning that serves the highest good.

every day I find one thing that makes me fall in love with life all over again.

for much of my existence depression blocked the way to the pleasures of life.then one day I realized that while my way was blocked the darkness was in fact within my power to move. since then I have been able to open doorways to opportunity, gateways to possibilities and portals to places of pure positive energy.

I fill my well with songs, poems and prayers that quench my thirst for happiness and enrich my life with beauty and bliss.

joyful is the journey where positive change is the purpose and blessings are the reward.

I have climbed many mountains in my life but it was when I stopped long enough to really look at them that I saw their true beauty. now instead of climbing I look, love, experience, appreciate and celebrate what has been right in front of me all along.

awakened is the heart of those who give the gift of light and the blessing of love to everyone they meet.

when I take my son to the Y for swimming on Sundays he likes while waiting for his class to go where the babies are and sit on the floor outside the window and play with them. he puts his hands on the window, smiles, talks to them... he knows their names and looks forward to seeing them each week. when I grow up I want to be just like my son.

every day I work hard to do and be the best I can for great happiness takes great effort.

my breakfast each day consists of a glass of gratitude, a bowl of hope and a plate of happiness.

pure natural love brings awareness to the heart and strengthens the soul with a healing light that benefits this world in beautifully poetic ways.

today I will create a blissful reality of personal richness that paints my world with love.

allow your love to flow freely as this will harmonize and balance your life in ways that benefit yourself and others.

I have never been a political person. I look at all people the same and ask myself a simple question. is this a person I want around my wife or son. if the answer is no then I would not vote for them. I find today that there are far too many people in politics, religion, media... that I would not invite into my home.

in my dreams my outer self and my inner spirit seek ways to help me through my day and when I awake I feel their love guide me through each moment on waves of wisdom.

I opened the doorway to courage and stepped through into fields of awareness and landscapes of love where I claimed with confidence the pleasures of my earthly existence.

kind words from strangers help me grow in confidence. kind words from loved ones help me grow in spirit. today I will make it my purpose to help others grow.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 23, 2018

I Invited Happiness Into My Heart

I invited happiness into my heart and it brought with it good thoughts that made mine a more meaningful life in which I was able to reach out and embrace the love that is my birthright.

pure and divine are those who empower and inspire by living a compassionate existence that embraces people with a kindness which opens the heart to love.

once I realized that the wisdom of my pain could serve the higher good I been to change and grow in uniquely beautiful and divinely beneficial ways.

I was warmly embraced by the sun and kissed by the moon while the stars illuminated my path and the heavens welcomed me home.

wrapped within dreams are stories of triumph which fill our waking lives with tales of transformation when we believe that we have the ability to make those dreams come true.

my tree of life grows in a garden of love by a river of joy where bluebirds of the soul sing sacred songs of spirit.

within the burden of my mental health are pockets of beauty that inspire my creative self to transform pain into works of art and words of love that improve the quality of life.

the spirit whispers songs of light and when I listen closely my life becomes a dance of joy filled with sacred pleasures.

it is difficult when you are immersed in darkness and depression to see the blessings of life but if you stop looking and simply start believing not only in their existence but in your true self then they will begin to unfold along your path and yours will become a life of spiritual transformation.

it is possible if we try hard that we can become better people.

I am faithful to the earth for she is my inspiration and ours is a heart centered love that embraces each and every day with kindness and joy.

let us come together in friendship and create experiences that embrace the sacredness of life by bringing beauty to our world.

whenever you give someone a hug you awaken the life forces and touch the miraculous.

focus your energy on letting love lift you to your dreams where you can use them to shape your destiny into a divinely beautiful reality.

a good laugh has purpose, a loving embrace has meaning and you have within you the ability to make your life and the lives of those around you better and more beautiful.

I am imperfectly inspiring for it is my broken bits that have helped others see the light, it is my scars that have helped people heal and it is my rising from the ashes that has taught others how to light the fire within. let your shortcomings become your strengths and and your struggles become the building blocks of a destiny most profound.

