Thursday, July 16, 2020

Engage in Whole Self Experiences that Center and Balance your Life

the combination of messages from spirit and wisdom from the love inside me has helped me to traverse spiritual landscapes in which I encounter the mystical as I engage in whole self experiences that center and balance my life.

the hardest part of this crisis for me has not been the disease itself but the constant barrage of misinformation from misguided people. I stopped listening to others early on. I chose instead to listen to the voice within and just use common sense as my guide. I am happy and healthy.

I like to bathe within the waters of my soul for it not only cleanses me it also gives meaning and value to my eternal ethereal existence.

from wounds come wisdom that is nourishing, healing and beautifully fulfilling.

let us with a smile on our soul immerse ourselves in experiential exercises of deep spirituality and healing change that are mutually beneficial.

by embracing the raw beauty of our existence we open acutely transformation gateways of wonder which guide us on a journey of true happiness to our higher sacred self.

engagement and interaction with love minded beings fills our world with graceful contemplative moments in which we experience the ethereal as we are embraced by the extraordinary.

you are a being of light on a journey of liberation whose every breath is a unique contribution that makes the world a better place.

explore the beauty within the core of your being and you will have deep inner experiences which create moments of grace that will embrace your world with meditative insights and synergistic sacredness.

choose a clear direction toward sacred self worth and yours will be a journey of harmonious living and spiritual attunement in which you are immersed in meaningful moments that manifest miracles.

to awaken at every level be kind with yourself, engage and interact with others in compassionate ways, take part in healing practices, go to places where goodness flows and let love be your passion, purpose, path and intention.

with authenticity and authority purify your mind as you set your intentions to evolving in ways that encourage growth of heart, soul and spirit.

a sense of calm and heavenly good comes over us every time we share with joyful intensity the sheer brilliance and beauty of our radiant sacred self.

improved well being comes our way when with generosity of spirit we do our utmost to be agents of joy and messengers of light.

stop whining, stop moaning, stop blaming, stop trolling, stop ranting, stop raving, stop criticizing, stop misbehaving, stop accusing, stop hating, stop attacking, stop berating, stop, stop, stop, stop...
start living, start smiling, start singing, start laughing, start celebrating, start dancing, start giving, start sharing, start rejoicing, start caring, start loving, start, start, start...

develop and nurture a higher purpose by speaking the language of spirit, sharing the magick of your soul and embracing fully the greater whole.

the heart is lifted and bathed in moonlight when we open ourselves to the divine flow of positive energy that resides within the core of our being.

the road ahead becomes clearer when we let the light of love within our heart shine through.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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