Thursday, September 27, 2018

I Have Rainbow Visions That Show Me The Blessings In My Life

when I am suffering and in pain I have rainbow visions that show me the blessings in my life as well as the good things that are coming my way.

by letting life flow freely from a place of kindness and compassion we create an atmosphere of love that shapes our reality into something transcendently beautiful.

in moments of love miracles happen that inspire angels and touch the heavens with the glorious beauty of our existence.

I got in touch with my higher self yesterday and we discussed how I could best serve the greatest good and the answer was with a smile and an open heart.

in unity and oneness may we create a joyful pathway to the heavens where we as beautiful sacred beings blossom together.

we are messengers of light and by sharing a simple sincere smile we send a loving message that tells the world we are here to help humanity.

mine is a destiny shaped by the light of spirit which embraces the flower of life with loving energy and deep respect.

love is a blossoming gift that blesses our world and helps us to create a joyful life of kindness and compassion where dreams are nurtured.

by choosing to be positive we benefit ourselves and humanity.

with confidence live who you truly are for you are a bountiful being of light whose life is a miracle to be cherished and celebrated.

there are pockets of sweet sacred absolute purity within each soul that elevate us to the light when we open our mind and heart to the ethereal beauty of our glorious existence.

you are a blossoming butterfly whose life and work impact people in ways that enrich, empower and enlighten. I honor and celebrate the beauty of your true sacred self. bless you.

I remember being at deaths door and thinking what a crappy neighbourhood I believe its time i moved.

there are beautiful treasures within each soul that reveal themselves when we as sacred messengers embrace self worth as we ascend to a higher level being.

the time has come to unwrap your innate healing gifts and share them with the world as you transform your life into a blessed journey of enlightening experiences.

worship, praise, accept and love yourself. do these simple things and yours will be a path of profound change where goodness and kindness are your sacred companions.

in my heart the positive energy of love flows freely filling my being with pure intentions that awaken the truth and beauty of my authentic existence.

we experience the spiritual when we walk a positive path that embraces the light with dignity, honor and integrity.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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