Thursday, April 09, 2020

Connect to the Simple Things in Life that make you Happy

there is magick all around you. connect to your true self. connect to sacred Mother Earth. connect to gods and goddesses, connect to higher understanding and connect to the simple things in life that make you happy. now use those connections to reshape your world into something beautiful, blissful and blessed.

I went for a walk in a positive direction to a place of self renewal where I opened portals to alternative realities and added richness to my life.

ours is a deeply poetic soul journey and by reshaping our life with positive personal prose our true essence is revealed and we become a most beautiful sight to behold.

explore the hidden realms within and let them cleanse you with powerful waves of energy that you may know how the ocean feels and how the heavens react when we embrace lifes true natural blessings.

this is a time of renewal, rebirth and reverence for the sacred. let us make it our purpose not only to survive but to emerge stronger and wiser.

I am on a path of dreams and holistic adventures in which every breath fills the heart with love.

there was some toilet paper at the grocery store yesterday. before this crisis you could have never told me that a roll of two ply would be a sign of hope.

in my mind I see mesmerizing dreamscapes and highly evolved worlds in which we are linked together in love by a higher consciousness and a scared purpose.

for me this is a time of alchemical transformation. it is a wakeup call for me to make a positive meaningful contribution by living a better life. it is a time to absorb and express my souls purpose. it is a time to let the love that is my essence flow freely. it is time to be who I was born to be.

whenever I fall from grace I rise in glory for life struggles do not define me they empower me.

in waking worlds I dream of a time when compassionate realization empowers, encourages and inspires manifestations of spirit that connect us to and embrace us with love.

what have I learned during the current struggle - I have learned that every breath is sacred and that every moment is an opportunity to love.

we are vibrational beings born radiant with amazing spiritual gifts and by living this truth with greater awareness and authenticity we can climb any mountain and overcome any obstacle. be powerfully, purposefully and positively who you are.

I awoke this morning and showered myself with positive energies, made a breakfast of peaceful well being and connected to the divine before beginning my epic journey of inspiration, rejuvenation, preparation and transformation.

connect more deeply with your true self as you listen to your inner calling guide your destiny to fields of faith where you may roam free as you flourish.

every day I open doors to new worlds with the knowledge that when this crisis is over I will walk through door after door after door into beautiful sacred loving communities and environments of hope, health and happiness.

guided by the light of spirit I navigate life challenges with positive energy and a sacred purpose that cultivates greater well being.

focus on self love for the more you love and care for yourself the better able you will be to love and care for others.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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