Thursday, October 31, 2019

I struggle but I survive for I am worthy of all the love and light life has to offer.

I struggle but I survive for I am worthy of all the love and light life has to offer.

inhabit your divine existence with the intention of sharing your sacred calling with every soul you meet along your ever evolving journey of truth and beauty.

I like it when my inner state of power and my outer sense of wellbeing come together as one and guide me along a path of soul enriching experiences.

I was three years old when my grandmother heard a knock on her door and opened it to see a bus driver holding my hand. he asked her is this yours and she said yes. he said that i was sitting in the middle of the road. I knew even then that I was on my own. I knew even then that I needed to take care of myself. I knew even then.

I like to use my unique essence to inspire others to live authentically for I have found that by embracing who we are and sharing our truth we can reach a higher state of spirit.

give yourself love. light your path with love. make love a way of life. share your love. be love.

I think i will uplift myself today by making choices that manifest mystical experiences and create real happiness.

a smile summons the sacred which brings with it heavenly healing energies that improve the quality of life.

the mere intention of cultivating wellbeing is a gift we give ourselves that heals and inspires for it creates a meaningful mindset that opens the heart to miracles.

I was sitting on the sidewalk downtown just watching life walk by when this young man approached me. he was carrying a satchel and was looking around like he was nervous. when he finally worked up the courage he said to me I have a gun for sale with one bullet in the chamber. the one bullet thing still makes me chuckle to this day. I said you realize if I buy the gun from you I can just shoot you and take my money back. he said sorry for taking up your time sir and walked away. sometimes even the dark and dangerous things in life are so absurd as to make you laugh.

through kindness and compassion I have managed to create for myself better tomorrows to the point that I awake each morning feeling blessed for I know that today is but yesterdays tomorrow.

today I will dance with joy and spread love as I unite soul and spirit with the intention of creating an awe inspiring atmosphere of sacred beauty.

I hide not from the darkness of my past. I choose instead to openly share the darkness of my past for doing so has helped me make my way into the light of a future I can be proud of.

rejoice with me in a heaven of our own making as we set out on a soul expanding journey where in ways spiritually beneficial to ourselves and others we facilitate hope, healing and happiness.

there are realms of light high above this plane of existence that fill our lives with the highest greatest good when we live our spirituality and love who we are.

it was while discovering my true self that I connected with my sacred self who introduced me to my highest self which inspired us all through loving acceptance of each other to become one beautiful blessed being of light.

we are blessed for within us there are wellsprings of pure positive energy which if fully believed in become hopes, dreams and wishes that we can through devotion to self turn into divine realities.

I am ready for a miracle and all I have to do now is decide what kind of miracle I will create.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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