Thursday, January 25, 2018

You Are The Light Of Creation

listen to your soul and it will inform you that you are the light of creation and that from you emanates the past, present and future of all that is life.

the more spiritual you become the more compassion you cultivate and the more able you are to facilitate your own transformation.

I am in love with the universe and the universe is in love with me. together we live in harmony with all that is sacred and beautiful.

open yourself to the reality that you are a blessing of light and a gift to humanity destined to weave a life of profound sacred experiences.

immerse yourself in spirit for it carries within it a reservoir of strength and courage that can help you navigate life challenges.

light your inner fire by embracing the bliss of being alive and yours will be a self empowering path hat brings love to the world.

we give our life greater purpose when we set our intentions to achieving the extraordinary by living the life we truly desire.

yesterday I chose happiness as my theme and set out on a path of beauty that was my own creation. today I choose love as my theme and I will embrace each moment with great kindness and compassion.

it is by connecting with your true self that you discover the greatness within and life becomes a joyful journey of extraordinary experiences.

I give thanks every day for being alive because life has taken so much yet I am still here. survival has given me the courage to be who I truly am and for that I am grateful.

your heart has a transforming power that can change lives for the better when opened and shared.

a blissful journey of profound happiness is not something we find but something we create by removing obstacles that we have put in our own way.

whispers in the night are messages from other realms which when heard awaken us to a greater reality that enables us to embrace the richness of our world as we live our true sacred purpose.

believe fully in who you are and share that truth with the world.

there is no more loving a bond in the universe than that between mother and child. it is a relationship built from within that embraces the world with a purity that opens hearts and minds to the glory of their divine existence.

love is a seed we plant which when nurtured blesses us with sacred fruit that nourishes our true nature.

place greater spiritual emphasis on everything you do and you will be blessed with life affirming experiences that strengthen the heart and soul of who you are.

joy and happiness flow into our lives when we make it our purpose to help others into the light.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Awareness is a Gift that Inspires

awareness is a gift that inspires us to approach life with thoughts, actions and intentions that not only serve the greater good but also but also ignite the soul and spirit of humanity.

a world of bliss is not an alternate reality it is something which we together can build if we begin to feed our heart and soul with unconditional love.

every time I have an encounter with spirit I discover beautiful treasures within myself that remind me that life is a sacred journey of love.

share from the heart and soul of your true sacred self the beauty and diversity that makes you a being of light as this will create ripples of positive energy that scatter love along your path.

as a healer I am always seeking new ways to improve physical and mental health. sometimes I discover things through research and sometimes they just find me. the other day I was in a great mood and couldn't understand why until I realized that I hadn't watched the news all day. try it and you will find that you are less stressful which in and of itself causes great relief.

your inner beauty is a sacred blessing that creates for you a world of joy and bliss when nurtured and shared.

reach high above into the heavens with passion and purity for it is there you will find springs of hope that infuse your path with greater gifts which help to make your every choice a blessing that uplifts and inspires.

the sun sings a song of peaceful beauty and creation that awakens, inspires and gives life to all that is sacred.

we are all born with a generous heart and if we spend those riches helping those in need the benefits contribute to making our life and the lives of others abundant and beautiful.

whenever someone is kind, loving and compassionate their energy places within the core of our being pockets of joy which unfold into our lives when we live the goodness that is our true nature.

live with confidence and the gentle breeze of spirt will embrace you with feelings of wonder that make yours a more beautiful world.

may yours be a magickal journey where you follow the light to realms of fantasy where the fire of your spirit inspires you make your own happiness.

I feel vibrant and alive when I see a mother and child for they are life's greatest gifts and they remind me of just how beautiful a world this can be.

from good thoughts grow good intentions which create an atmosphere of divine inspiration and positive change where magic happens and miracles blossom.

we experience a freedom that is sacred when we bestow upon others our wisdom, truth, greatness and love.

help yourself feel better by embracing the essence of life with the knowledge that you are an inspired creation of truth and beauty whose mission is to shine your light and share your love.

our spirit dances with joy when we discover the treasures within and use them to touch peoples lives in compassionate and inspiring ways.

some people create vision boards, I have chosen to create a vision life. I live in a beautiful neighbourhood with tree lined streets, I have a wife who is lovely and brilliant and I have a son who is a miracle of joy and happiness. I envisioned these things and the universe blessed me with them. close your eyes and see with spirit what life has waiting for you.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Look into the Hearts of Others

whenever I look into the hearts of others I see not only their true beauty but my own and at that moment I inhale the breath of life and immerse myself in the glory of the universe.

I was watching the news last when it occurred to me - WHY - why am I torturing myself with all this negativity, so I turned off the tv, kissed my wife, embraced my son and smiled at the blessings that surround me.

the time has come to awaken into your true destiny and live the light and love that are your sacred birthright.

make a sacred space in your heart and fill it with joy as this will release vibrations from within that will guide you in ways that help you heal as you begin to delight in your destiny.

I hope you see with clarity just how beautiful you are and how miraculous life truly is for you are a unique and precious blessing.

life is a special gift and by living beautifully and positively we share that gift with the world as we awaken the joy within the core of our being.

we are a community of light beings with extraordinary capabilities living a life of spirit.

a parent sees clearly the beauty of life in the face of their children for the miracle of youth is that every moment is a revelation that lifts them toward their dreams.

we enrich our life not only by having self esteem but also by having soul esteem.

as I grow into who I am my heart and soul become one and I begin to see with clarity the blessings and miracles in my life.

all lives are meaningful and when we open ourselves to this truth we awaken our heart and life becomes a beautiful healing journey of happiness.

I am deeply grateful for all those who share their sparkle for they are blessings that light up my life and inspire me to walk a path of goodness and grace.

true bliss is the reward we receive from the universe when we share the beauty within the womb of our soul with every person we are blessed to encounter on our sacred journey.

today contribute something beautiful to the world. a smile, a loving embrace, an act of kindness... today take into your heart all the unique gifts and sacred treasures life has to offer. today awaken into your aliveness.

beautiful is the flower within that blossoms when with honesty and sincerity we say the words I love you.

breathe life into your world by respecting yourself and scattering blessings along your path that elevate every part of your sacred being.

our hearts unite and our souls rejoice when we make it our purpose to live peacefully and love unconditionally.

we experience blessings on our path every day but we don't always see them. open your eyes to the divine beauty of life and you will begin to recognize the miracles and magic that surrounds you.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Purify the Soul with Flashes of Bliss

when we share our love with others we purify the soul with flashes of bliss that illuminate a path to the heaven that is our home.

explore deeper levels of reality and yours will be a richly rewarding path in which the heart of who you are flows freely in rivers of blissful beauty.

you are a being of beautiful uniqueness whose soulful smile sparks a light of love within that changes peoples lives for the better.

today I will express my love to every soul I meet which will create a flow of joy that will inspire the spirit of humanity.

my universe is one of possibilities. my universe is one of opportunities. my universe is a beautiful sacred place of light and love. welcome to my universe. come on in.

make your path more meaningful by walking in a positive direction toward a great adventure in which you connect with people in ways that enhance, enrich and empower your sacred existence.

joyous, meaningful and wonderful moments come our way when we embrace our world with compassion and live each day with love as our guide.

open the door to the sacred and the heavens will give you a hug that makes your spirit come alive and your dreams come true.

it is at that moment when you realize that you are the greatest joy in life that you feel your heart open and the light of the heavens flow in.

the universe smiles and lights the world with love when we live our greatest self by embracing life with kindness and compassion for all.

in was while exploring the poetic beauty of the divine that I learned to express myself in ways that touched the heart and soul of humanity.

live your life in ways that touch the heart and yours will be a world filled with moments of epiphany that captivate and illuminate every day with sacred inspiration.

I will bring beauty to this day and that beauty will be an open heart and a free spirit that embrace the sacredness of all life.

there are great benefits to liberating the spirit which through inspiration empower us to walk a meaningful path of love in which we bask in the sunlight of our existence.

look within your own heart and you will see a beauty most sacred which will bathe you in an ethereal light that guides you toward a happier future.

you control your reality and at any moment you can open it to possibilities that deepen and empower the heart and soul of who you are.

invite goodness into your life and you awaken the life force within which manifests a more meaningful existence where you feel vibrant and alive.

I had a good thought the other day which blossomed into a positive action that opened a window of opportunity in which blew winds of change that embraced my life with happiness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One