Thursday, May 21, 2020

Today is a Day of Wonderful Opportunities to Merge with the Divine by Exploring Worlds far Beyond our Reach

today is a day of wonderful opportunities to merge with the divine by exploring worlds far beyond our reach.

I looked within my soul and saw transformational fires filled with divine messages that improved my mental, physical and spiritual health.

in blessed silence I spiritually advance on an extraordinary journey of ascension to a world of enlightenment where a healing symphony serenades me with a song of pure profound beauty that embraces my mind, body and soul.

I like to cleanse my soul with expanded consciousness, universal life energies and a sacred stream of light that acknowledges the presence of love.

you are a galactic creation of divine light and by using your profound potential and powerful energies you can help heal your life.

I am on a profound quest where the spirit emerges and embraces me with universal love every time I improve my relationship with life.

we are spiritual beings and with that knowledge as my inspiration this time has been a powerfully liberating path of visionary experiences, infinite awareness and ethereal revelations that have filled my world with love and blessings.

with greater freedom comes greater responsibility. as restrictions are lifted let us remain diligent in our desire to stay safe. let us commit to protecting not only ourselves but everybody. let us give freely the gift of love and let us continue to help ourselves and others.

knowingly celebrate your strength, courage, resilience, kindness and compassion as you shine a light on your soul, spirit and divinity.

there is a divine emergence on its way that will bring with it a treasure trove of hope and inspiration which will create for one and all a vibrant new tapestry of real happiness and sheer joy.

delve deeply into the sanctum of sacredness and you will see before you possibilities which if embraced will nourish and liberate your whole self with love and blessings.

live and love authentically. live and love happily. live and love spiritually. live and love joyously. live and love fully. live and love.

let us with buoyant spirit and sacred influence embrace all that is good as we weave together a world of grace, beauty, kindness, compassion and love.

alive and vibrant I approach each day with the intention of thinking my destiny into being.

my highest purpose is one of holy harmony deeply connected to spirit in which with every step I joyously purge myself of the darkness as I enter into the heaven light of a better more beautiful world.

what reality will you create today. what hidden treasures will you unearth. what blessings will you open yourself up to receive. what sacred truths will you embrace. what positive choices will you make. what mountains will you climb. what paths will you pursue. what reality will you create today.

you are a sacred masterpiece and the story of your souls path is one of beauty and grace that inspires those blessed to experience your greatness.

we are all awakening souls on a path of powerfully simple truths whose sacred purpose is to serve the highest greatest good.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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