Friday, October 05, 2012

The Call of Spirit

An Extraordinary Transformation is happening within the Heart of the Earth. People are beginning to feel the Call of Spirit stronger than ever before and are acting in ways both Kind and Compassionate. There is more Love in the Universe than at any other Time in History. Feel the Love, Live the Love, Share the Love and Be the Love.

Listen to the Tribal Drumbeat in your Soul and allow the Ancients to take you on a Unique Spiritual Journey. The Wisdom of the Ancestors is within us waiting for us to Embrace their Knowledge and Change our World for the Better.

Love Inspires Harmonious Connections. Love Plants Seeds of Positive Thought. Love creates Miraculous Transformations. Love invites the Heart to Open and the Spirit to Rise. Love is the Higher Path to Destiny. Love is Who We are Born to Be. I Love You.

Extraordinary Moments are made by Ordinary People. We are Born with Greatness. We are Born with the Ability to Change lives. Light the way for others by showing Compassion for all Humanity and Sharing your Gifts in a way that Helps the Planet. The time has come to Spread your Wings and do something Extraordinary.

Today is a new Day. A new Opportunity to Inspire others. A chance to Ignite new Possibilities and Guide people toward Enlightenment. A chance to show your Love in a way that Touches all people. Today is a new Day.

Cultivate your Spiritual Gifts by Dreaming the Impossible and Living a Thoughtful and Inspiring Life. We have a Global Responsibility and by Living our Spiritual Vision we begin to Create a Community of Hope and Happiness where Peace and Freedom are Realities.

Blessed are they who Walk in Beauty. Bold and Magnificent are they who Light the Candle of Love. We all have something Miraculous to Share. Gift the World with that which makes you Special.

Let our Collective Vision be a Healing Prayer that Contributes to a better World for every Living thing. Earth is a Home we Share not Own.

Awaken to the Mystic Fire within your Soul and it will Inspire you to make a Sacred Contract with the Mother of all Life that Aligns your Spirit with Love.

We are Cosmic Brothers and Sisters expanding the Boundaries of Existence by sharing Messages of Light and Connecting with Heaven and Earth.

Prayers of Love are a Gift that Generates Positivity and makes the Soul come Alive. Love is the Foundation upon which the House of Happiness is built. Pray yourself Home.

We raise our Spiritual Intelligence when we approach our Life with Grace and Gratitude.

Sacredness is Kindness. Holiness is Compassion. Divinity is Caring. Happiness is Love.

Belief is a Choice. I choose to Believe that Life is Sacred and that the Holy Waters of Heaven will one day Cleanse my Soul and call me Home.

The Universe is Alive and We are Blessed to have been Born of Love in a Time where Heart and Soul connect. Live the Love that is your Essence and Share that Love with the Universe. We are the Light, We are the Love and We are the Miracle that will Transform the World.

Let us Embrace the Gifts in every Moment and the Divine in every Breath. It is when we Realize that We are the greatest Miracle that we Touch the Face of God.

Like petals on a Flower each morning we Rise to the Heavens for it is in that Angelic Garden that we may Immerse ourselves in the Soul of Love.

We Blossom into Beauty when we look outside ourselves and Truly See the Blessings that surround Us.

Give your Life to Love for every time we Love with all our Heart we take an Evolutionary Leap which brings us that much closer to Heaven.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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