Choose to Live with Positive Thoughts and you will Manifest a World of Divine Heart. Choose to Kindle a Flame of Love at the Altar of your Soul and you will open a Gateway to Inner Transformation. Choose to Live your Possibilities and you will Create Joy and Purpose in your Life. Choose to Believe in your Dreams and you will meet the Master within. Choose to be your Authentic Self - A Gift to the Universe.
I am Embraced by the Light of my Souls Freedom. Mine is a Harvest of Joy which is Blossoming into a New World of Guiding Wisdom. The Heart of my Destiny is to Share my Wisdom, Knowledge, Guidance and Love with all Humankind. I have Journeyed into the Self and Awakened to my True Purpose. That purpose is to Breathe Life, Joy, Truth, Happiness, Spirit, Kindness and Love into the Universe.
The Spirit of the Eagle inspires me to Fly to new heights of Happiness. The Spirit of the Hawk motivates me to Seek Knowledge within. The Soul of the Buffalo guides me to Follow my Dreams and Color outside the lines. The Soul of the White Wolf leads me on an absorbing Journey of Authentic Loving Harmony where i Breathe the Rivers of Life as i Plant and Nurture Love.
Bless this day with the Gift of You. Bless this day with Waters of Hope and Rivers of Peace. Bless this day with a Lifted Spirit. Bless this day with Outpourings of Affection. Bless this day with the Breeze of your Soul. Bless this day with a Thirst for Discovery. Bless this day with the Power of Harmony. Bless this day with Extraordinary Achievement. Bless this day with Love. Bless this day with the Gift of You.
I am Wholeness of Being, I am Fullness of Life, I am a Reservoir of Vibrant Inspiration, I am Authentic Creative Expression, I am The Flame of Hope worthy of High Regard, I am Sacred Life Energy, I am the Brush that Paints and the Seed of Origin, I am Peace in every Breath, I am Truth in every Word, I am Celebration of the Now, I am the Mystical Landscape basking in the Glow of the Moon. I am The Ancient One.
Today i taught my Soul to fly and it in turn gave my Spirit Wings. Today I am a Child of the Universe in a Cosmic Sea of Positive Energy sailing towards a Holy Light. Life is a Cascading Waterfall of Truth, Beauty and Love. Life is a Rainbow Trail of Peace, Passion and Enlightenment. Today i taught my Heart to Love and it in turn gave my Life Meaning. Today I am a Man of Joy in a World of Inspiration.
I follow the Path of the White Wolf. Mine is a Journey both thought Provoking and Inspiring where the Highest Good is my Goal. I listen to the Earth Spirit Voices and Dance in the Suns Glory and Grandeur. My Soul is in Full Bloom and I Share my Gentle Loving Essence with Humanity. I celebrate Diversity and Venture down valleys of Imagination. I follow the Path of the White Wolf.
What is the Song your Soul can Sing? Is it a song of Hope, Is it a song Inspiration, Is it a song of Peace? What is the Story your Spirit will tell? Is it a tale of Heaven, Is it a tale of Beauty, Is it a tale of Glorious Illumination? What is the Life you were meant to Live? Is it a Life of Truth, Is it a Life of Joy, Is it a Life of Happiness? Sing you Song, Tell your Story and Smile for yours is a Life of Love.
I am the Gentle Voice of Clarity, I am Love and Understanding, I am The Eternal Dance, I am a Wondrous Robe that Embodies the Sacred, I am a Marvelous Tapestry of unrepressed Glory, I am the Song the Soul Sings, I am Guided by Spirit to Nurture and Heal, I am an Attitude of Receptivity expressed by Kindness, I am the Humanitarian Spirit Flowing Free and I am The Ancient One.
I go where the Spirit takes me. My Soul Shines like Moonbeams on the Lake and I am filled with Light. Each Soul has its own Path and mine is to sail the Waters of Hope that i might help Heal the Sacred Heart of Humanity. It is my Destiny to Inspire the Divine Breath of Life in all i cross Paths with that they may know the Love that lies within. I go where the Spirit takes me and today its taken me to you. I Love You.
Speak in your own Voice, Dance to your own Music and Open your Spirit and Soul to all the Blessings that surround you. The Doorway to Wisdom, Truth and Happiness is within and we hold the Key in our Heart. Walk in Harmony with the Universe and let the Warm Winds of Heaven guide you to Hidden Pathways of Love and Life. Be a Light that never goes out and Shine your Beauty on all Humankind.
Revel in Diversity, Explore with Imagination and Celebrate the Fullness of Life. Every person we meet has something to Teach us. If we Open our Hearts and Listen with our Souls we Evolve as Beings of Spirit. There are Limitless Realities to Delight the Mind and Inspire us to Connect to the Divine. To Love your Life you must be in Love with Life. Kiss the Morning, Smile at the Day and Love, Love, Love!
Today I will plant Seeds of Love and Tomorrow I will have a Harvest of Joy. The Heart of my Destiny is to water my Spirit with Happiness that it may Grow into a Tree of Life that bears fruit to Nourish the Soul. Let us join together in Peace and Harmony to Create a Garden of Beauty, Bliss, Angelic Love and Kindness. Breathe in the Earthly and Spiritual Treasures that surround you. Live, Laugh and Love!
Embrace your Light and Embody your Deepest Truth for you are a Divine Being and this is your time to Shine. Access your Inner Wisdom and Connect to your Spiritual Essence. The moment is now for Positive Life altering Transformation. You are a Magnificent individual. A Visionary Messenger Inspired by Beauty, A Flower Blooming Inspired by Love. Share your Light, Truth and Love!
I am The Other Way, Son of Man, Light of Day. Walk with me and Together we shall Create a Promised Land. I am The Light of Day, Daughter of Nature, The Other Way. It is time to live beyond the Physical To Embrace the Paranormal, Psychic, Sensual, