Sunday, March 17, 2024

Beautiful are the Blessings


Beautiful are the blessings received once we accept that we are worthy of being loved.

We are divinely human purposeful creations meant to share our unique gifts in ways that help ourselves and others to evolve spiritually.

I think today I will do my utmost to help change the world by embracing, loving and nurturing my true sacred self.

I try to spend as much time as I can in that place between passionate and compassionate commitment for it is there that I am best able to heal myself into happiness.

I remember as a child collecting bruised, battered and broken bits of my existence and making from them a portrait of a dream which I have spent my life turning into a reality which is a pure positive work of divine artistic beauty.

choose with me directly from spirit sacred realities that with nourish the soul of who we are.

I infuse with spirit as many things as I possibly can for by doing so I open portals to unique places invigorated by light and inspired by love.

I accept myself, I honour myself, I respect myself, I believe in myself, I trust myself, I love myself.

One day I hope to be fully awakened and when that day comes the first thing I plan to do is take a nap.

I once met with a mystic who mistook me for a shaman who I would later become and when I did I met a prophet who I mistook for a guru which has taught me that we can all learn from our mistakes.

when the heart and soul are well balanced it changes the nature of our realty in healing transformative ways that guide us forward to places of positive energy and pure love.

I went to live in a place of joy and happiness only to find that they were at war with a place of peace and freedom over who were the true children of love and light.

MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One

The Ancient One with Heart of Buffalo journeys with Spirit of White Wolf

Thursday, December 28, 2023

When The Serenity Within Comes Out To Play




Every step along the way is an opportunity for growth and those who take full advantage of those

opportunities are the ones who brighten our world and bless our days.

To be of service is an honour that awakens your blessings and helps you make better life choices

as you grow and move forward into the light of love.

When your intentions are pure you grow spiritually and when you grow spiritually you align

yourself with the highest greatest good.

I remember once when I shared an opinion and nobody got mad. I remember once when I told a joke and 

nobody was offended. I remember once when I politely greeted somebody and wasn't pronoun shamed. 

I remember once when I had a conversation about nothing and nobody was upset about it.

I remember once.

I remember. 

I have blessings to share and I am sending them right now to all those who are sad and suffering. I am 

sending you a spiritual hug and a cosmic kiss. 

You are Loved!

With compassionate clarity I engage in positive activities of pure intention in the hope that it will 

inspire a collective transformation which will illuminate our paths with love.

I was talking with spirit about stepping into our greatness when soul joined us and we all walked 

into a better and more beautiful reality that elevated us to greater heights of happiness.

Each path is a uniquely personal path of meaning and merit meant to be shared in ways that evolve awareness, open minds and make the world a better place. 

I appreciate your beauty and accept your blessings for you are the light of my life and the love that makes me happy to be alive.

You create your destiny, you manifest your dreams and you activate your sacredness for you are an awakened soul on a journey of loving purpose to a place of positive energy and esoteric knowledge. 

MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Help Yourself and Others Live their Highest Purpose


we connect with our heart and soul when we use our natural gifts to help ourself and others live their highest purpose.

I am blessed to have a wife and son who take care of me. they make sure I follow a more healthy path. they do everything they can to help me to help myself. I never forget to take my heart meds because Karen makes sure she sets them out for me and that I take them. Darwin helps me if I need to move things that are heavy while my heart and body are healing... they do this and more. they keep me safe and sane. my life began the day I met the love of my life. Karen and Darwin are my destiny and what a beautiful destiny they are.

compassionate awareness brings me spiritual freedom which helps me to embrace my true nature which nourishes my heart and soul.

we connect to something greater when we truly love and believe in ourselves. take the time this morning to look in the mirror and truly see the beautiful miraculous being of love and light that you are.

I begin each day by creating within me a positive flow of energy and then I release that energy into my life which helps me to create a beautiful day infused with greatness, goodness, love and light.

I walk with spirit and I carry with me a reverence and respect for Sacred Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.

ours is a shared humanity and I choose to share my portion in a manner that connects heart, soul, mind, body and spirit.

we are beings of pure light with a positive purpose who generate sacred energy whenever we live our light and love our life.

I like to nourish my soul with caring connections and positive growth which deepens my well being and celebrates my true divine nature.

you have remarkable gifts and the more you believe in yourself the greater will be your ability to use those blessings to bring life to your story and love to your life.

I took a walk free from suffering to a sacred place of peace and relaxation where I connected to the god and goddess within by embracing my unique, original, authentic self.

I have always been aware of other realities and that awareness has given me a reverence for all that is unique, strange, mystical, magickal and sacred. that awareness has also shown that for me love is the greatest reality of all.

step out of the darkness and into your true essence for this is your time to shine.

I heard my heart breaking and at the same time singing because it new this was not the time for me to go.

I am on an all embracing mystical path of miracles in which the gift of love is a blessing that fills my heart and soul with the poetry of life.

