Thursday, December 10, 2020

Peaceful Souls and Powerful Messengers


peaceful souls and powerful messengers meet me on the mystical mountain of wonder and wisdom where together we will explore new territories of light and love which we will then share with our world.

within you are reservoirs of pure light and love waiting for you to embrace their sacred beauty that you may experience bliss as you live in harmony with all things sacred.

my home is a loving environment deeply connected to creation where we bring purpose to our path by making a conscious effort to grow spiritually every day.

as caretakers of tomorrow it is our moral duty to respectfully and responsibly take care of our planet and its people. to this point in our existence we have failed miserably.

mine became a satisfying life of spirit when I embraced the essence of who I am with the intention of enriching all areas of my life in ways that would facilitate significant sacred growth.

beautiful beings let us on this day make it our intention to enjoy life more. let us as sensitive and empathetic souls walk a clear path toward a brighter future. we are healers and helpers lovingly created to shine our light upon the world. let us all begin to fulfill our divine destiny.

the hardest part of this pandemic for me has been the ignorance, anger, stupidity, violence, hurtfulness, hatred and complete and utter madness of people who should know better. seemingly decent people who somewhere along the way have simply lost their minds. my first thought during this time wasn't to hoard, it wasn't to attack, it wasn't to spit on people, it wasn't to slander or slur, it wasn't to threaten and it wasn't to push my own agenda. my first thought was to survive, to take care of me and mine, to support others , to shine my light and share my love. the easiest part of this pandemic for me was to do the right thing in the right way with the greater good of all as my intention.

joy is a natural state which reveals itself when we live our dreams, desires, passions and purpose.

the day I learned to loved myself was the day I saw before me a clear new life path which awakened the light within and led me on a journey of miracles and blessings.

I experience sheer joy by greeting each day with gratitude and setting out every morning with happiness as my companion and love as my purpose.

I find that when my first thought is to act with compassion, kindness and understanding that my life is impacted in inspiring and miraculous ways.

my wife and son are the miracles in my life. they are my inspiration. they are the light that guides me along a path of love. with every thought, intention, word and action they bless my mind, body, spirit and soul. my wife and son are the miracles in my life.

I looked inside my heart which illuminated my spirit which assisted me on my chosen path while embracing me with heavenly delight.

when I open gateways to higher dimensions the truth of that moment enlivens, enriches, expands and elevates my reality while at the same time enlightening my existence.

ours is meant to be a blessed life journey that positively impacts the world and because of this I make an effort every single day to do what I am meant to do and be who I am meant to be.

I laugh my way through the darkness with prayers and intentions which help me find that special place where the light enters.

I like to go where angels dwell for joy and contentment reside there in kinship with the earth, the universe and the heavens.

with heartfelt pleasure and a knowledge that empowers I seek to bring light to my world by connecting with like minded beings and together honouring the heavens and sacred Mother Earth.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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