Thursday, December 15, 2016

Our World is filled with Miracles and Truths

our world is filled with miracles and truths and by believing in and exploring these blessings we grow in amazing ways as our lives become a joyful celebration of divine light and love.

once we are aware of and believe that we have the ability to live the destiny of our choice ours becomes an extraordinary journey of light where in every moment we experience feelings of joy.

we evolve the soul when we embrace the metaphysical aspects of life as doing so allows us to live more authentically while opening us to the powerful healing energy of our sacred self.

compassionate awareness and care for yourself and others is at core of who you are and by living your divine purpose you create waves of positive energy that shift and change your life in miraculous ways.

share your wonderful soul nurturing gifts as this will light the sacred fire within which will guide you to higher vibrational realms where you may discover the truth and beauty of who you are.

improve the quality of your life by cultivating self acceptance as this will create a path of spiritual heart centered growth in which you are bathed in pure love and light.

a practical spiritual approach to life connects us to angelic realms making ours a joyful heart centered path of divine intent that embraces the light as it serves the highest good.

you have within you a radiant brilliance which is motivating , inspiring and empowering. live it, love it and set it free that all the universe may experience the glory of who you are.

expect miracles for the expectation of the sacred combined with sincere and honest belief is a transformative and empowering blessing which leads to pathways of healing and high vibrational realms.

may yours be a joy centered life of bountiful blessings where you weave a golden thread of spirit that celebrates the sacred and inspires the world to see how truly beautiful you are.

transform your consciousness by looking at life through eyes of spirit as this will give you the freedom to be you and to live your life in amazing miraculous ways.

with power of intention live your beauty in a way that illuminates your radiant gifts and spirit as this is a gesture of self love that serves the good of all.

i wish you a life well lived. a life in which your path is purpose filled. a life of empathic blessings. a life where the soul is alive with positive energy. a life of sacred healing moments. a life of divine beauty. i wish you a life well loved.

connect with your truth and you empower yourself in a way that stimulates mindfulness, vitality and strength thereby opening gateways to higher levels of love and light.

greet this day with joy for to do so is to shine a caring light that opens you to blessings from the universe and messages from heaven.

your heart is an authentic and honest place of pure love and by believing in its truth and beauty you bring good energy to your world as you serve the light.

within each of us is wellness and a deeper sense of love which when explored and embraced creates a spiritual awareness that inspires us to move through the cosmos with courage and confidence.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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