Thursday, October 28, 2021

Love is an Ethereal Blessing that Unites Us All


we foster connectedness when we communicate with love for love is an ethereal blessing that unites us all.

a smile serves humanity, a hug serves humanity and a simple sincere desire to serve humanity serves humanity.

I like to listen to the beat of my heart for within it is a sacred mantra and healing prayer which brings a piece of heaven into my home.

this planet and its people are in need of healing and that healing begins when we put away our prejudices, throw away our ignorance and commit to opening hearts, minds, body and souls to true kindness, compassion, unity, harmony and love.

divine reality expands when we embrace honesty, explore the spirit within and embody our deepest truth while expressing a commitment to all that is ethereal.

let yourself blossom by living your true purpose and loving your higher self.

I like whenever possible to look within for a simple glimpse of the soul heightens awareness and fills my day with messages of hope that bring me peace of mind.

every experience good or bad is a life enhancing experience if we learn from it.

positive energy flows with kindness and compassion out into the world when we support our intentions with actions that motivate, elevate and inspire.

I heard a conversation about a conversation that inspired people to converse about things that needed addressing which then opened up new avenues of thought that created endless conversations about what to do until a child overheard and asked why instead of sitting around talking about these things didnt they actually go out and do something about it. then one of them said she is right we should talk about this. such is life.

with compassionate intent step fully into life in ways that touch the sacred and yours will be a journey of many blessings in which you reach higher levels of living, loving and being.

my path, purpose and destiny have always been to connect with the soul, shine the light of truth, facilitate well being, create an atmosphere of caring, inspire, empower, motivate, elevate, transform and transcend. for me it has never been about completion it has been about having thoughts, ideas, actions and intention that serve the greater good. all the hope and happiness in my life are a direct result of my unwavering faith in my belief that we all are deserving of peace, joy and love.

within the core of my being are personal treasures of pure loving energy that I distribute throughout my day to those in need of a sweet gentle hug from spirit.

the more positive the feelings I express the more loving the moments I experience and the more balanced and beautiful my life becomes.

I had a visit from something called normal the other day and I had to tell them I had no idea who they were. They insisted they were once part of my life and that we got along well. they asked if they could come in and talk about the past and I said you can come in but I prefer we talk about the future. We had a nice long conversation. I think we will be great friends and one day I will remember what normal was, what normal is and what normal can be in the future.

I experience a profound state of peace every time I use my spiritual gifts for the benefit and betterment of all.

I heard the voice of mother earth one day whispering words of wisdom strong and vibrant that compelled me to do my utmost to help her to be happy and healthy.

mine became a more loving world when I started to live in heart based ways in sync with my soul that changed my way of thinking at a spiritual level.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, October 21, 2021

A Cosmic Carpenter on a Celestial Path


I carry with me a spiritual toolbox which I use to tighten, loosen, repair, take apart, put together and build a life I can be proud of for I am a cosmic carpenter on a celestial path.

by making what flows from within a source of goodness and greatness our life becomes a beautiful bountiful garden of grace where love and happiness bloom.

contentment, peace and genuine happiness come over and convey messages of love to me whenever I am in need for I realized long ago that they are and always have been part of my past, present and future waiting for the moment I would invite them into my heart and soul which I did. I am blessed.

happiness is our sacred birthright and we claim it by being exactly who we are which is a being of light, born of love whose divine destiny is bliss.

extraordinary is the exploration and experience of life when with divine integrity and sacred intention we as adventurers of spirit make it our purpose to live well, love well and be happy.

if I am to set an example I prefer that example be love for being loving brings balance, beauty, bliss and blessings into my life.

I can, I have and I will again for I am a warrior of spirit who believes in himself.

pure love and angelic inspiration are but two of the blessings in my life that have helped me to make enlightened choices which have brought me greater joy and happiness.

in those times when certain realities of life have made me feel isolated and alone I have seen my way through by reaching beyond the physical into sacred realms of loving light which embraced me with healing energy and divine guidance.

I spent the day once being extraordinary which I accomplished by walking hand in hand with compassion and kindness through fields of clarity and common sense to wellsprings of joy.

powerfully sacred and spiritually oriented are they who bring light to the world simply by being who they truly are.

when I focus on helping myself it helps me focus on helping others which inspires me to actually help my myself and that moves me to actually help others.

take time to focus on yourself today as doing so will elevate the soul, strengthen the spirit and inspire the heart. the more love we show ourselves the more love we bring forth into the world.

we have every day the opportunity to serve and impact humanity in positive ways that make the world a better place.

I like to dress my wounds, sometimes in casual clothing and sometimes in elegant evening wear. I do this because I have learned in life that how you react to suffering determines how you not only survive your struggles but also how you rise above them.

we all have extraordinary gifts and if we use them to make better choices that serve us, others and the highest good our life becomes one of unique experiences that enrich, enlighten and empower.

be aware of and open to spirit for spirit gives us messages every day that have the power to heal.

