Thursday, August 23, 2018

I Invited Happiness Into My Heart

I invited happiness into my heart and it brought with it good thoughts that made mine a more meaningful life in which I was able to reach out and embrace the love that is my birthright.

pure and divine are those who empower and inspire by living a compassionate existence that embraces people with a kindness which opens the heart to love.

once I realized that the wisdom of my pain could serve the higher good I been to change and grow in uniquely beautiful and divinely beneficial ways.

I was warmly embraced by the sun and kissed by the moon while the stars illuminated my path and the heavens welcomed me home.

wrapped within dreams are stories of triumph which fill our waking lives with tales of transformation when we believe that we have the ability to make those dreams come true.

my tree of life grows in a garden of love by a river of joy where bluebirds of the soul sing sacred songs of spirit.

within the burden of my mental health are pockets of beauty that inspire my creative self to transform pain into works of art and words of love that improve the quality of life.

the spirit whispers songs of light and when I listen closely my life becomes a dance of joy filled with sacred pleasures.

it is difficult when you are immersed in darkness and depression to see the blessings of life but if you stop looking and simply start believing not only in their existence but in your true self then they will begin to unfold along your path and yours will become a life of spiritual transformation.

it is possible if we try hard that we can become better people.

I am faithful to the earth for she is my inspiration and ours is a heart centered love that embraces each and every day with kindness and joy.

let us come together in friendship and create experiences that embrace the sacredness of life by bringing beauty to our world.

whenever you give someone a hug you awaken the life forces and touch the miraculous.

focus your energy on letting love lift you to your dreams where you can use them to shape your destiny into a divinely beautiful reality.

a good laugh has purpose, a loving embrace has meaning and you have within you the ability to make your life and the lives of those around you better and more beautiful.

I am imperfectly inspiring for it is my broken bits that have helped others see the light, it is my scars that have helped people heal and it is my rising from the ashes that has taught others how to light the fire within. let your shortcomings become your strengths and and your struggles become the building blocks of a destiny most profound.

I made peace with the heaven in my heart a long time ago and because of that today I am fully alive, awakened and aware.

one day I opened my heart which had been closed by darkness for so very long and I was touched by a love so beautiful that it transformed my whole world into one of light where I am living happily ever after.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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