Thursday, August 08, 2019

Truth and Goodness have always been my Companions

practice gratitude, practice goodness, practice being kind, practice sharing your love and then put those practices into action.

you have within the core of your being energies which when activated and shared can help you empower, enrich and enlighten yourself and others.

I have a habit of helping others find meaning and purpose. I have a point of showing people things that make them feel good about life. I have the intention always of empowering people to grow, flourish and thrive every day of their lives. this is my calling. this is my blessing. this is my truth. this is who I am.

I remember having a gun pointed at me and saying to the guy shut up and shoot me. I remember standing on the ledge of life waiting to jump and having the winds of spirit whisper words of wisdom that pulled me back from the brink death. I remember and I use those memories to help others find the courage to heal.

truth and goodness have always been my companions. they have pulled me up from the depths of hell and lifted me into the light of a better beautiful brand new day. no matter my struggles I have never lost the honesty and virtue that make me who I am.

the higher your standards the farther you will go in life. when we make honesty, integrity, kindness, compassion, love and light our goals we transform our lives in transcendent ways that forge for us a divine destiny.

I was in the middle of being good to life when I realized that life was being good to me.

for me the best thing about doing the fairs in the old days was down time. it was those moments when we psychics would sit around and just share our stories with each other. for me those moments were the best teachers. thats always why I tell people starting out to go to events, fairs... and ask questions, watch and learn. what things do people have in common and what are their differences. how do they promote themselves. what practices do they have. from that I take what works for me and incorporate it into my life. I also alter things to suit my own beliefs. everybody has something to offer whether they know it or not. I have been blessed to meet psychics, healers, tarot readers, spell workers, life coaches.... in fact at my most successful time the majority of my clients were fellow psychics. thank you to all those who have shared their wisdom with me.

do that which stimulates the heart, soul and spirit of who you truly are.

we feel more fully alive when we walk our path in deeply meaningful ways that enrich the spirit, embrace the heart and enlighten the soul.

I have always approached everything I do in my own special way. I do readings a certain way because I have constantly been visited by people who have been to other readers and been disappointed. Its always the same thing they say. I really only wanted to know one thing and they didn't say anything about it. I then respond did you ask them what you wanted to know. they respond no. they think they shouldn't have to because they watched some bad movie or tv show and think they know the rules. every reader is different. every reader has their own style. every reader has their own dogma. I have people ask me specific questions which I do my best to address and then after that I share with them whatever spirit guides me to. I first address their concerns and then I let the universe share with them anything else they need to know. I once had a German woman come to me and she didn't like that format. she wanted a textbook reading. I said no. I gave her my reading and she left. a week later she stopped by to apologize for questioning my methods, to tell me those things which came true and to share with me the positives that she gained from the experience. then she gave me a hug. if you are a reader follow your own path and do things your own way. the best readers are the ones who are honest and sincere. thank you for being you. sending love and light.

I am transformed by the gratitude and generosity of spirit of those who I have helped move toward greater happiness.

You Are Worthy Of Love

you are a beautiful soul and when you accept this truth and walk your path in a way that honors your greatness your life becomes one of positive purposeful creation.

you who are practitioners of spirit be honest with those you serve and with yourself. we connect more deeply when we are honest.

through simple acts of compassion and kindness I journey to higher states where sacred beings of light grace my life with love.

I remember getting a call at three in the morning from a friend telling me that a young woman I knew was broken hearted and lost. I immediately got dressed and ran downtown to sit up all night with her and dress her wounds. I remember sleeping on a bench downtown and waking up to a well dressed elderly man who had a home and a job yet was still looking for counsel from me even though I was homeless at the time. I remember dropping everything to help friends, acquaintances , strangers... I have done my best to serve others even when none served me. so while I may be on a sabbatical of sorts these days I have not forgotten you I have only remembered me. until I dive back into the waters fully know that every word you read has an energy to it that is loving and healing. bless you all.

I get requests every day for readings, healings, messages... however I seldomly respond these days. on rare occasion for someone overseas I may doing an email reading. I mainly write these days. I always feel your sorrow and suffering even when you haven't asked for help. know that my thought and prayers are with you. know that I am always sending out positive energy. know that I am in communication with spirit and I pass along your name and needs. know that you are loved. as you read this be aware that I am sending you the light within my soul.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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