Thursday, May 18, 2017

Become the Way of Life you Desire

become the way of life you desire by walking a path of powerful self expression and sacred lovingkindness where every step is a positive affirmation in which you rise from the soul to the heart of who you truly are.

may ours be a spiritually oriented and love minded community of virtuous liberation in which we manifest goodness as we live our sacredness.

every moment is significant and worthwhile. every moment is an opportunity for positive action. seize not the moment but instead embrace it with love and yours will be a heart centered journey home to your sacred self.

ours becomes a free authentic life of new realities and meaningful endeavors when we see our own divinity for it is awareness of our sacredness that releases us from the burdens of life.

the energy of our words create meaning and change for they are blessings that we as angels on earth bestow upon our brothers and sisters.

align with your higher purpose by opening your heart to the glory of your existence and yours will be a fulfilling and meaningful path of purpose that leads you into the light.

visualize for yourself a new life that is more satisfying and then thoughtfully craft that image into a reality that is good and right where your spirit roams free across this beautiful universe.

fully embrace the angelic radiance of life and yours will be an adventure of spirit that leads to higher levels of happiness.

once you accept that there is something greater than yourself a path of loving kindness unfolds before you and shines a bright light on the beautiful mystical garden of love, peace, happiness and joy that is your destiny.

you gain spiritual awareness and grow in love when you embrace the heart of mother earth in meaningful and powerful ways that deepen your awareness and inspire change.

with the help of your angels, spirits and guides craft mindfully a life of significant impact and extraordinary kindness that loves you back.

awaken your soul to the light within and you will raise your vibration as you see clearly your divine spirit in all its glory.

you have within you esoteric gifts, deep soul wisdom and spiritual powers which are released into the world when you truly love who you are.

a compassionate heart of unity and love opens gateways of connection to the divine treasures of life and positive energy fields where we may experience the beauty of the celestial dance of life.

the soul sends us signs and by reading those signs and following their guidance we are rewarded with revelations that inspire.

kindness and generosity nourish the spirit which opens us to oceans of energy and experiences that awaken the love within.

explore new paths and dimensions for it is through exploration of life that we discover the extraordinary and see the light.

a spirit centered approach to life raises the quality of awareness and creates a flow of sacred energy that enables us to be our true authentic self.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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