Thursday, May 27, 2021

True Lasting Peace is a place deep within the Heart

for me true lasting peace is a place deep within the heart created with love by those who showed me that love was real and that I was worthy.

my wife, son and I went for a peaceful walk yesterday morning down by the lake. from there we went and picked up some ice cream, sat on a bench and enjoyed the summer sun caressing our souls. it was a simple sacred morning where you could feel the love in every breath.

pure powerful butterflies of spirit flitter around my sacred garden filling it with subtle sacred energies that make it an oasis of growth and transformation where I may truly enjoy the miracle of living.

my intuition is stimulated by thoughts and actions that express my true self and embrace my sacred gifts for I am a psychic sentient soul whose destiny is simply to be who was born to be.

my son who is eleven wanted to see some fireworks last night so we set out at nine thirty wandering the streets and got home about ten thirty. we were going to give up at one point then we heard something and we followed the sound all the way to the canal. There we got displays from two different directions. Behind us over the houses was a large very colourful display. In front of us on the other side of the canal was a beautiful display which was spectacular because you not only saw it in the air but you also saw its reflection in the water at the same time. it was a lovely bonding moment for us. it was also good reminder that no matter the current struggles there are blessings all around us.

may yours be a heartfelt mission in harmony with the heavens and firmly rooted in love where you live your sacred spiritual calling in awe inspiring ways that soothe and nourish the soul.

I woke up one day with a higher knowing which embraced me with the realization that we are all mystics, messengers, mentors and miracle workers with the power to manifest all that is sacred and meaningful.

the first vaccine we are ever given is love and it is the one if honoured and appreciated which will always make us the happiest and healthiest.

my goal during times of struggle and strife is the same goal I have during times of beauty and bliss which is to make mine a path of greater purpose that touches the heart of humanity in ways which serve the highest greatest good.

profoundly intuitive and intuitively profound are we who see clearly the blessings in our lives and share them freely that we and others may be healed, uplifted, inspired and transformed.

I was rooting around in the attic of my soul one day when I discovered a box of blessings which when opened gave me the courage and compassion to go forward into a beautiful new world of my own creation.

may yours be a purposeful life of heartfelt devotion to self in which with grace and beauty you embody the divine as you share the great gift and blessing you are with the world.

mindful and focused I approach each day with a message of freedom and a song of peace which embrace each moment with profound healing energies that create well being and rejuvenate the spirit.

I feel more alive when I live with more feeling and I live with more feeling when I feel more alive.

today focus on who you truly and direct all your energies to loving and respecting the beauty of your being by doing your best to find peace and happiness in every breath.

one day while looking for a deeper meaning I stopped to look back at all my struggles in life and realized what madness I had made my way through and how truly blessed I was to be where I was at that moment in my life. the deeper meaning I was looking for was always there just waiting for the day that I would see it, know it, appreciate it and love it. one day I was searching for a higher purpose...

even in isolation we can help each other. a kind word crafted beautifully with love and blessings can lift the spirit and awaken the divine.

I was reaching beyond myself when I felt vibrations of love from spirits and angels embrace my entire being with waves of pure positive energy that caressed my soul and connected me to the divine.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Fully and Completely Embrace Life Today


I will fully and completely embrace life today with the intention of manifesting goodness and inspiring greatness.

the love within and the love without were living in sin when they were joined by the love of life who showed them how to share their love which created for them a path of loving where they could love and be loved. isn't that lovely.

for me my son brings me higher levels of happiness that I never thought possible but now believe have always been a part of my destiny.

our true identity is infused with spirit and by opening the door to this reality we bring forth the light of an ever evolving universe into our heart and home.

my beliefs and practices awaken within me new realities that give me greater purpose and connect me to all creation.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the universe for giving me the courage and strength to step out of my comfort zone and into the sacred.

never doubt the importance and significance of who you truly are for you are a blessed being of sacred beauty whose very essence is a beacon of light that flows naturally between moons, stars, heavens and earth.

I was walking a path of purpose to a state of bliss when I came upon the masterpiece of life that is love which whispered words of wisdom and wishes of happiness that invoked a world of wonder and splendor.

sacred waters wash over me cleansing and purifying my life that I may see the truth and begin to feed my heart and soul a limitless supply of love which creates for us a beautiful new world of bliss and blessings.

I was dreaming a dream in which I was dreaming a dream where I was living a life that consisted of making my dreams come true then I awoke to a new reality in which the life I lived was one where dreams and realities were blessings of my own creation.

be a good and faithful friend not only to others but also to yourself for this simple act of compassionate kindness will help you to create the best life possible.

good things happen when we listen to our heart, awaken the spirit and connect to the source.

within the core of our being is a plethora of positive energy that heals us when we embody our divinity and live our true destiny.

I walk a path of mystical experiences wrapped in dreams where I light up the world with a heart and soul that are open to love.

be honest with yourself and you will change and grow in ways that empower and inspire.

I was moving forward without looking back when I was touched on the shoulder by my past self who simply said I am not following you I am just here to remind you how far you have come and how much you have accomplished.

dear passionate truth seeker may yours be a journey where you not only seek the truth but where you do your utmost to make your truth one of nurturing compassion and spiritual transformation in which you truly live life and love love.

life each and every day is an immense responsibility and if we do our best to love each moment with our heart and soul in harmony we honor that responsibility which makes for a better tomorrow.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Give Yourself the Freedom to Live

give yourself the freedom to live in a safe secure way that glorifies and sanctifies your spiritual authenticity.

when I became a safe companion for myself a wind of change began to blow which helped me to paint an ethereal portrait of my life that nurtured within me vitality, optimism, cosmic energy and healing beauty thereby making life for me a celebration of all that is sacred.

flowers rain freedom from the sky for those who in the darkness see the light of the universe and use its brilliance to embark on a spiritually guided journey of reality and revelation that serves the highest greatest good.

the book of life is enjoyable reading when you look at it with eyes of spirit and see the sacred beauty sparkling between the lines and showing the heavens the esoteric beauty of your deeply moving true sumptuous self.

mine is an old fashioned slow burning philosophical tale of richly textured and enchanting discoveries which bristle with insight and inspiration while dreamily opening my heart, soul, body and mind to lifes most beautiful blessings.

