Thursday, December 06, 2018

When We Are Born Our Heart, Soul And Spirit Are Pure

when we are born our heart, soul and spirit are pure. live your life in a charitable way and that purity will fill your days with wonders that bestow upon your life abundant blessings.

I am grateful for all those blessed beings who have taken the time to say thank you for the words I have shared. know that your words nourish my heart and inspire me to continue to walk a path of spirit.

I am mesmerized by the sacred beauty of those inspired beings of light who with kindness and compassion share their infinite love and wisdom with the world.

an open heart is a blessing of breathtaking beauty that shines throughout our life like a bright star guiding us to ethereal places of divine enlightenment.

when the seeds of your thoughts are positive and you with loving care plant them in sacred soil your life begins to blossom into a beautiful garden of spirit.

look in the mirror with the knowledge that you are in the presence of greatness. smile with appreciation at the divine goodness standing in front of you. celebrate the miracle and magnificence of who you truly are. align with these realities and yours will be an awakened path of infinite blessings.

you can change the world. the truth is without knowing it you change the world every day. one of the greatest joys in life is the discovery of spirit. it is that moment when you realize that simple sacred acts of love flow freely from one life to another in a never-ending parade of pure positive energy.

every kind gesture, compassionate action and loving intention creates a sacred healing moment that shines a light on the beauty of our true sacred self.

once when I had my new age shoppe I got a phone call in which the person said are you that bald headed freak who walks his dog barefoot in the snow. I replied why yes I am. they then said we are going to blow your place up. I responded by saying that its three o'clock, I close at five, you better hurry if you want to catch me.

I drink from the chalice of light for it stimulates within me a goodness that inspires positive actions which make mine a happier healthier path of spiritual growth and divine beauty.

nurture the spirit and you will blossom into a sacred butterfly of great beauty whose wings embrace the world love.

you are a beautiful being of light and when you share that sacred beauty with the world you create experiences that inspire the heart and align with the soul.

I used to own a spiritual shop a couple of decades ago and people would through garbage on my doorstep, insult me and I once even got a bomb threat. through it all I maintained my dignity and my sense of humour. I remember standing out front one day when an elderly woman walked by. I wished her a good morning and she said your the devil to which I replied no if I was the devil I wouldn't be wearing shoes because you just can't find a good shoe for a cloven hoof these days.

you are an inspirational force. every simple gesture of compassion and act of kindness helps others move forward in life. you are a divine soul whose positive essence opens gateways of light and portals of love. you are a spiritual force.

whenever I turn on the light of my soul I see clearly the beauty of my true sacred self and I am inspired to be a better man who makes better choices that create for me a better world.

in the darkness I will bring you light, in the madness I will bring you clarity, in the pain I will bring you healing, in the sadness I will bring you happiness and in the hate I will bring you love for throughout my life within my struggles there was always someone who without even knowing it would bring me hope.

I am touched and deeply transformed by those life experiences that are motivated by kindness and inspired by love.

I find meaning in the world by discovering the remarkable in every person I meet.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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