Thursday, August 26, 2021

Loving Compassionate Ways


with gratitude and thankfulness I celebrate those kind caring souls who have with their loving compassionate ways have helped me to transform and transcend.

mine is a profound yet simple mission in which I courageously tell the truth as I assist myself and others to find inspiration in daily life.

love me more fully and we both become happy which inspires us to love others more completely which deepens our connections and makes the world a better place.

our heart when shared freely is a glorious sight to behold that overflows with love and compassion positively creating and shaping our reality.

if you could experience the beauty of who you truly are you would see the blessings that surround you and be transformed by the greatness and glory of it all.

no matter where I am when I leave I leave a positive impression for that is my contribution to myself, my community and the world which I wish to be beneficial to all.

it was early in life that I realized I was one who would always transcend the norm for I was free thinker who shared those thoughts with the world around me whether they were ready to hear them or not.

celebrate your harvest and let that harvest be happiness for you deserve a life of beauty, bliss and ecstasy that radiates goodness, greatness, love and light.

when you truly breathe in love you discover your truth, nourish your soul, see your own beauty and free your spirit as you begin to live the life you deserve.

let it not be your intention to capture the beauty of life but instead to embrace it with all your heart.

dance with me a shamanic dance that touches the soul and inspires sacred dreams which make us feel aware, awake and alive.

walk with me along the path of the white wolf where we as beings of light may open ourselves fully to the blessings and beauty of sacred mother earth as we refresh our spirit and rejuvenate our soul.

I remember you in your youth when you were free spirited. I remember your passion. I remember your warmth. I remember your innocence. I remember your beauty. I remember your positive energy. I remember your divine essence. I remember your loving presence. I remember you.

we create our own reality and if we do so in the spirit of love ours will be a divine reality that serves the highest greatest good.

you are your contribution to the world and the more you trust, love and believe in yourself he greater your contribution.

engage your spirit, lighten your load, love your life and illuminate your world as you make your way along a compassionately creative path of peace, beauty and bliss.

even though I have seen much sadness, struggle and strife over the years mine will be a life affirming memoir for I am alive, I am blessed, I am happy and I am loved.

plant with me seeds of blessings and love and ours will be a sacred pathway to enlightenment in which we facilitate self discovery as we invoke growth of the spirit and soul.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 19, 2021

A Peaceful Loving Future


I saw joy and happiness creating a circle of hope so I joined them because I knew that by doing so I was investing in spirit which in time would bless me with divine dividends thereby securing for me a peaceful loving future.

I am looking forward to looking forward to moving forward to a place of forward thinking that pushes me forward into a world where I never look back as I move forward into a better more beautiful future. I hope I am not being forward by saying this. I look forward to your response.

I have crossed paths with many people in my life who were miserable because without realizing it they had placed conditions on happiness, joy, bliss and love.

I wake up every morning look out the window at what life has in store for me and make the conscious choice to approach everything with common sense and compassion as I forge my own path to a positive future of my own creation.

one day I encountered who I truly am and at that precise moment entered into a boldly brave new world of cosmic beauty and divine creativity in which I embraced perfect peace as I opened my heart to serenity.

there are truths within the sacred soul of every being on earth whose beauty when released into the world helps us to actualize our purpose, awaken our spiritual voice, expand our perspective and create profound positive change.

we can only heal the heart of the world if we first heal our own hearts.

take time each day to connect with the self and the source as this will manifest a unity of soul and spirit that will positively transform your world.

an inner evolution and a unique blossoming take place when we walk our true path in life planting seeds of creativity, kindness and compassion.

it is by letting our spirit soar that we reach greater heights of happiness.

each day I open the door to transformation and set out into the world on a journey of exploration and enlightenment with awareness, awakening, appreciation and ascension as my purpose.

I like to play in the presence of spirit while cultivating joy within the core of my being as these are acts of self love and appreciation that optimize my blessings and expand my horizon.

I invited insight and inspiration over for lunch one day to talk about how we could cultivate compassion and contentment. it was a meeting and meal that nurtured and nourished mind, body, heart, soul and spirit.

I was reaching for higher realms and praying for world harmony when I heard the angels speaking the language of love which inspired me to make my home a place pf harmony, happiness, unity and peace.

my heart is a place my soul calls home and that for me has been my saving grace.

my hope for today is that as many people as possible bring comfort, healing and happiness to each other as this will create a higher good which itself will bring deeper meaning and a myriad of miracles to our world.

we all have the capacity to change. we all have the choice of whether that change is positive or negative. we all have the ability to rise above our struggles. open up the window of perception and look at the truth of your existence and ask yourself if anything needs changing. I have journeyed more than once from the darkness into the light because I saw the truth and chose to change my life for the better.

I was standing at the corner of common sense and compassion when conspiracy approached and started yelling about how their truth was the real truth and I said I am on my way home could you just leave me alone and they said why are you infringing on my rights and freedoms and I realized at that moment that there was no point in me responding that they would walk over the dead and dying to make their point. I just wanted to go home and continue what I was doing to keep my family safe, secure, happy and healthy. please dont respond to this post. this is just one mans opinion. I ask not that anyone follow me. I am who I am and I can live with that. please take care of yourself. I wish for us all to be happy and healthy.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 12, 2021

A Soul Directed Life with a Spirit Driven Purpose


I hope you are safe. I wish you the best. I hope you are happy. I wish you great joy on your journey. I hope you are healthy. I wish you a life filled with love. I hope and I wish. that is what I do. I hope you understand. I wish you ...

I have a soul directed life with a spirit driven purpose in which I embrace and share my blessings as I focus my intentions on the greater good.

share with me your spiritual thoughts and beliefs but do not attack me with them.

I have never felt the need to pursue my souls purpose instead I chose to walk hand and hand with it while planting seeds of hope, happiness and love.

I have discovered that by looking within myself I am better able to look outside myself and see with greater clarity the blessings in my life.

today is as good a day as any to connect to your spirit, open your heart, nurture your soul and heal your life.

embrace the magnificence of your being and the glory of your true spiritual nature as this will open doorways to wonder and well being that will positively impact every step on along your path to peace.

the holistic benefits of spiritual knowledge are profoundly healing.

I sat at a cafe with two friends yesterday and we talked and talked about anything and everything while realizing that it was simple things like this which we had missed throughout this crisis and that we would never take our friendships for granted because they are life savers that keep us afloat until once again we can say hey how have you been.

to experience the true essence of another is to experience the true essence of yourself which is a blessing that connects us to each other in a manner that feeds the heart and soul.

I find that when I explore my true nature I step into the sacred where the cleansing light of love focuses my thoughts and intentions on being the best version of myself I can possibly be.

may our hearts align as we as we celebrate our spirit and may our true sacred nature reveal itself as we engage the world compassionately and lovingly.

help me experience the goodness of you. share with me what makes you special. help me to see the true sacred you. share with me what makes you unique. help me embrace the greatness of you. please help me.

I like to authentically express myself. I like there to be no doubt about what I mean. I like to speak my truth honestly. I like to live in a way that makes things better for those around me. I like to foster inner peace and cultivate self love. I like to do things I like and then share them with others because this is who I am and this is what I like.
tell me who are you and what you like?

we have created within our home a positive relaxing environment which has not only gotten us through this crisis but has brought us closer together and made us stronger.

first I step into my dreams and then I step out into the sweet sacred beauty of life with the desire to transform and the intention of making the world a better place.

I try to communicate in positive poetic ways that touch the heart and soul. If for you I have accomplished that then I am happy. if I haven't then I will continue to try for it is who I am and who I have always been.

why is it that some people refuse to believe the simple truth until they or somebody they love is about to die. it matters not how many thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions of people pass. if it is not them or theirs they refuse to believe its true. I was listening to a doctor who was quite upset saying that he has put people on ventilators and before they passed they would express their regret at not making the right decision. this bothered him and will probably haunt him the rest of his life. the majority of people contracting covid right now are the unvaccinated. its not quantum physics its simple math. I wish you no harm. in fact you are in my heart and in my prayers. I am sending you love, light and positive healing energy. be safe, be smart and be aware of the truth that is staring into your soul. I hope one day we can meet on the other side of this and share a kind word, a warm embrace and a smile of sincerity.

I opened my heart to spirit and aligned with my soul which gave me a deeper life purpose and the power to move forward into a beautiful new reality of my own creation.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Peace, Freedom, Joy and Love


with full hearted honesty I say to you that I wish you a safe, secure, happy, healthy life of peace, freedom, joy and love.

I heard one day the call of spirits inviting me to create something special and I answered by doing simple sacred things that had a deeply profound impact on my life and the lives of others.

I like to fill my day with divinely inspired beautiful experiences that help me dream into being a better more beautiful future.

take the time today to celebrate your true nature for you are at your core a loving being of light whose very essence is a ray of sunshine that streams through the heart and soul of those blessed to know and love you.

it is with deeper self awareness that I weave into my heart a bouquet of loving compassion which moves me to live my life in nurturing ways that feed the soul and bring about miracles.

intentions, perceptions and actions shaped by love invite blessings into our lives that guide us along a bright and beautiful path to happiness.

when treated with grace I respond with goodness. I am a spiritual reactionary and how I respond to life is the key that has elevated me above my struggles so that I could see with greater clarity the beauty and blessings in my life.

sail with me across oceans of delight and wonder toward a happier future in which the eternity of spirit and the goodness of humanity embrace every moment with love.

with deep sincerity and artistic I set out each day on a path of goodness and humanity with the intention of building bridges of joy that lead to a better tomorrow.

we all have miraculous powers which reveal themselves when we believe in who we are , accept who we are, honor who we are, respect who we are and love who we are.

something profound happens whenever I approach my day in a positive way that reflects the beauty of my true sacred self.

I can hear the heart of humanity beating a sacred rhythm which raises my vibration and inspires me to walk a path of holistic wellness where I serve the highest good.

each morning I start my day by cleansing my spirit which grounds me in an awareness that connects me to the universe and inspires me to beautifully craft the rest of my day with blessings.

we all have mystical gifts and if we believe in them and use them to help each other by walking a path of positive intentions and compassionate actions we open ourselves to the glory of all that is sacred.

my heart began to heal when I began to live in the light, stimulate the soul and embrace fully the basic goodness that resides within the core of my being.

I find that when I align with my higher self it not only benefits me it benefits those around me which creates a positive flow of energy that reaches across the globe and into the heavens.

by making your environment beautiful you are sending out a meaningful message that inspires others to act in kind and soon that beautiful environment contributes profoundly to making ours a more beautiful world.

I once decided to be happy and that for me was the catalyst for transformation which made my world a better place.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One