I made peace with the heaven in my heart a long time ago and because of that today I am fully alive, awakened and aware.

one day I opened my heart which had been closed by darkness for so very long and I was touched by a love so beautiful that it transformed my whole world into one of light where I am living happily ever after.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Friday, August 17, 2018

See Clearly How Beautiful And Blessed You Truly Are

let love lift the veil that you may see clearly just how beautiful and blessed you truly are.

you are a survivor. you have had many struggles in life yet you are still here. you have been beaten and broken but through it all have managed to love others. you are stronger than you realize. you are here for a reason. know that you are not alone. know that we who have suffered and survived have within us greatness beyond imagination. I am sending you my light for your light has found its way to me. I am sending you my love for your love has embraced my heart and soul. you are appreciated. you are admired. you are a profound blessing of the highest good. you have survived for a reason and that reason is to be happy.

healing and harmony were walking hand in hand when they passed me on the road of life and I was inspired by the beauty of their love to change the way I walked my path.

every experience is transformative. how these experiences transform us is our choice. by choosing to use difficult times as a source of education and inspiration my world was transformed from one of darkness into one of light.

kindness is a loving act that helps us heal. it is a blessing we bestow upon each other that brings light to our world. it is a momentous act of divine inspiration that transforms life in ways profound. today let us walk our path with kindness.

loving yourself is a beautiful healing gift that awakens the sacred within while enriching every part of your journey greater happiness.

your true essence is love and if you embrace each moment with this reality yours will be a journey of joyful experiences in which you connect deeply with others.

when I share my true self with others I feel joy and pleasure which changes the quality of my life for the better.

enchant your soul with a higher purpose, enrich your spirit with a positive perspective, enlighten your heart with a profound passion and watch your world transform.

I carry with me at all times a box of post traumatic stress which I open when I am feeling down so that I can see what I have survived. this helps me to appreciate the miracle of my existence and know that no matter what knocks me to the ground I will rise up happier and stronger. I put my problems in their place and let them know that I am in control which for me makes all the difference in the world.

a baby laughing is a profound gift whose vibrations of love touch the heart with a joy most sacred and beautiful.

life evolves spiritually when we see its true beauty and open our heart and soul to its warm loving embrace.

my scars are benchmarks on the map of life that have shown me the way to the light that is my destiny.

a passionate heart serves humanity in soul inspiring and thought provoking ways that connect us to the sacred.

I was reaching beyond expectation when the energy of the divine filled me with love which helped me grow into a being of light.

I have never liked bullies. while I might walk away from an altercation myself I would always stand up for those who were being pushed around. my definition of a coward is one who who attacks and abuses those who are unable to defend themselves. it seems to be getting harder these days as their numbers are growing. its no longer the random few. today its people in power. its the people who are supposed to be helping you. its corporations, premiers and presidents. still I say to them you I fear you not for you are weak. I fear you not for you are cowards. I fear you not for you are monsters. knock me down and I will rise up. I am stronger than you for I am a good person. I have never liked bullies but I have always loved myself and others enough to stand my ground proudly. if you have been bullied know that you are loved.

every time I plant a seed of kindness I grow spiritually and every time I grow spiritually I realize that love is my sacred purpose.

loving actions create a flow of positive energy that shines a pure positive light on the beauty and miracle of life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Friday, August 10, 2018

You Are One Of Lifes Greatest Joys

you are one of lifes greatest joys and the angels shine their light when you share that joy with the world.

aliveness and awareness when authentic ignite growth and facilitate healing while awakening all that is sacred and beautiful within.

by opening myself to love mine became a fully realized path of joy and bliss where I experienced the extraordinary beauty of a life that had always been there waiting for me to find my way home.

waves of joy and happiness wash over us when with an open heart we live and love fully.

love completely in meaningful ways that nurture the universe within yourself and others as this will elevate every aspect of your world.

have a compassionate soulful conversation with your true self and you will discover the greatness within which will help you to experience more love and light in your life.

inspire your world by opening all portals to love and letting in the light that all may see clearly the beauty and blessing of your sacred radiant self.

if you truly believed how uniquely special and amazingly beautiful you are yours would be an inspiring journey of transformation and unparalleled happiness.

