Thursday, September 10, 2020

Glorious is the Soul of Humanity


glorious is the soul of humanity and generous is the spirit of love when we as sacred beings live our truth in liberating ways that inspire change and create a brighter future for all.

I was cleaning house yesterday by throwing away things that other people had left lying around which were cluttering the hallways of my mind like the words hoax and conspiracy and that simple task made space in my consciousness for words like kindness, compassion and common sense. today I woke up happier and healthier than I have been in a long time.

you are the architect of your aspirations which means you can make a blueprint for your life from which you can build something wonderful, beautiful, uplifting, peaceful, positive, serene and blessed.

I think I shall start my day happy as doing so changes the way I see the world which enhances my life in miraculous ways.

when I am feeling down I make a conscious effort to foster goodness, grace, greatness and growth for the simple intention to do so raises my spirits and warms my heart.

I think people need to look up words like honor, dignity, respect, integrity, decency, compassion, kindness, virtue, grace, morality, honesty, thoughtfulness, civility, solidarity, sympathy, empathy and love because these are things that during this crisis seem to have gone awol.

help others heal others by helping yourself to heal.

in those times when the world around me becomes too much to handle I align with my sacred self and I rise above the turmoil where I can see with clarity the full beauty of life.

how about instead of making comments that are derisive we start making loving decisions that bring forth the beauty and blessings within.

we are beautifully unique beings who by embracing our brilliance illuminate a truth that opens the heart of the sacred and brings joy to our world.

I think I shall create a new reality in which with every thought, word, action and intention I express with loving energy a message of love that improves my karmic future while positively impacting the world around me.

at the core of my being is a place of pure love where I go when I am in need of divine blessings, true happiness and bliss.

when life was at its darkest my true spirit called and my answer was yes. since then my world has been one of blessings, truth, goodness, bliss, beauty, light and love.

with heart centered vision, compassionate awareness and a deep appreciation for life I shall set out on this day to find love in every step, breath and moment.

I took a walk beyond awakening where I found a reservoir of absolute pleasure that helped me to see the love in each moment.

a heart that is free is a heart that is happy. a soul that is free is a soul that is joyous. a spirit that is free is a spirit that is elated. a life that is free is a life that is rapturous. freedom is a blessing that embraces us with bliss.

with sacred loving guidance from saints, angels, ancients and ancestors I approach each day with the intention to serve, heal, inspire and bless.

through self understanding a sacred beauty unfolds that fills our heart with greater contentment while opening gateways to enlightenment.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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