Thursday, November 16, 2017

Illuminate Your Journey with Love

illuminate your journey with love as this will connect you to the sacred which will make yours a unique life path of profound awareness and positive awakening.

a profound awakening occurs when we serve humanity for it is through acts of kindness that we experience true happiness and see with clarity the beauty of our existence.

you are a divinely mystical being of light whose path and purpose are a blessing that benefits the world in profoundly positive ways.

give change a hug. open yourself to the joys of transformation. reach beyond this reality to realms and dimensions that cultivate joy and inspire happiness. live the miracle of who you truly are.

within in you is a love centred place of divine revelations which are released into the universe whenever you treat yourself with kindness and compassion.

healing and wholeness come to us when we love ourselves deeply as we live a life that is true to our spirit and soul.

live your highest calling and greatest truth for by doing so you expand your state of being as you open gateways to worlds of wonder and joy.

the nature of my existence is such that when my actions and intentions are pure and positive the rewards greatly shape my world in ways that help me evolve and grow my immortal spirit.

you are love is an essential truth that brings joy to your world when shared with others.

open yourself fully to the beauty and miracle of who you are and you will receive gifts and blessings from the universe that will guide you to a more joyful spiritual life of bliss.

the more purposefully we live the more we are touched by the awareness that we are messengers of spirit on a miraculous pilgrimage to our sacred home in the heavens.

a heart filled with love creates within us a sacred identity which reveals itself to the world through smiles, hugs and kisses.

your passion and purpose when shared inspires others to open their hearts to new realities that connect and communicate with the heavens.

miracles happen when you have faith in yourself and use that faith in ways that embrace the energies of spirit while cultivating love and kindness.

a joyful life of deeply empowering experiences is not something you aspire to it is something you create when you align with your spirit and connect with your soul.

yours is a sacred truth which if nourished and nurtured becomes a blessing that enhances, enriches and greatly benefits your life and the lives of others.

love lights a fire in the heart that fills us with compassion and kindness which brilliantly illuminates a path of peace and happiness.

express what is inside you that others may experience the profound and uplifting truth of the sacred celestial being you truly are.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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