Thursday, May 23, 2019

There Are Miracles of Divine Beauty within the Core of your Being.

there are pockets of spiritual inspiration within our pain. there are treasures of sacred enlightenment within our suffering. open your eyes to the blessings within your reach that they may help heal you. there are miracles of divine beauty within the core of your being.

the more love and compassion you feel for yourself the more glorious and beautiful your journey will be.

simple yet profound paths which elevate the heart of humanity are blessings of unique sacredness that uplift, expand and transform mind, body and soul.

it is in those rare moments when we are immersed in good that we know we are moving in the right direction. embrace fully each and every moment that blesses you with joy and yours will be a happier, healthier life.

nourish the world with your unique essence and yours will be a greater reality in which the heart awakens and the spirit emerges.

I seek to walk a path of light that benefits all beings. with a pure heart I impart to others words inspired by spirit and actions motivated by love. I wish you all peace, freedom and happiness.

I climb the highest mountains of spirit only to find they are owned by corporations. I venture into landscapes of love only to discover they are manufactured by companies. I seek out wisdom from those who make it their life to serve only to realize that they are bought and paid for. I look in the mirror and ask myself am I true, real and authentic. we continue to watch our world fall apart and instead of fixing it we fight for the right to keep it racist, homophobic, sexist and misogynistic. we fight for the right to be wrong no matter the consequences. I care not what your political leanings are. I care only about what is in your heart. if we want a better world we have to start being better people.

there is a garden within filled with divine light which embraces my heart with joy. I go there to experience great peace and happiness when the world becomes too much for me.

when will we as a society stop not only demanding but deciding what women should do with their lives and their bodies. we accept the irresponsibility of men and make excuses for them while making laws that dishonour and disrespect women. there is no debate about this. our history tells us that we have mistreated women since the dawn of time. when are we going to stop voting for madmen and monsters. when are we going to be brave enough to change. it shouldn't be about politics. it should be about common sense, decency and love.

at the core of our being we are all conduits of light whose mission on earth is one of love and acceptance.

the clearest path is the one in which we share kindness and compassion as we walk into the light.

know that whenever you look into a mirror you witness a miracle of sacred beauty.

my spirit animal and the dove of peace were playing in the yard yesterday when they were joined by my inner child who thanked them for watching over me.

I sometimes share with the world my thoughts on mental illness, post traumatic stress and more. these are not cries for help but simple statements of truth. it is my way of purging. it is a releasing of negative energies from my mind. were I to be in a state of crisis and in need of help I would say just that. we all have our struggles and I survive mine by speaking openly, honestly and freely about them. thank you all for your concern. know that you are loved and appreciated. bless you all.

I was born with special gifts and a sacred essence. when I share those blessings with the world I honor my path as i illuminate the world with love.

to bloom in your own garden is to awaken a vision of beautiful adventures in which you give the best of yourself to the heavens and the earth.

every day the universe writes us a love letter. each star, ray of sunshine and glow of the moon are words that embrace the heart and soul. we as beings of spirit need to answer in ways that honor ourselves, our planet, our universe and beyond.

when we love who we are we wake into joy and venture out each day guided by spirit through landscapes of light to a heaven of our own creation.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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