Thursday, July 23, 2020

It is by living a more Conscious Life that we make a Greater Contribution to Humanity

it is by living a more conscious life that we make a greater contribution to humanity.

look for the light of divine guidance for it will give you a life enhancing sacred sense of purpose that will nurture your environment with abundant well being.

adjust your awareness, align with your values and be authentically present as you confidently shine your light on those things that make you the beautiful blessing that you truly are.

dear heart centered beings know that even though we may disagree on certain aspects of this crisis and how they should be handled I still wish only the best for you. know that even though we approach things differently my desire is that you and yours are happy and healthy. believe this to be true that I want all to survive, thrive, live mindfully and love joyously.

it is easier to divine your future when your future is divine.

while on my way to infinity a mystical awakening occurred which activated my awareness, sparked new ideas and inspired me to light the lamp of mindfulness.

I have not let this crisis bring me down instead I have listened to my celestial guides and used what I have learned from all this to make mine a soul empowering and transcendent journey of education, illumination, inspiration and transformation.

with compassionate intuition I set out on a journey of profound exploration where I not only found my true sacred self but I also gained a greater appreciation for who I am, where I have been, what I have gone through, where I am going and whatever comes next.

I like to engage in purifying practices that breathe fresh life into my heart and soul while immersing me in the divine.

use the light within you to illuminate your path that you may see clearly the positively poetic beauty of the world above, around and within you.

one day I became open to receiving inspiring messages from cosmic forces which awakened me to a higher consciousness that has guided me to an authentic fulfilling life of peace and contentment.

celebrate your strengths, embrace the wisdom deep within, use your intuitive powers, live your truth and share your divine beauty.

the tides of destiny wash over me with a scared source of inspiration that clears my path, cleanses my purpose and cultivates my passions.

I say hello - you hear goodbye. I say have a nice day - you hear get out of my way. I write that I take care of my own - you read nobody else matters. I write I wish you well - you read go to hell. its getting more and more difficult to accept and understand the constant misinterpretation of everything one says or does.
hello, have a nice day, take care of yourself, everybody matters, I wish you well, I hope you are happy, stay safe, I love you.

may yours be a magical quest of deep self awareness, uplifting guidance fruitful manifestation in which you are of great service to yourself and others.

spiritual forces have inspired me to engage in beautiful acts of caring, kindness and compassion that have made mine an empathic journey of enhanced energy and embodied resilience in which happiness for all is my desire and intention.

healing thoughts and feelings create within us a transformative perspective that enhances our spirituality thereby allowing us to experience with clarity the wonder and beauty of life.

forge a path all your own in which you sail seas of self awareness that awaken the soul and ignite the spirit while you discover your divine magnificence.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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