Friday, August 10, 2018

You Are One Of Lifes Greatest Joys

you are one of lifes greatest joys and the angels shine their light when you share that joy with the world.

aliveness and awareness when authentic ignite growth and facilitate healing while awakening all that is sacred and beautiful within.

by opening myself to love mine became a fully realized path of joy and bliss where I experienced the extraordinary beauty of a life that had always been there waiting for me to find my way home.

waves of joy and happiness wash over us when with an open heart we live and love fully.

love completely in meaningful ways that nurture the universe within yourself and others as this will elevate every aspect of your world.

have a compassionate soulful conversation with your true self and you will discover the greatness within which will help you to experience more love and light in your life.

inspire your world by opening all portals to love and letting in the light that all may see clearly the beauty and blessing of your sacred radiant self.

if you truly believed how uniquely special and amazingly beautiful you are yours would be an inspiring journey of transformation and unparalleled happiness.

I enjoy activities in which I experience life in compassionate ways that affirm my intentions and awaken the lightness of my being.

there is something amazing about you. there is something sacred, beautiful and brilliant about you. there is something sweet and gentle that touches the soul about you. there is something kind, caring and compassionate about you. I love everything about you.

pray with me at the altar of love for a world of light where we as sacred beings live happily in peaceful harmony.

I received a call from spirit asking me to use my blissful bountiful gifts to serve humanity and my answer was yes.

you are the essence of love and by believing this truth and immersing yourself in its beauty you create a unique vibration that opens gateways to joy and abundance.

I have chose to make uniquely beautiful karmic choices and have been rewarded in richly diverse ways that embrace the light and fill my life with love.

it is hard to take care of yourself when you are so busy taking care of others. today take the time to rest, relax and wrap yourself in grace and beauty. nourish your needs and nourish your desires. connect with your true self. let go if but for a moment of everybody's pain and use your loving energy to ease your own suffering. you are extraordinary your are having a positive lasting impact on the lives of others. the time has arrived to take care of you. I believe in you and my heart and soul are always with you. you have my love as I have yours. smile and love yourself as only you can.

open your mind, body and soul to your hearts true purpose which is a life in which every moment is blessed with a deep love that illuminates your ethereal essence.

make it your intention to open as many hearts as possible and yours will be a path immersed in love and nourished with happiness.

connect to the love that resides within your heart and soul by communicating its profound beauty and sharing its divine blessings.

while making my way through yesterday I opened the door for an elderly person, smiled at a stranger, stood up for a mother and child, gave my seat to a pregnant woman and gave my son a hug. life is what we make it so why not make it something beautiful.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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