Thursday, November 02, 2017

The Divine Love of the Universe

gentle heartfelt actions that help others heal are food for the soul which open us fully to the divine love of the universe.

direct your life path toward ethereal experiences that lead you to a higher source of wisdom as this will infuse your mind, body and soul with the energy and awareness necessary to embrace your sacred truth.

something amazing happens when we open our heart and let others in, we become the beautiful sacred beings of ethereal wonder that we were born to be.

openly and lovingly engage the soul and yours will be a sacred awakening of empowering experiences that illuminate a path of joyful wonder.

do those things that benefit your well being as they are acts of self love which uplift, inspire and illuminate your life with miracles and blessings.

the divine speaks to me through healing vibrations which unfold into my life in the form of inspiring messages that lead me to the light.

positive interactions create within us a sacred sense of aliveness that propels us forward toward a joyful and peaceful path of glory.

it is by working with our energies that we are able to reach beyond this earthly realm to a place of happiness where we are able to heal and transform our life.

i embrace my imperfections for i have learned that my shortcomings are a source of knowledge and that by recognizing this as truth and letting them teach me i am in reality embracing my strengths.

share what you learn today and let that kindness be a blessing that holds the light for others to see and experience the rewards bestowed upon those who serve humanity with love and wisdom as their guides.

a spiritually inspired world of compassion in which we help each other heal and grow is possible.

you are blessed with extraordinary spiritual gifts and by sharing them with others you create a life of rewarding experiences and greater satisfaction.

serve your spiritual needs by cultivating self healing.

it is by embodying our true nature that we create a nurturing atmosphere of majestic splendor where we are bathed in the angelic light of hope and happiness.

give yourself the gift of courage and yours will be a divinely inspired journey of authentic spirituality that leads your true infinite self to the highest possible destiny.

beautifully courageous are those sentient souls who seek to create an illuminated community of spirit where kindness, compassion and unconditional love are the building blocks of a better tomorrow.

we find peace within when we open ourselves fully to the energies of the universe for it is then that the life force flows freely and we are able to experience our beautifully sacred true self.

align with your purpose and bless us with you gifts for you are a being of love that lives from the heart and soul whose intentions empower.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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