Thursday, January 24, 2019

Frolic With Me In Fields Of Spirit

walk with me in beauty, dance with me in the light, frolic with me in fields of spirit and soar with me into the heavens, for this is what it means to be alive.

I have always held my head high when called weird. each time I was told that I was strange I said thank you. when people yell out freak I wave in appreciation. thank you all for reminding me how beautiful and special I am.

I shall approach this day with spiritual optimism and I shall walk a path rich in goodness as I embrace hearts and elevate souls.

the heart is an existential place of poetic beauty where messages of love wait to be released into the world, the universe and beyond.

my soul called me the other day and we talked of choices and actions. we spoke of opportunities and possibilities. we worked together to find ways to help me transform and transcend. my soul called the other day and I answered. the answer was yes.

when I am with my wife and son I feel energized and alive. I look at them and see the reflection of the man I have become. they have given me a happiness I never thought possible. they have gifted me with a love I never knew existed. their kindness, compassion and caring has lifted me into the light. I am blessed.

I embrace all of life for even the darkness, madness, struggles and strife have things to teach me that help me walk a path of wellness, wholeness, wonder and fulfillment.

we create change in our lives by making choices that help us awaken spiritually.

celebrate who you are by blessing yourself with kind words, positive actions and transformative experiences as you walk an ethereal path of extraordinary beauty.

I hear and feel spirits. I. walk my path with angels by my side. within me are ancestral energies that make every experience along my path sacred. I am a being of light and love. you are a being of light and love. we are all beings of light and love.

it seems like only yesterday that I was sleeping on the coach with my beautiful baby boy on my chest. yesterday he turned nine. he is smart, funny, sweet and loving. he grows daily. they say it goes by fast but you don't really grasp that until you look at them crawling blink your eyes and they are walking down the street waving goodbye. he is my anchor. he is the inspiration when my mind is broken. he is the blessing that makes life worth living. embrace each and every moment of a Childs life for it is the most beautiful thing in the universe.

it is by helping others that we help ourselves for kindness is a blessing that sends ripples of love into the heart and soul of who we are.

miraculous is the healing that occurs when we treat ourselves with the kindness, compassion and love we show others.

when I eat better I feel better, when I act better I attract better things into my world, when I live better I create better opportunities and when i love better I impact my life and the lives of others for the better.

my depression was poking my p.t.s.d with a stick the other day when I jumped in and embraced them with the truth that we were all in this together and that we could learn to not only get along but to grow as one into a beautiful being of light.

beauty blossoms when we infuse our life with light from the heart and soul of our true higher self.

we ascend on our spiritual path we make positive choices that bring happiness and harmony to our life.

dine with me at a place of hope and possibilities where we can nourish ourselves with abundant blessings at the table of transformation and quench our thirst with waters of wisdom at the fountain of joy.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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