Thursday, January 11, 2018

Look into the Hearts of Others

whenever I look into the hearts of others I see not only their true beauty but my own and at that moment I inhale the breath of life and immerse myself in the glory of the universe.

I was watching the news last when it occurred to me - WHY - why am I torturing myself with all this negativity, so I turned off the tv, kissed my wife, embraced my son and smiled at the blessings that surround me.

the time has come to awaken into your true destiny and live the light and love that are your sacred birthright.

make a sacred space in your heart and fill it with joy as this will release vibrations from within that will guide you in ways that help you heal as you begin to delight in your destiny.

I hope you see with clarity just how beautiful you are and how miraculous life truly is for you are a unique and precious blessing.

life is a special gift and by living beautifully and positively we share that gift with the world as we awaken the joy within the core of our being.

we are a community of light beings with extraordinary capabilities living a life of spirit.

a parent sees clearly the beauty of life in the face of their children for the miracle of youth is that every moment is a revelation that lifts them toward their dreams.

we enrich our life not only by having self esteem but also by having soul esteem.

as I grow into who I am my heart and soul become one and I begin to see with clarity the blessings and miracles in my life.

all lives are meaningful and when we open ourselves to this truth we awaken our heart and life becomes a beautiful healing journey of happiness.

I am deeply grateful for all those who share their sparkle for they are blessings that light up my life and inspire me to walk a path of goodness and grace.

true bliss is the reward we receive from the universe when we share the beauty within the womb of our soul with every person we are blessed to encounter on our sacred journey.

today contribute something beautiful to the world. a smile, a loving embrace, an act of kindness... today take into your heart all the unique gifts and sacred treasures life has to offer. today awaken into your aliveness.

beautiful is the flower within that blossoms when with honesty and sincerity we say the words I love you.

breathe life into your world by respecting yourself and scattering blessings along your path that elevate every part of your sacred being.

our hearts unite and our souls rejoice when we make it our purpose to live peacefully and love unconditionally.

we experience blessings on our path every day but we don't always see them. open your eyes to the divine beauty of life and you will begin to recognize the miracles and magic that surrounds you.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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