The Mystic Power of Humanity is an Intriguing Delicacy.
Set your Soul on Fire as you walk the Path of Fulfillment.
You are a Divine Child of the Universe.
Lift your Voice and Embrace your True Nature.
Elevate your Soul and Liberate your Spirit.
Your Body is a Garden Chapel Nurtured by Sacred Mother Earth.
Live in Harmony with Earth and Sky and you will be given the Freedom to Blossom.
Celebrate the Beauty in all Living things.
You area Vessel of Light on an Ancient and Wonderful Path.
The Path of Fulfillment is Neverending.
Let the Sweet Light within you Illuminate the Sacred Colours of the Human Race.
Embrace the Gifts within your Soul.
Promote Joy and Creativity as you Rise above the ordinary.
Aspire to your Dreams as you Dance in the Suns Soul Essence.
Dwell in Possibility and Bless the Truth of Who You Are!