Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hear Your Angels And Let Them Guide You

hear your angels and let them guide you with the pure light of love to a place of spiritual abundance where you can change your life for the better as you make heartfelt connections and step into the sacred.

live your best life by clearing and cleansing for it is by removing the negatives in our life that we create a garden filled with love where truth and beauty grow.

i celebrate those blessedly human beings of light whose lives are dedicated to loving service for they are the ones who create positive change and gift the world with hope and inspiration.

mine is an evolving world committed to spiritual growth and thought provoking perspective. i am a holistic traveler on a journey of greater understanding where i live my own truth and create my own magick. i am an infinite being of compassionate tenderness and i love you.

extraordinary is the voice of spirit and if we truly listen ours will become a life of balance and harmony in which we empower and heal ourself as we create new possibilities and divinely unfold.

align with your purpose and you will create a rich inner life of triumphant spirit. embrace the fullness of your being and you will change your energy and fill your days with extraordinary experiences. positive transformation comes from positive choices. let yours be a divine reality of your choosing.

when we make positive life choices we infuse our mind, body and soul with positive pure energy that lights a new path as it fills our very essence with deep joy and gratitude.

within you is a beneficial place of compassionate spirit where great love and respect blossom. look within and set free the beauty of your true and sacred self.

the way you see your life dictates the way you live your life. think positive and your thoughts will manifest actions that inspire growth and lead you along a path of self discovery. see your life as a beautiful gift and yours will be a heartfelt exploration of spirit where every moment is a transformative experience.

may we all come together as one on an inspirational voyage through life in which we touch the world in profound and positive ways as we transform lives and fill our hearts and souls with sunbeams.

look with clarity at the world and see all of the possibilities and opportunities. open your heart and soul to your greatness and glory and yours will be a profound awakening of insight and understanding. our world and our being transform when we truly see, accept and love who we are.

your life is a beautiful mosaic of experiences to remember. look back at the beauty of those moments that made you smile, laugh, sing, dance, live and love for they are the gifts that made you the magnificent being you are today.

positive life choices spark the energy within creating a light of truth that guides and empowers. stand in the light of your greatness and watch as you connect with spirit and your whole world transforms.

to achieve spiritual growth one need only help others move forward for it is through kindness that the soul shines, through compassion that the spirit soars and through love that the heart embraces the heavens.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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