Thursday, December 28, 2023

When The Serenity Within Comes Out To Play




Every step along the way is an opportunity for growth and those who take full advantage of those

opportunities are the ones who brighten our world and bless our days.

To be of service is an honour that awakens your blessings and helps you make better life choices

as you grow and move forward into the light of love.

When your intentions are pure you grow spiritually and when you grow spiritually you align

yourself with the highest greatest good.

I remember once when I shared an opinion and nobody got mad. I remember once when I told a joke and 

nobody was offended. I remember once when I politely greeted somebody and wasn't pronoun shamed. 

I remember once when I had a conversation about nothing and nobody was upset about it.

I remember once.

I remember. 

I have blessings to share and I am sending them right now to all those who are sad and suffering. I am 

sending you a spiritual hug and a cosmic kiss. 

You are Loved!

With compassionate clarity I engage in positive activities of pure intention in the hope that it will 

inspire a collective transformation which will illuminate our paths with love.

I was talking with spirit about stepping into our greatness when soul joined us and we all walked 

into a better and more beautiful reality that elevated us to greater heights of happiness.

Each path is a uniquely personal path of meaning and merit meant to be shared in ways that evolve awareness, open minds and make the world a better place. 

I appreciate your beauty and accept your blessings for you are the light of my life and the love that makes me happy to be alive.

You create your destiny, you manifest your dreams and you activate your sacredness for you are an awakened soul on a journey of loving purpose to a place of positive energy and esoteric knowledge. 

MicHEAL Teal

The Ancient One