I was drinking of peace when the connecting force of soul and spirit reminded me how highly poetic, carefully crafted and free from inhibition my life is when I listen with my heart to the whispers of the angels.

diversity is fuel for the spirit that raises consciousness and heightens awareness. divinity is nectar for the soul that enhances esoteric thought and embraces the magic of the universe. diversity and divinity are innate gifts which bathe us in holy light.

I met with spirit who taught my soul to fly which lifted my heart to the heavens where moonbeams and starlight created a stream of life far beyond the imagination that made my world a wonderland of bliss and blessings.

may the energy of light and the healing power of nature guide you along a glorious path of happiness to a uniquely beautiful new world of constant joy and divine love.

I find that the more I get to know my purpose the better prepared I am to embrace the world with love.

when the struggles of life become too much I take a pregnant pause which gives birth to sensitive and compassionate wisdom that cradles me in loves sacred light.

unconditional love for self and others liberates the human spirit, enhances the flow positive energy and enriches the heart.

we all have within us transformative healing powers and divine blessings which when allowed to unfold into our lives plant seeds of hope and happiness along our path.

in times of crisis I immerse myself in sacred experiences and compassionate actions that help me to live more fully from the heart.

I find that when I live an authentic life I am better able to open the doorway to spirit and step into love.

I was walking along the spiritual path when I met my true sacred self. We talked and walked and watched the sunbeams dance through the leaves on the trees. We enjoyed each others company because we were both open to receive. Since that day we go out walking whenever we can as a reminder that we are one and we are worthy.

to feel compassion for yourself serves the highest good for it is when we believe in, trust, nurture and love ourselves that we elevate every aspect of our existence.

with clear intention and positive purpose use your gifts to help yourself and others experience sacredness as doing so will inspire us all to ascend into the sunlight of a beautiful new day.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One


Thursday, May 06, 2021

Encounters with Guides, Angels and Spirits


encounters with guides, angels and spirits have always been blessings that enlightened my day.

be a source of happiness and you will have encounters with spirit that invoke a connectedness with the world which helps you journey into a state of bliss.

I was communing with my consciousness when we were joined by my compassion who introduced us to something cosmic which ignited our spirits and inspired our souls.

make healthy choices and you manifest divine love for when the reality of your experience is something good that allows happiness to flow the universe rewards you.

bless the world with grace, bless the world with glory, bless the world with gentleness, bless the world with guidance, bless the world with greatness and bless the world with goodness. bless the world with you!

sometimes life surprises you by giving you just what you needed. yesterday after a family breakfast at home we went out to farm boy to pick up some groceries. we each did our own thing when we got home and then we had a nice fresh lunch together. then we went for a walk through the neighbourhood. after that my wife my son and I watched a family movie together. my wife and son then played a card game. we had a lovely dinner and then we relaxed for the rest of the night. simple sweet and exactly what we needed. no stress, no bad news, nothing upsetting. sometimes its as much what doesn't happen as what does that makes the biggest difference. a beautiful balanced day. what a blessing.

consciously engage in activities that shape your life with a higher purpose which makes you feel alive with love.

when I open my heart I get a more compassionate understanding, when I open my mind I get a clearer perspective and when I open my soul I get what I need to make it through the darkest of times. life for me is best lived open.

worry not about me my friends. I never thought I would make twenty yet here I am soon to be sixty three. I have survived much. I have been to hell and back. I have done what I needed to do to get this far and I will continue to do so. we are all doing well here. its been a long road but we are safe and healthy. I am sending you my love. you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am sending you my blessings. worry not about me my friends.

I embrace the pure positive silence of awareness and use its wisdom and truth to bring love and light to all situations.

give voice to your heart, give voice to your spirit and give voice to your soul. use your voice and the voices within to say something sweet sincere and sacred.

we all have decisions to make concerning covid. mask or no mask. vaccine or no vaccine. I respect and support your decision for your life. I ask the same for mine. we all have different lives and make our decisions according to what we have been through in our lives. both my parents died of cancer so I don't smoke. many many relatives of mine are alcoholics so I don't drink. I have had friends and family die of overdoses so I don't do drugs. I have known far too many who refused to help themselves and left this world far too soon so I have helped myself. it is your life. it is your choice. it is my life. it is my choice. choose well and know that you are loved.

with the purity of truth and the art of my existence I have created a destiny which is pure, passionate and poetic.

the suns light holds me in a warm embrace that makes me feel at peace, believe in miracles and live in the sacred womb of love.

I commit this day to celebrating spirit, radiating truth, cultivating self love, treating myself and others with compassion and dancing to the heartbeat of Sacred Mother Earth.

once upon a time the spark of kindness met the spirit of generosity on a path of peace and together they planted gardens in the soul of humanity which nourished the world with love.

holistic thoughts tell me that a glorious future awaits me on the other side of fear so today I am walking softly with heaven in my heart toward my destiny.

be aware that emanating from your heart and glowing all around you is the light of love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One