Thursday, May 10, 2018

Luminous Landscapes Of Ethereal Ecstasy

to find your place in the universe engage in practices of sacred self care as this will inspire spirit to gently guide you to luminous landscapes of ethereal ecstasy and deeply nourishing oceans of love.

walk with spirit and yours will be a rich and meaningful life of energy and embodiment where in unique and original ways you unleash the greatness within.

there are within you beautiful sacred spaces free from suffering where soul and spirit await your arrival home.

the greatest possible realities present themselves when we create profoundly healthy relationships that cultivate ecstasy and a reverence for all that is sacred.

with the purest of intentions open yourself to the god and goddess within and life will be a spiritual sojourn of enlightenment, ecstasy and blissful abundance.

embrace your inner beauty for you are an authentic alive presence and by celebrating your connection to self and spirit you become more empowered as you move forward along a path of liberation and greater fulfillment.

know that you are a sacred being blessed with alchemical tools and subtle energies that touch people in heartfelt uplifting ways which make the world a better place.

spiritual freedom comes to us when we use our vivacious heart and soul to infuse life with loving positive vibrations that generate change.

deeper self love is a breath of life guided by spirit that makes us truly alive and happy.

a sustainable life of mystical alchemy and divine purpose is ours when we use our uniquely brilliant powers and innate sacredness to help others heal.

you are a beautiful gift and if you faithfully believe this truth you access higher realms which empower your path with greater possibilities that help you create a more abundant life.

celebrate your divinity with acts of love that embrace your day with compassionate energy and authentic joy.

lovingly accept yourself and you will change from within as the universe blesses you with a balanced beautiful life.

holistic practices have a magical healing energy which empower us to create communities of luminous beauty where we may live in bliss.

I was walking toward self realization when I was inspired by the harmonic vibrations of pure consciousness to breathe in love and love every breath.

positive intentions give us the power to make healthier choices which guide us along a path of wholeness to a place of inner peace.

as beings of spirit we all have sacred gifts and abilities which when used in service to humanity manifest extraordinary blessing that enhance life for all.

alive and free are those who speak their truth with a beautiful energy that embraces the miracle of existence.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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