Thursday, January 30, 2020

Embrace Me with a Sacred Beauty that Nurtures my Mind, Body and Spirit

I like to spend time in the serene garden of the soul where feelings of enlightenment embrace me with a sacred beauty that nurtures my mind, body and spirit.

everybody has abilities. everybody has gifts. everybody has blessings. it is by sharing those treasures that we illuminate the heart and soul of humanity. everybody has something beautiful within them waiting to be released into the world, the universe, the heavens and beyond.

mine is a path of purity, passion and courageous integrity in which my essential purpose is to simply be a good man who lives a good life in good ways that inspire goodness.

when I share opinions I do so according to my personal experiences. when I criticize something or someone I do so according to my personal experiences. when I make judgements I do so according to my personal experiences. we all have both positive and negative experiences. we are all different and we react differently sometimes to similar situations. what is good for most people may be a trigger for me. if you come across my words and they upset you then let them go and move forward. I say this because people online think everything is a fight. sometimes its my way of purging and sometimes its just the words in my head. the truth is I could say anything and it would offend somebody. I could say I don't like cooked cabbage and people would come forward to defend the honor of cabbage everywhere.

incredible is the awakening that occurs when I immerse myself in the sacred, bathe in the beauty of the spirit and dive deeply into my own personal divinity.

approach each day with spirit directed purpose and the intention of being an instrument of love, light, peace and harmony.

it was the loving touch of beautiful souls that pulled me from the darkness into the light and for that I am eternally grateful.

climb with me sacred mountains where natural healing energy flows and together we will stand with integrity as we make vibrational choices that wholeheartedly embrace our divine truth and beauty.

if you are dealing with psychics, healers, new age practitioners or self help gurus its important that common sense be your guide. if they are telling you to place herbal bags in your vagina ask yourself does that sound right. that goes for steaming also. remember its a vagina its not broccoli. ask your doctor if thats a good idea. if they tell you that they have the cure for cancer and its berries just walk away. if it doesn't sound sensible it probably isn't. there are a lot of great people in the spiritual arts. however not all are well meaning, not all are intelligent and not all are aware. pick your practitioner carefully.

by serving our sacred needs we create an elevated state of well being which soothes our spirit and empowers our reality.

beautiful is the smile on the face of the soul when we as sacred sentient beings use our gifts to open the gates of inspiration that we may journey to wholeness and happiness.

be who you truly are, accept who you truly are, honor who you truly are and celebrate who you truly are, for you are a beautifully inspiring being of light and spirit.

I have sat with people from eckankar, I have communed with moonies on the shores of Lake Erie, I have danced with witches, I have done ceremonies with pagans, I have conversed with born again Christians, I have been to the church of scientology, I have discussed spiritual matters with the raelians, I have been recruited by christian organizations, I have been asked by satanists to open a temple, I have studied unarius, I have looked into the church of the subgenius, I have read the bible, koran, talmud and every other spiritual book, I have explored alien beliefs and much more. I have done all these things with the intention of learning not judging. each thing has taught me something about itself and about my self. I look forward to my next journey. I look forward to my next adventure. I look forward to my next exploration of spirit. I do so with the knowledge that I will be okay because no matter what I do I am always looking forward.

make wise choices, share the treasures of the heart, walk a path of graceful compassion, use your healing gifts to help others and be who you truly are. with these simple soulful steps you will grow and transform in unexpected ways that improve your beautiful blessed life.

intentional kindness creates ripples of transformation that connect us to wholeness and help us to flourish.

I was walking down the street once and I passed by this old storefront. the door was wide open and I heard voices. so i stuck my head in and there was group of men reading a religious text. it was a westernized version of an east indian book. they asked if I would sit with them and me being me I said sure. after about a half an hour the session ended and they asked me if I wanted to join their group. I asked them if this was a mens group. they said yes. I asked if they had a women's group and they said yes. I asked if men were allowed at the women's group and they said yes. I asked if women were allowed at the mens group and they said no. I said goodbye and walked out.

greater harmony and spiritual well being come our way when we journey mindfully toward a soul hearted life in which every step we take is crafted with love.

become your best self by connecting wth the energy of your soul and using its natural organic beauty to create with love a life that honors and celebrates who you truly are.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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