Friday, July 27, 2018

Embrace Yourself With Love

I was talking to myself the other day when I was told by me just how special I was and I responded by embracing myself with love.

within my mind there is an ongoing dialogue that never ends. its a constant conversation that torments and tortures me. it is because of this that I live my life the way I do. people are always asking me why I do this or that... and I tell them that how I survive is by framing my life in a way that works for my brain. its one of the reasons I am a practitioner of spirit. where others may have hurt themselves or even ended their lives I have found ways to handle depression, obsession, anxiety... that work for my brain. mental health issues are a reality. I have found that by changing simple things in a manner that embraces my broken mind with light and love, doors open which in the past were closed and locked. I have a good life not because I numbed it with medicine but because I learned to do whats best for my special brain. if you suffer from depression, obsession, post traumatic stress... know that you are not alone and that you are loved.

the universe reveals to us sacred truths that awaken the spirit when we make a concerted effort to become better people.

your unique spiritual essence is a blessing that flows out into the world when you live in heart centered ways that embrace people with kindness and compassion.

see the beauty of others by looking into their heart and soul for that is where their greatness and glory reside.

life is more satisfying and meaningful when we love and care for ourselves as much as we love and care for others.

wisdom resides within the struggles of my life. every scar is a benchmark on the map of my existence that contains information to help me move forward. every drop of blood is a beacon of light that shows me the way to better times. my hurt is my inspiration and with it I seek to help others lessen their pain and enjoy the beauty of their journey.

within the heart of the true self are gifts and abilities which are very beneficial to ourselves and others when used to create more love.

a shared humanity is a blessing of infinite inspiration that enlivens the spirit with compassionate loving energy.

embrace the energies of others with greater love and yours will be a voyage of light where with every kind compassionate choice you grow spiritually.

deeply blessed are we who let life love us, for we are soul nourishers who illuminate the sacred heart of the universe that others may see and experience their own divine beauty.

miraculous is the life of those who believe that they are connected to the divine and use that empowering force to help others connect with spirit.

we are better than we are portrayed on the news. we are beings of kindness and compassion who help each other rise above lifes struggles. we are warriors of spirit who fight our battles with kindness and compassion. for every negative story that we are shown there are countless positive stories of pure love. be not fooled by the media. we are better than we are given credit for. we are better. we are.

belief is an empowering force that can help us create a better future. believe you are sacred, believe you are beautiful, believe you are blessed, believe you are worthy, believe you are loved and believe that you are a miraculous gift to the world.

a life centered in spirit with a compassionate commitment to serve the highest good is a sacred blessing from which harmony and well being blossom.

I wish for you a deep spiritual life of blissful reality filled with meaningful experiences that bring forth the love within.

accept that you are a source of love and a transformation begins that radiates positive energies which help you to create a higher quality of life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Let No Man Raise His Hand!

Let No Man Raise His Hand!

Let No Man Raise His Hand!

As a man I have seen far to many women suffer abuse at the hands of men.

From this point on Let No Man Raise His Hand in Anger , Let No Man Raise His Hand in Hate , Let No Man Raise His Hand in Conflict for to do so diminishes the Human Spirit.

Women are our greatest treasure. They bring life into the world. They nurture our spirits and nourish our souls yet far too many of them suffer at the hands of men. What is wrong with us as a society that in the 21st century we still allow this to take place. We must rise up against those that would oppress , we must rise up against those that would abuse. We must rise up against those that value life so little that they would batter ones soul.

Let us embrace Love as a way of life and acknowledge Women as the Divine Blessing they are.

I received a phone call last night from a loved one whose partner was in jail because he had beaten her bloody. What possesses a two hundred pound man to batter a one hundred and fifty pound woman. What possesses a man to ever raise his hand to a woman. This is disturbing , puzzling and unacceptable. As men we must raise our voices for silence is a form of abuse . We can no longer turn our backs on our Mothers , Sisters , Wives and Friends.

Let No Man Raise His Hand!

Let today be a Healing Celebration in which we Honour every Woman on Sacred Mother Earth.

