Thursday, April 16, 2015

Where Hope Meets Happiness

come with me to a place where hope meets happiness and we will embrace life in delightful ways. let us engage in the exceptional as we immerse ourselves in the joy of being. let us manifest the magickal as we create miracles. come with me to a place where heart meets soul and we will love life in ethereal ways.

to radically change your life embrace the spirit of exploration. embark upon a journey within and discover the beauty of your true and scared self. go where the divine dances and nurture yourself with the light of the love within. inside each and every soul are profoundly inspirational truths that enrich and enlighten. change is a choice and the time has come for you to choose.

you have within you the inspiration to empower. awaken to your true self and surrender to the divine. live more completely and love more fully. you are capable of great things and the moment you believe in and embrace your magnificence you will embark upon a path of transcendence and transformation.

with the help of angels walk a path of spirit and allow your soul to take evolutionary steps of enlightenment. do this and yours will be a journey of bliss where you experience sacred revelations and yours becomes a love that heals.

we are beautifully crafted beings designed to inspire and if we walk towards our spirituality with love as our guide ours will be a transcendent reality of joyous embodiment that leads to happiness.

love yourself fully for from that love will blossom an uplifting, meaningful and encouraging environment where every day you are guided by love, life and wisdom to a happiness both sacred and sublime.

true self realization opens the heart center and empowers the spirit. the more we know and love who we are the more likely the essence of our divinity will guide us to pure natural joy.

i am a seeker of secrets, a healing channel, an explorer of greater spirituality and a messenger of clear intention. i see every moment as an opportunity for awakening. i am the ancient one.

be a catalyst for change for with change comes awakening experiences and higher truths that awaken the soul and inspire profound transformation.

to embrace the richness of the soul and the wisdom of your higher self is to spread love and light as you elevate your world to a place of truth and beauty that spiritually benefits all.

we create who we are and when we live our life from a place of love we create something motivating, inspiring and beautiful beyond words.

surround yourself with beauty and set free the love alive within for you are something truly special and yours is an illuminated heart meant to light the way for yourself and every soul you touch.

be an inspiration to others. you are a loving being heaven sent and by embracing your truth you open heart and soul that all may see your sacred beauty and be empowered to discover their own glory and greatness. be an inspiration to yourself.

there is peace and kindness within which radiates a healing light that embraces the heavens whenever we immerse ourself in sacred self love. the more we love who we are the more the universe will smile uon us and the more joy and happiness we will experience.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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