Thursday, April 25, 2019

Evolve Into The Light Of A Beautiful New Reality

open the heart to love and you evolve into the light of a beautiful new reality in which you experience joyfully the sacred in life.

I am reminded on a daily basis of a childhood that was filled with broken people whose warped sense of love and family scarred my very soul. I am also reminded on a daily basis that my wife and my son are blessings who have shown me what love and life are like when peoples intentions are pure, positive, honest and sincere.

the darkness of depression has not destroyed me because its greatest failure has been its inability to stop me from seeing the beauty of my soul and the blessings in my life.

breathe in the beauty of spirit and you awaken within you an aliveness that expands, enriches and enlightens your world.

when our freedom is greater and our environment is filled with positive growth we are able to see the true sacred beauty of the human spirit.

the more we express our goodness the more gloriously alive we become and the more able we are to embrace the joy in life.

my present self and past self were fighting about my future self when my true self said we all needed to be more selfless then we would get along better and be able to live in harmony which we did as we took a selfie.

be an angel of love who from a place of pure joy sends out sacred healing energy and divine blessings to a world desperately in need of a hug.

every time I have a mental breakdown I make a conscious decision to follow it with a miraculous buildup. by making this choice I have given myself the gift of a more positive, inspiring and loving life.

live! live your dreams. live your desires. live your destiny. live!

by removing guilt from our life we begin to manifest visions of joy from which we can shape a new more positive reality.

with your passion for life paint a tapestry of love whose positive divine blessings empower yourself and the world around you.

shape your reality with loving nurturing energy and yours will be a journey of self healing experiences in which you reach a sacred state of grace and joy.

when I am angry I seek to walk a more peaceful path. when I am broken I make choices that embrace my life with healing energy. when I am depressed I do my utmost to nourish spiritual aspirations. I have survived by choosing in the worst of times to share with the world the best of me.

no matter how dark your days are you can still be a source of light for others.

there is a light within us that unfolds with exquisite beauty into our lives when we embrace our path with love as we step joyfully into our greatness.

it is not that I actually find the positive in every experience that awakens the sacred beauty within me and shapes my spiritual path, its simply the intent to do so that fuels the fire within and lights my way.

with meaning, purpose and heart opening grace may you make life affirming choices that expand your awareness while guiding you to the highest and greatest good.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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