For my friends in the Creative Arts I ask that you use your gifts to create awareness. Use your music , art , poetry , writing ... to help change peoples paradigm that we may once and for all put an end to this epidemic. For my friends in the Spiritual/Healing Arts I ask that you send your Prayers and Healing Energies to every Woman who has ever suffered abuse at the hands of a man.

Let No Man Raise His Hand!

As a society we must seek to create better men for the ones we have produced so far have failed. We live in a world of rape , murder , molestation , crime and war. We must choose better leaders , create better schools and seek an existence that is less selfish and more selfless.

Let No Man Raise His Hand!

The pure loves light of my Wifes smile embraces my soul , the beauty of my sisters enchants my spirit , the radiance of my nieces inspires my inner child and the divine spark within every woman I have ever met motivates me to cry out to my fellow man - No More ! No More ! - put your hand down and raise your heart in celebration of the majesty of all women.

Let No Man Raise His Hand!

I ask that you transform your thoughts to those of peace , love and beauty. I ask that you have a reverence for life that honours the beauty of all living things. I ask that you live a soul centered life that promotes social awareness and achieves positive change. I ask that you open your hearts to all women for to do so connects us with higher wisdom and allows love and joy to flow into our lives. I ask that you reach for the heavens while keeping your feet on the ground thereby facilitating peace in the world and creating abundant new possibilities.

Let No Man Raise His Hand!

Women have an innate connection to the soul that transcends this earthly existence. Let us rejoice in their magnificence and seek the fruit of their wisdom that we may all find a peace profound as we live in harmony. To move forward in life we must realize that happiness is a choice and must make a conscious effort to make better choices. Teach your children well for they are the future of humankind. We spend so much time teaching math and science and far too little time teaching love , honour , respect , compassion , integrity , dignity and truth. If we are to survive we must teach our children to breathe joy and happiness , to embrace respect and compassion , to see selflessly through spiritual eyes.

Let No Man Raise His Hand!

May this simple note inspire you to Light a Candle of Love thereby illuminating a path of spirit nurturing truth that will lead us out of these dark times into a brighter tomorrow.

Tell your Mother you Love her!
Tell your Sister you Love her!
Tell your Daughter you Love her!

Let No Man Raise His Hand!

Let No Man Raise His Hand!

Yours in the Glory of Love Profound
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Approach the Darkness in a Loving Manner with a Heart Wide Open

I approach the darkness in a loving manner with a heart wide open because I know that it is but a reflection of my suffering and by acknowledging its pain I can help us both heal.

look every day for deeper meaning, for it is the simple intent to discover that there is more than you thought possible which will help you to grow into your greatness.

we grow as people when we live our passion and share our purpose in transforming ways that enrich and empower.

embody the things that make you special and share them with the world for you are a sacred blessing whose uniquely beautiful essence is a shining light that uplifts and inspires.

to bless someone with an act of kindness is a sacred healing experience for both the giver and the receiver.

mine became a life of greater vision and purpose when I allowed love to fill my heart.

the energy of our sacred essence when shared embraces life with a richness of spirit that fills the world with miraculous blessings.

approach each day with greater self awareness and you will discover just how beautiful you are while opening spiritual gateways to wonderful new worlds.

you are ready to shine. you are ready to move forward in glorious new directions. you are ready to live your highest self. the time is now and you are ready.

the universe is filled with divine realities that reveal themselves when we engage in spirit guided activities that elevate, enlighten and transform.

we evolve spiritually by walking our path in a simple profound manner that expresses our true nature in loving life affirming ways.

we liberate our life when we share the blessings in our heart with the intention of living our highest and greatest purpose.

today I will uplift the human spirit with expressions of love that benefit the good of all.

vibrant is the flow of energy in the soul of those whose uniqueness and diversity create a nurturing environment that changes lives and serves a higher purpose.

speak to your heart and it will embrace you with messages of love that will guide you along a path of miracles and inspiration which will change your life in uniquely beautiful ways.

embrace your life with simple miracles like smiles, hugs and random acts of kindness as this will make yours a soul nourishing path that gives birth to your dreams, desires and visions.

while on a personal journey of spiritual growth I discovered the uniquely beautiful light of love that is my sacred essence and was inspired to walk a path that served the greater good of humanity.

love is a joyously uplifting blessing that transforms, invigorates and inspires every aspect of our existence.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One