Thursday, January 16, 2020

Pure Powerful Love is a Butterfly of Spirit

pure powerful love is a butterfly of spirit who when embraced guides us to profound landscapes of peace and comfort where our heart blossoms and cherished wishes come true.

be who you are. live who you are. embrace who you are. admire who you are. enjoy who you are. appreciate who you are. love who you are.

with ethereal encouragement from angels and ancestors I seek to live a joyous life of soul fulfilling experiences in which I grow and transform into a beautiful being of light and spirit.

I like to breathe love as doing so fills my heart with life changing messages that give me the strength to be hopeful and the courage to be happy.

yours is a unique mission in life. yours is a journey of expanding awareness and angelic encounters. yours is a sacred path of meaning and significance. embrace what is yours and share its beauty with the world.

connect to your spirit and the soul reveals itself. connect to your soul and the spirit rejoices. connecting to our soul and spirit is the key to manifesting a wonderful life.

express your sacred purpose. embrace your true nature. engage in activities that change your world for the better. enlighten every aspect of your life. educate your mind, body, spirit and soul. ethereal is the journey for those who make the effort to forge their own path and live their divine destiny.

my childhood forced me to close many doors which made me isolated and alone. it wasn't til one day when I was almost forty that without thinking I not only unlocked those doors but actually opened them. gradually the light entered and the love that I had so long denied myself found me. maybe its time you unlocked and opened your doors.

it was when I began to see things differently I was able to awaken my vision. it was when I changed my perspective that I was able to follow my sacred spiritual calling. it was when I made the choice to choose another direction that I discovered the divine within me. it was when I began to love myself that things began to get better.

its how we respond to trauma that makes all the difference in the world. when my past triggers within me feelings of rage that attack my present I embrace my sacred strengths and set out on a path firmly rooted in love.

create within you a space for miracles as doing so will manifest meaningful encounters and mystical opportunities that will enrich your life.

ours is an awe inspiring extraordinary world and when we are able to see with clarity its truth and beauty we grow spiritually.

one day I accepted that life is a journey of greater power, esoteric development and cosmic evolution and everything that was holding me back disappeared and my world transformed into something balanced, blessed and beautiful.

we all have special gifts and those of us who choose to use those gifts to benefit others and serve the greatest good are sacred beings of light whose lives are a blessing of celestial orchestration.

with growing awareness and positive intentions I seek to make my life a meaningful message that moves others to follow their own mystical path and create their own miracles as they share the sacred beauty of who they truly are.

the soul feels good when we make ours a true spiritual home in which we live our divine destiny in harmony with the heavens and sacred Mother Earth.

genuine kindness is a blessing that inspires us to be glorious sacred beings of unfolding light who live and love in harmony with the universe.

reach into your heart and you will find within a flower that blooms, a wind that whispers and a soul that sings a song of peace and healing.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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