My divine mission on earth is one of infinite love. It is my desire to ignite your dreams and empower your spirit. There is a light which exists within each of us. It is the sunshine of your spirit and the joy within your soul. My calling is to help you find your divine self and know your truth.
Open minds nourish souls and to that end i seek to enrich and enlighten. Life is an oasis for the soul and each one of us is on a journey of truth which leads to our own paradise. I use intuition for positive change by giving people insight into that which is beyond their vision. One can manifest a life of joy by making creative choices and embracing their divine essence.
Mine is a journey of sacred living and passionate vision. Whenever I look into the eyes of my seven month old son i see infinite love and profound joy. Fatherhood has expanded and enriched my innate abilities. The love I have for my child is profound and inspiring. His soul is clothed in rainbows and his spirit is enveloped by a beauty that brings out the light in others. Each new experience adds to my wisdom and increases my knowledge of the universe.
My contribution to humankind is to make a lasting impression by bringing forth the beauty within and nurturing spiritual growth. I seek to live my highest truth with abundance and joy while dancing within the warm embrace of Mother Earth and Father Sky. I assist people by helping them free their creative spirit and express their spirit in ways which awaken unlimited possibilities. I teach you to navigate change that you may liberate your highest potential and journey to a more evolved consciousness.
I am a unique light in this world, a winged song of creation reaching across the heavens and challenging your thoughts that you may discover your limitless potentials. The whispers of the angels speak through me and guide me to serve humanity by celebrating bliss and divinity and fostering infinite love. The music of life is within us all. Find the divine within and yours will be a song of truth and beauty.
I look at the joy in my sons smile and i know infinite love. Find your inspiration, find your muse, find your divinity for within each of these is a love both pofound and infinite. Live your higher self and blossom for you have within you the ability to manifest and create miracles.
Every day i rise with the sun, swim in an ocean of light and walk a path of beauty that elevates the soul to great things.
Greet each day with brilliance, sip life's sweet moments, plant seeds of kindness and you will find that you experience more joy in life than you ever imagined.
You are Soul! Live the Dream!
Yours in Infinite Love
Micheal Teal
The Ancient One