I shall on this day do everything I can to spread happiness by making everything I do an affirmation of love.

open your eyes and see the beauty of this day. open your heart and feel the love that surrounds you. open your soul and smile at the miracle that is life. the time has come to raise your voice and shout - come on in I am open.

if I am of clear mind the light of my being will show me the way and the way will be a miracle to behold.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Kind Words and Positive Actions


the universal life forces and the positive healing energies of the people on earth have saved me once again through their kind words and positive actions. thank you.

I am so blessed. my wife was brilliant during my heart attack on wednesday. calmly and compassionately she gave me everything I needed to survive this ordeal. the presence of my wife karen and son darwin has been my saving grace. they are my light. they keep me alive. I am so blessed.

to fulfill your purpose you must first have a purpose and to have a purpose you must have a sense of purpose that nurtures positive change. live your purpose. embrace your purpose. love your purpose and do it on purpose.

simple sacred wisdom is the foundation of well being that has throughout my life helped me rise from the darkness into the light.

the heart and soul open wide and our whole being expands when in thoughtful reflection we embrace and celebrate the beauty and blessings of who we truly are.

thank you to all who sent loving messages to me yesterday. know that your thoughts and words are healing. I appreciate your kindness and compassion. you are a blessing. you are loved.

If any of you are wondering where I have been the last four days I have been in the hospital. I had a heart attack on wednesday. they sent me to hamilton to one of the hospitals there. it was scary and it was a rough four days. I am home and healing now. I have to take it easy and change a lot of things in my life. I am okay but I have many bumps and bruises. however my blessings outnumber them. thank you all for being in my life. take care of yourself. you are loved.

I saw insight and inspiration walking hand in hand and when I said hello they hugged me and asked me to join them. sometimes a sincere warm hello can make a profound difference that impacts life in a positive way.

its hard to have a heart centered journey when your heart is broken so make sure you do whatever you can to heal your heart because by doing so it will also heal you.

I believed my life was being taken from me which inspired me to take charge of my own existence by living in the joy of love.

transcendent are the thoughts I awaken to each morning for they are thoughts of you.

be a flower that bears sacred fruit in a garden that nourishes the best most beautiful beings of light and love. be yourself.

when I approach anything in life I first have to first ask myself what can I do to make my brain accept this situation and then I do it unapologetically with the knowledge that to have peace in life I must first have peace of mind.

alive and free are we who connect with life in focused ways that cultivate compassion, foster faith and activate profound enlightenment.

profound self reflection blesses one with deep spiritual insight that helps shape a destiny of pure positive experiences and limitless loving encounters.

personal well being improves when we engage the world in ways that bring forth the light and bring forth the love.

mine is a soulful story that begins on a path to inner peace where the forces of change give me the tools to transform and transcend as I turn my desires into destiny.

its easier to embrace others when you embrace your true self first.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One

Thursday, May 05, 2022

I Was Talking to the Shaman Within


I was talking to the shaman within whose words inspired me to connect to the energies of the universe by actively engaging in activities that improve the quality of life.

a profound shift is upon us and the way we react to that shift will determine whether or not we rise from the ashes into the heart and soul of love and light.

if we truly understood the impact of our choices we would make better ones that made our lives, the lives of others and our planet better.

I hope the time comes when we listen to the messages of mother earth and answer her prayers by truly honoring, respecting, helping, healing and loving her.

let us on this day awaken to a new reality in which we support each other as we promote goodness and embrace the strength of the human spirit.

use your blessings to benefit yourself and others as doing so awakens the spirit and nurtures what you love.

choose your thoughts and beliefs carefully for thoughts and beliefs become intentions and actions that can impact our lives and the lives of others in negative or positive ways. thats what I think. thats what I believe. thats why I choose carefully and live compassionately.

in service to humanity I pray for sacred mother earth and vow to do my best to honor, appreciate, care for and love her more.

I opened the gateway to knowledge and discover higher truths that shaped my reality with beautiful clarity and profound blessings.

with tenderness and compassion reach deep within and you will emerge feeling more connected to yourself, others, the heavens and earth.

the choice to partake in a more holistic way of living brought forth remarkable changes that impacted and transformed my life for the better.

may today be a day of miracles in which we connect to our own glory, guidance, greatness and goodness as we honor our light and share our love.

I have seen the worst in people which has moved me to do my best to be my best. it hasnt always been easy but its always been my purpose.

I will never understand those who defend, support, promote, admire and elect racist, sexist, homophobic people and call that faith, freedom and democracy.

I have tried in my way to build a life in which heaven and earth merge with peace and freedom.

I was looking at a tree the other day and the person next to me was looking at an obstacle and the person next to them was looking at an eyesore and the person next to them was looking at a blessing. We were all looking at the same thing. We all see the world differently and its important that we realize how that impacts our lives and the lives of others.

we are the creators of our own lives and the masters of our universe for we are sacred beings of light guided by love whose presence is angelic and whose essence is ethereal.

