Friday, June 21, 2013

Life Is A Remarkable Gift

Thoughtfulness Creates Inspiration. Mindfulness Creates Transformation. Kindness Creates Liberation. The more Positive Energy You Create the more Beautiful a World this Becomes.

Life is a Remarkable Gift and those who Appreciate it and Happily show their Appreciation are the Ones that get the most out of it. Greet this Day with Gratitude and the World will Thank You.

I can see the Earth in your Eyes. Your Body is a Flower that Blooms when Watered with Love. You are Sacred. You are Divine. You are Lifes Greatest Gift. You are Woman. I Love You.

Life is a Guided Exploration of Awareness and Healing. If we Listen to the Voice within it will lead us to a Limitless Sea of Light where we can float Joyously on Waves of Love.

Joyous are they who are Engaged Spiritually for they Create Positive Change through Acts of Love and Kindness with Respect for the Planet and All Living Things.

The Essence of You has a Miraculous Glow which Inspires and Uplifts. Live your Truth and Love who You are for You are a Gift and by Loving yourself more Deeply you will Shine all the Brighter.

in spiritual reverence i share my loving light for this is who i am and who i am meant to be. the greatest thing you can do in life is be who you are. not who somebody else believes you should be. conformity and compromise of self diminish who we are. acknowledgement and acceptance of true self celebrates who we are. be who you are.

Nurture your Dreams with Self Awareness and Inner Peace. Live Consciously and Love Beyond Words for within You is a Divine Fire that will Guide you to a Heightened State of Existence the Moment you Truly Stop to Smell the Flower of Life.

Look closely at your Reflection and you will see Realities that will Empower and Transform your Life.

Life is a Sacred Song of Opportunity and Possibility and those who Benefit the most are the ones who Embrace the Truth and Dance to the Music.

In Meaningful Silence I Open my Spirit to the Energy of Love that I may Shape my Destiny, Know my Bliss and Live my Divine Truth.

If you Live with the Highest Intent and Experience yourself as Love, Compassion and Kindness you will Inspire the World and Light the Universe.

Ignite the Fire of your Spirit with Creative Thinking. Think in Song, Think in Words and Think in Pictures. Life is Art. We are Art. Let us Paint the Earth with Smiles and Sing the Heavens Alive.

be honest. be caring. be kind. be compassionate. be loving. if you are a reader be honest. if you are a lightworker be caring. if you are a psychic be kind. if you are a healer be compassionate. if you are a shaman be loving. be honest. be caring. be kind. be compassionate. be loving.

Gods and Goddesses Awake. Wake up and let the Sunshine of Truth Transform you into Divinity. Passionately Believe that You are a Higher Being and You will Ascend for to Connect with your Sacred Self is to become Truly Alive.

Embedded in the Heart of the Sacred are Words of Wisdom to Guide us to become Better Human Beings. We are all Sacred with Poetry inside us to help us Blossom into Beautiful Beings of Light and Love. Live your Sacredness.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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