Thursday, November 14, 2019

I Can, I Will and I Have for I am Worthy and I am Enough.

I can, I will and I have for I am worthy and I am enough.

life once drug me down to the lowest place I had ever been and it was at that point I decided to listen to my heart and rise up to a world of higher awareness which helped me to shape a new reality of soul inspired experiences that brought me the happiness I deserved.

from threads of awareness I have woven a quilt of awakening whose power and beauty warm my heart and soul whenever the cold winds of life blow my way.

sing a song of self that plants seeds of inspiration in your sacred garden within from which flower plants of our pure positive energy that nourish your mind, body and soul.

live your unique adventure with love as your guide and the world will see the glory of your greatness and recognize the true beauty of who you are.

the flow of faith within me is a force of positive energy and sacred good that has guided me to a place of happiness and well being.

I have walked through the fire and danced in the darkness for I learned early on that my struggles could make me stronger and that my strength could free me from suffering.

when I change I grow and when I grow I transform and when I transform I transcend and when I transcend I awaken and when I awaken everything changes.

when the darkness is at its most overwhelming I choose to bathe in the holy waters of transformation where I may cleanse my body, soul and spirit.

it is when I am attacked by anxiety and I can't catch my breath that I look within my heart for sacred signs of life which help me to overcome my struggle and let love into my lungs that I may breathe myself back to life.

let ours be a path of spiritual altruism where we shine our light and share our love with every soul we meet.

if you don't like your current reality create a different one. sometimes the simplest of changes can make the biggest difference. change your patterns, your clothes, your mind, your attitude, your perspective, your path and your purpose. you have the ability to shape a beautiful new reality.

I woke up when I was twenty and I was disappointed because I was alive. I woke up when I was thirty and I was upset because I hadn't passed away. I woke up at forty and I was amused that I had survived. I woke up at fifty and I was happy that I was still here. I woke up at sixty and I was appreciative of all the blessings in my life. I woke up today in joyous anticipation of the miracles to come. I woke up and for that I am grateful. I am awake and I am alive. I am awake and I am alive.

the smile on the face of a child is something pure and wild that lights the world with love.

whenever my post traumatic stress pisses me off I use that anger as a source of inspiration and make a conscious effort to let goodness be my path and purpose.

spirit flows freely into a richer reality when we hear the sweet harmonious whispers of our soul and use their wisdom to ignite the flame of true divine love.

this is your moment to bring happiness to the world. this is your time to find joy in everything you do. this is your life to live in any way you so choose. you are the master of your fate. you are the creator of your destiny. this is your moment, your time and your life.

together in light let us as loving caring people dedicate ourselves to being a source of happiness for all.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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