I enjoy activities in which I experience life in compassionate ways that affirm my intentions and awaken the lightness of my being.

there is something amazing about you. there is something sacred, beautiful and brilliant about you. there is something sweet and gentle that touches the soul about you. there is something kind, caring and compassionate about you. I love everything about you.

pray with me at the altar of love for a world of light where we as sacred beings live happily in peaceful harmony.

I received a call from spirit asking me to use my blissful bountiful gifts to serve humanity and my answer was yes.

you are the essence of love and by believing this truth and immersing yourself in its beauty you create a unique vibration that opens gateways to joy and abundance.

I have chose to make uniquely beautiful karmic choices and have been rewarded in richly diverse ways that embrace the light and fill my life with love.

it is hard to take care of yourself when you are so busy taking care of others. today take the time to rest, relax and wrap yourself in grace and beauty. nourish your needs and nourish your desires. connect with your true self. let go if but for a moment of everybody's pain and use your loving energy to ease your own suffering. you are extraordinary your are having a positive lasting impact on the lives of others. the time has arrived to take care of you. I believe in you and my heart and soul are always with you. you have my love as I have yours. smile and love yourself as only you can.

open your mind, body and soul to your hearts true purpose which is a life in which every moment is blessed with a deep love that illuminates your ethereal essence.

make it your intention to open as many hearts as possible and yours will be a path immersed in love and nourished with happiness.

connect to the love that resides within your heart and soul by communicating its profound beauty and sharing its divine blessings.

while making my way through yesterday I opened the door for an elderly person, smiled at a stranger, stood up for a mother and child, gave my seat to a pregnant woman and gave my son a hug. life is what we make it so why not make it something beautiful.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 02, 2018

I Am Blessed And I Am Loved

I am blessed and I am loved. these two things are the keys to my survival. they are my inspiration. until I opened my heart and let them in my life was dark and depressing. the moment I said yes and invited them home everything changed. I am at this time in my life the happiest I have ever been for I am blessed and I am loved.

with guidance and wisdom from the heart I approach this day with love as my profoundly beautiful path and purpose.

make an effort today to be a better person. a better friend, a better partner, a better father and a better human being. let kindness, compassion, joy and happiness be your intention. sing, dance, smile and laugh. open your heart to the beauty of life. today make the choice to be a better person.

the light within is always on. the darkness you experience is but a manifestation of your fears, phobias and insecurities. let go of those negative influences and yours will be a sacred journey immersed in the sunshine of spirit.

spiritual friendships are gifts that open the heart to healing energies which enlighten our journey with love.

remember to love yourself today. take time to show yourself just how special you are. dance in the light of your miraculous beauty as you embrace the magnificence of your true sacred essence. remember to love yourself today.

we have within us compassionate energies which when shared builds bridges of spirit that lead us to places of pure positive love and happiness.

embody the sacred and yours will be a positive personal path that is filled with blessings of love and light.

we are higher dimensional beings whose true life purpose is to guide and inspire ourselves and others to be the love that is our divine destiny.

open the door to the house of self love and you will discover beauty beyond the ordinary that embraces your mystical journey with pure positive vibrations of happiness and bliss.

it is with divine intent that I share my light and it is with sacred purpose that I share my love for I am a unique and powerful messenger of spirit.

our heart carries within it beautiful messages of spirit which unfold into our lives whenever we hear and say the words I love you.

beautiful being of light you are a gift of spirit that touches the soul of humanity and you are loved.

you are worthy and if you see yourself as such you attract greater opportunities and possibilities into your life that help you evolve more effectively.

I opened the gateway to my natural self and ventured within where I discovered that mine was a remarkable life and I was truly blessed.

compassion has enormous benefits for it blesses us with waves of love that wash away worries and replace them with moments of hope and happiness.

beautifully inspiring are those precious moments when someones kindness reaches into the centre of your being and embraces you with love.

you are a blessing of celestial beauty whose powerful healing energy nurtures, nourishes and supports those fortunate enough to experience the miracle of your true sacred self.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One