I have created within my heart and soul a sacred place of joyous freedom where I go whenever life becomes too much for it awakens healing blessings of spirit which help me to make better choices as I move forward on my path.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Today is a Day of Celebration


today is a holiday. today is a celebration. today is sacred. so today I have invited appreciation, awareness, awakening, ascension, transformation, transcendence, enlightenment, compassion, kindness, love and gratitude over for dinner to give thanks that we have each other and for that we are blessed.

open your mind, body, spirit, soul and loving heart to this world as well as other realms and dimensions and say thank you.

look closely at yourself in the mirror and you should experience the divine because you are a sacred soul of beauty and blessings who is worthy of joy, happiness, light and love.

I try each day to make sure I say to myself and send to others as many life and love affirming messages as possible.

life is a celebration and today I will celebrate the goodness of spirit as I joyously drink from the well of love.

I was listening to the sacred song of my soul and realized that I kept hearing the words thank you which reminded me of all the blessings I have in my life including the fact that I have a soul. thank you.

I am thankful for every breath, every moment, every blessing, every spirit, every soul, every angel, every song, every dance, every poem and every person in my life for all have taught me something that has given me the courage to beautifully craft a path for myself that I can be proud of. thank you. thank you. thank you!

awaken your spiritual energies by following moonbeams to miracles and sunshine to all that is sacred.

I have been in previous incarnations and in fact in every incarnation a being of light empowered by a life of love and it is that realization which has given me the power to transcend and transform.

we are all blessed and when we accept and appreciate this truth we achieve greater heights that serve the greater good.

fully awaken to the joy of love for it is then that you will discover how gifted a human and sacred being you truly are.

enchanted is the forest of life and enlightened am I when I shine a light on its beauty and blessings for doing so affords me a vision of a better brighter future.

when I see the joy in others grow a spark of joy emerges from within my soul that lights the way for me and for that I am truly grateful. thank you.

life disappoints me and when I was young that disappointment would immerse me in the depths and darkness of depression. today when life disappoints me I am able to look at my blessings which gives me a positive perspective and I am able to see with clarity the love and light that truly surrounds me.

there is a light shining forth from within and we are better able to see that light and share it with others when we believe in and love who we are.

let us have a global conversation about offering kindness to each other, creating a loving nurturing environment and connecting with this world and beyond in a manner that is safe, serene and sacred.

I live my life in poems and prayers that immerse me in waves of light which embrace my heart, expend my spirit and enrich my soul.

because I believe in a better tomorrow I do my best today to make profound changes that will impact my life and the lives of those I love in positive ways.

if you want to better serve your life you must first better serve yourself for you worthy, you are enough, you are beautiful and you are blessed. Loving who we are gives us the strength and courage necessary to make a positive contribution to the world.

a living breathing work of art known to those who loved him as Dragan passed away yesterday. he was a brilliant beautiful soul who will be missed. he was an original, authentic, weird, wonderful, sweet and creative being of light. a big puppy with a big heart. I say to Dragan we will meet again one day in an art gallery in the heavens. I look forward to that day.

I will not say goodbye my friend I will but say hello for we will meet again my friend on this celestial road.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, October 07, 2021

One of the positive effects of kindness is that when giving or receiving we blossom into beauty.


one of the positive effects of kindness is that when giving or receiving we blossom into beauty.

be a force for good. be a force for the highest greatest good. be good. be.

there is satisfaction within and that satisfaction embraces us with healing blessings when we are appreciative of the true sacred beauty of who we are.

liberation begins when we break free of self imposed limitations.

home for me is a sacred place of beauty where love flows freely. a place of deep well being and souful generosity. a place of positive energy and blessings. a place of light where you evolve beyond your struggles. home for me is a heaven of ones own creation where every day is a miracle. welcome home.

I sometimes like to walk between worlds because by doing so I discover blessings of great beauty in the periphery of life that I may have missed otherwise.

when you heal yourself you heal others and when you heal others you open the world to blessings and miracles that make life more deeply satisfying.

remarkable is the adventure of life when you let your light shine and your love grow.

if you can find gifts in every experience whether good or bad then you can find true spiritual happiness in life.

caring and compassion provide me with the healing energy necessary to make my way through the stress, strife and struggles of life.

I was hanging out with the greater good one day discussing how to create a beautiful life when wholeness and happiness walked up and asked if they could give me a hug, it was then that we realized the way to create a beautiful life is to be fully aware and appreciative of the beautiful things you already have in your life.

the merging of heart, mind, body and soul improves the quality of life by inspiring us to move forward in compassionate ways with common sense as our companion and celestial caring as our guide.

within each and every heart you will find wisdom of the ages and wisdom of the sages which when the heart is opened fully will awaken you in beautifully transformative ways.

I carry with me at all times hope for this world for I not only believe that we deserve better, I also believe that we can do better.

children inspire me to laugh and smile when they play which gives me a cosmic clarity that allows me to see unobstructed by stress and struggle the true beauty, blessings and miracles in my life.

to be spiritually responsible is to be one who through thought, intention and action contributes to making ours a brighter, more beautiful and better world.

a smile is an expression of light that nurtures, nourishes and connects us all to the true beauty of life.

I try to live in sacred ways that embrace the beauty of my spirit and the glory of my soul which for me has been the key to the blissful blessings that have become my life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One