Thursday, October 17, 2019

You are a Remarkable Being. You are a Beacon of Light. You are a Beautiful Blessing.

you are a remarkable being. you are a beacon of light. you are a beautiful blessing. this is who you are. believe in who you are. love who you are.

I am a messenger of spirit and every message I have is delivered with kindness for they are blessings of beauty and truth meant to nurture, nourish, support and encourage.

sometimes life gives you signs and you either don't see them or you ignore them. my blood type is B Positive.

I spent far too many years being unbalanced and unhappy so now wherever I go I bring with me balance and harmony for they are blessings that help me express joyously the beauty of my true sacred self.

I greet the day with gratitude for I am awake, aware and alive.

giving thanks is a beautiful gift that benefits our well being while guiding us into the light.

change your reality. if you are struggling change your reality. if you are hurting change your reality. if you are suffering change your reality. sometimes its as simple as changing a frown into a smile. change the little things first and that will help you change the bigger things later. change your reality. if you are bleeding change your reality. if you are dying inside change your reality. if you are reading this change your reality. change your reality.

some of the best work I have done as a reader and spiritual practitioner was not the reading itself but the listening honestly and sincerely to the struggles of those who sought my services. sometimes thats all it takes to help someone heal. we all need somebody that we can share our stories with who will listen without judgement. I say this to all I have crossed paths with - I have heard your cries and answered with truth and honesty. you are worthy, you are loved and I am a better man for knowing you.

I was sitting in the living room on the comfy chair watching through the window for my son to come home from school when he came running around the corner and down the street with his hair bobbing up and down as he smiled at the sight of me waiting for him. it was like a scene from a family show from the seventies. it is moments like that which remind me of how truly blessed I am. there is beauty in simplicity and wonder in innocence.

the realization that there was a force of goodness within me was the catalyst for me finding wholeness and a deeper sense of unity with my true sacred self.

let us come together in cosmic fields of consciousness and create at atmosphere of compassion where we cultivate love.

it has taken me a long time but I now have a more positive relationship with myself and my life is the better for it.

I was painting landscapes of inspiration on the canvas of my soul when I found my divine purpose within the images and used that knowledge to invite miracles into my life.

there are those who would step on your dreams. rise above them and fully embrace your gifts as you manifest your dreams and desires. never let others take away your beliefs, truths, desires and dreams. be who you are in spite of opposition. your dreams are realities waiting to be set free. live your dreams.

some people think I have my head in the stars which I do because it is there that I am able to align with my true sacred self.

freedom and bliss were walking down the street one day when they saw me sitting on a bench alone and depressed. freedom said whatever is troubling you is restricting you. let it go and free yourself. bliss said the struggles you are having are blocking your way. so push them aside and follow your bliss. I took their advice removed my self imposed barriers and set out on a new path. these days I take the time each morning to go for a walk with freedom and bliss as my companions.

excuse my spelling of the key words in this story because they are French Canadian slang and I don't know how to spell them so I am writing them phonetically to illustrate my point. I am one of those irritating people who will when others are talking yell out thats a great name for a band or a great title for a chapter in your autobiography. my son started grade four this year and is taking French so I told him this story. one summer my grandmother was visiting from up north. she liked to sit out front under the big maple tree and sing to the birds. she would sing BAYS MO KEY FE DE DIC FE DE DIC BAYS MO KEY FE DE DIC FE DE DIC. I had some friends over one afternoon and they asked what is your grandma saying. I said I don't know ask her. so they said Mrs DeRoche what are you singing to the birds and she said BAYS MO KEY FE DE DIC FE DE DIC BAYS MO KEY FE DE DIC FE DE DIC. They asked what does that me and she said kiss my ass Frederick. she said listen doesn't that sound like what they are singing - kiss my ass Frederick Frederick, kiss my ass Frederick Frederick. I love my family. my son was amused by the story while not really understanding it. the next morning at breakfast he asked me to repeat it. he said tell me the BEIGE MONKEY story again and I said BEIGE MONKEY thats a great band name. If you ever start a band call it BEIGE MONKEY!

when people disappoint me I seek a deeper connection with my true self which infuses my heart and soul with the kindness and compassion necessary to embrace them with healing spiritual energy.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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