I went for a walk out beyond my dreams in my dreams where I saw my true self basking in the light of love while waiting for me to wake up.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Special and Sacred


the more we learn about ourselves the greater our appreciation for who we are, where we have been, why we are here, how we survived and what makes us special and sacred.

I have never been afraid to say no but there was a time in my life when I was afraid to say yes. I feared letting love into my life because part of me didnt believe it was real and part of me didnt believe I was worthy. the moment I started to change my mindset and said yes was the moment my heart opened and love entered.

enhance your perception of life by walking a positive path that fosters goodness and focuses on the happiness you deserve.

I am a reactionary and when I learned to react to the struggles of life in a positive productive way the world for me became a better place.

to be cherished and loved is a blessing both beautiful and ethereal whose life force energy raises us to higher truths which shine a light on the miracle of who we are.

peace in my heart and soul became a reality when I began to truly believe that I was deserving of happiness and worthy of love.

sacred is each and every breath we take for they are the breath of joy, the breath of hope, the breath of bliss, the breath of love, the breath of spirit, the breath of soul and the breath of life.

the more authentic we are the greater our ability to nurture the spirit and create for ourselves a lasting loving peace.

I once discovered my purpose playing with my passion in a place of positive perspective where their actions produced profound peace.

I am meeting with the deeper meaning of life later today to discuss establishing harmony and embarking on a spiritual journey of health and happiness.

covid came for a visit a recently and caught us in its grip one at a time. first my son, then me and then my wife. we stayed strong, weathered the storm and moved on. we are now past this challenge and are happy healthy and ready to greet the day with grace and gratitude.

in fertile fields of peace and freedom I walk in kindness toward to a sacred source of energy that will awaken my soul with light and embrace my spirit with love.

live your highest truth and the light of your countenance will awaken the world to the sacred blessing that you are.

I once painted a picture on the canvas of time that expressed beautifully the divine within and resurrected my consciousness.

I shall with positive purpose activate my spiritual gifts and use their transforming powers to help myself and those I love to connect with pure loves light.

for me the current reality while difficult has fostered a spiritual emergence. it has shown me whats truly important in life. it has given me greater clarity and life changing insights. it has been a truly transforming experience.

the arts have always been a part of my path. it was what helped me rise from the ashes of my existence. the written word and spoken word were blessings that gave me hope and brought me joy. the arts helped me express myself authentically and honestly. they were my mirror and my miracle. from creativity came consciousness, compassion and courage. we are all works of art. be the masterpiece you were born to be.

bring forth the love from within and be warmed by its sacred light as you create a path of bliss, balance and happiness.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Pursuing, Practicing and Preaching Loving Kindness


with open hearted awareness and unwavering faith in yourself set out upon this day with the intention of pursuing, practicing and preaching loving kindness.

the deeper our level of spirit the greater our ability to connect and communicate in transformational ways that honor our passions and purpose.

I was at home one day with my sacred self discussing how to make the world a better place when I was embraced by spirit who reminded me that I was filled with blessings that benefit myself and others which when shared contribute positively to making the world a better place.

my home office is a sacred healing place filled with books, vinyl albums, pictures, poems and memories overflowing with love which connect me to people and places that expand my compassion and awaken my spirit.

use your sacred abilities to explore infinite possibilities that awaken your spirit and make your life extraordinary.

may yours be an exhilarating, energizing, empowering and evolving path of spirit which connects you to ethereal gardens of light where your blessings may blossom into beauty and bliss.

kindness and compassion open hearts and minds to the true beauty of life which moves and motivates us to build a better world.

I am at a place in my life where I am loved more than I could have ever imagined.

the truth, beauty and goodness of both my wife and son are blessings that bring me great joy and make my dreams and desires come to life.

my hearts desire and my souls purpose embrace my sacredness and give me the courage and strength to spread my wings and fly into the love and light of the miracle of life.

we are unique sparks of light and when we help others awaken to the truth of who they are we bring peace, balance and harmony to their lives and ours.

boundless is the energy I receive fro an all embracing love for it opens within me a sacred space of purity that shows me the truth and moves me to make my life healthier and happier.

the determination to be a better man helped me be a better man. the commitment to living a better life helped me live a better life. the desire to love and be loved helped me to love and be loved. determination, commitment and desire when acted upon fills our life with countless blessings.

I was walking toward my true self while being followed by my sacred self and together we decided to take care of and love ourselves.

I hope you know you are a blessing. I hope you know you are light that shines. I hope you know that you are worthy. I hope you know that you are loved.

I was in my office trying to create happiness and higher levels of growth when I was visited by a group of angels who said thank you for the intention of doing something good because the effort taken to do something good has a positive impact that influences and inspires.

I feel more alive when I live my truth with deep love and gratitude for all the blessings in my life.

cherish every step along your path, every encounter, journey, adventure, gift, kindness, song, dance, change, choice, blessing, miracle and love. cherish every moment of your life.


MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One