Thursday, May 16, 2019

Open Hearts By Creating An Atmosphere Of Loving Transformation.

richer and happier are they whose energetic vibrations and joyous passions open hearts by creating an atmosphere of loving transformation.

the soul of bliss brings joy and happiness to our lives when we as beings of light embrace the forces of good with the intention of awakening the spirit and filling the world with love.

let us walk in a spiritually guided way to where possibilities are waiting and miracles exist.

your purpose here on earth is to love yourself fully for by doing so you awaken the sacred which embraces your life with serene, joyful and compassionate energies that cleanse the spirit and stimulate the soul.

the ability to find inspiration in the ordinary is a sacred blessing that accelerates spiritual growth and fills our life with joy.

new realities that that help us live our light are revealed when we make positive choices that nourish the heart and soul.

we become a joyful vessel of unadulterated happiness when we shine our light and share our love with the world.

we have an interior and exterior consciousness which when in harmony help us experience healing and happiness far beyond our expectations.

within you is a remarkable place of profound beauty and celestial light where the forces of the universe wait for you to connect with them and create a miraculous new reality.

use your natural nurturing insights to direct your journey toward places of divine truth that raise your vibration and lift your spirit.

may yours be a heartfelt prayer of self love that celebrates your generous loving spirit and guides you to well being by transforming your life in beautiful soulful ways.

I listen to the voice of spirit and engage the soul in positive ways which brings to my life a healing light that wraps me in the wings of angels.

a great awakening is upon us and if you listen closely you will hear a song of creation whose words express a love of the earth and all humanity that are healing and transformative.

love creates positive changes that inspire feelings of hope which illuminate the true beautiful nature of our existence and the world we live in.

sometimes we have to be reminded of our blessings. I was in Toronto for a few days this week and spent a lot of time on Yonge street. no matter what politicians tell you the truth is the problem is getting worse. the homeless are getting more aggressive and the ones with drug problems and mental health issues are increasing. I look back at my short time on the street and my desire to kill myself and realize how fortunate I am. had I continued down that path I would have not only died but I never would have known the great success that I would have in the spiritual arts and I also would have never experienced the love and happiness that my wife and son bring me. I am sending love and light to those in need. I am sending out messages of hope to those who are lost. I am sending the truth of who I am as an example that anything is possible and that even in our darkest times we can ascend into the light.

a heart full of love fills the world with higher energies that foster spiritual growth and inspire well being.

spiritual practices create sublime experiences that put us in harmony with all that is sacred.

make it your purpose to touch people in beautifully ethereal ways and you create a flow of positive energy which will profoundly enhance and enrich life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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