Thursday, January 21, 2021

Walking through Canyons of Introspection


I was walking through canyons of introspection with the intention of creating good karma when I came upon my immortal soul who was waiting to guide me on a personal heroic journey of celestial beauty that transcends the traditional and embraces the transformational when I realized that I was already on that journey and I had been my whole life.

the divine spark within lit a fire in my soul that warmed my heart and awakened my authentic self who with clarity of intention immersed me in a world of revelation and transformation where with higher purpose I have created a heaven I call home.

our horizons expand when we with active imagination, kind words and positive intentions send out into the world messages of joy, hope and happiness.

I wept with joy the day I discovered my true self because he embraced me with love, showered me with blessings, saturated my mind with ancient wisdom and gave me the strength, power and passion to transform.

the earth sings a song and I reach for the sun as the brilliant and beautiful dance with the divine in celebration of the pure sacred glory of a life well lived.

there is a light breeze that flows over the mountain of my spirit which guides me through the forest of my soul to a world of myth and reality where humanity and divinity live as one.

when my mind is hungry I feed it. when my body is hungry I feed it. when my spirit is hungry I feed it. when my soul is hungry I feed it. when my heart is hungry I feed it. what I feed myself determines how my day, week, month, year and life will go. I just made myself a bowl of kindness, compassion, love and light for breakfast this morning and I am looking forward to the day ahead.

simple, sincere, sacred and wise are the children of the world for innocence is inspiration that lights the world with love.

each and everyone one of us has an extraordinary story. it is a story of life, love, strength, courage and survival. open the window of your soul and set free your story that the world may know the brilliance and beauty of who you truly are.

I found the transcendent in the back of my mind stored in a box of memories from a past life and used them to build a bridge of blessings to the sacred love that is my destiny.

I find that when I pay tribute to the spirit within it fosters hope, embraces change, cultivates compassion and facilitates sacred self discovery.

theres a lot of crazy out there these days. I choose not to listen to crazy instead I listen to clarity and hope which during these difficult times has kept me safe and sane.

spread your wings and take flight along a lighted path of love where your visions are validated, your intentions are elevated and your heart and soul are captivated by all that is sacred.

we are all ethereal artists and within each of us are unique and special brands of creativity waiting for us to express our artistic essence to the world by making our life the masterpiece it is meant to be.

I received a call from my calling one day who told me to live my life in a way that showed the world I loved to love.

my footprints are in the wind and my heart prints are in the heavens for I am a being of light whose spirit soars freely through realms, dimensions and worlds most sacred.

do that which resonates with spirit as this will help you to transcend the trials of life with an enduring expression of love and lightness.

open your mind and free your dreams that they may in heavens glory lift your heart, raise your spirit and elevate your existence.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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