Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Sacred Flow of Energy that Nourishes and Nurtures your Mind, Body and Soul



by letting your love shine you are making a choice to be happy which creates a sacred flow of energy that nourishes and nurtures your mind, body and soul.

the problem with a crisis is that life keeps happening. the everyday struggles don't stop during difficult times. so while many of us are handling the current situation well, the normal pitfalls we face along our path still emerge every day. we still have bills to pay, things still break, we still get sick, people still pass way, financial burdens still present themselves... the list goes on and on. we are stronger than we realize. this current situation for me is a testament to our strength, courage and capacity to survive and thrive. I know this is hard for you. I also know that you have been through much and are still here. you are a courageous being of love and light. I believe in you. I am sending you pure positive energy, kindness, compassion and all the love in my heart. bless you all.

serve the present now. serve it kindness. serve it joy. serve it happiness. serve it peace. serve it freedom. serve it light. serve it love. serve the future now.

my life while filled with much struggle has been a beautifully sacred pilgrimage to me in which with divine spiritual energy I have healed myself into happiness.

there is a line from my mind to the stars and my heart to the heavens that inspires me to make mine a unique spiritual journey in which I live joyfully.

with purity of thought and a devotion to helping others let us engage in actions of collective empowerment and positive spiritual energy that lead us all to a brighter future of divine light and love.

today I will give priority to my passions as I do my best to help others heal thereby making the world a better place.

a kind word can give us a boost of positive energy that brings meaning to our journey.

do what you can to enrich your essence and then beam it forth into the world that all may experience the beauty and truth of who you are.

smiles, laughter, playfulness, kindness, sincerity, integrity, passion, creativity, love and compassion are some of the most beautiful blessings we can bestow upon the world if we so choose.

the highest path is sacred one of caring and compassion that brings heaven to earth and earth to heaven.

with boundless spirit and compelled by passion cultivate love as doing so contributes greatly to making ours a more beautiful world.

today with conscious intention I will spark my vision, light my fire, open my heart and liberate my soul.

ours is a world of transformation and whether we change in ways positive is up to us. I choose generate ideas that help me soar with inspiration. I like to use my personal energy to liberate and elevate my divine self. I like to learn from my struggles and move forward with kindness and compassion as my guide. I like to creatively feed my mind, body, spirit and soul. this for me helps to make transformation, inspiration and liberation the same thing.

its important during this time of struggle that we choose are words carefully. the constant barrage of negative comments takes its toll. let us instead make an effort to speak carefully and compassionately. we can help our world a lot by simply touching each other with the kindness of words.

thank you for being you for by doing so you inspire me to be me which makes me very happy.

with good nature, humanity and soulful individuality I seek to build a life of meaning in which with greater spiritual awareness I touch the heart and soul of humanity in ways positive and profound.

recognize and celebrate your true value for you a beautiful soul whose love and light blesses the world.

MicHEAL Teal 
The Ancient One 

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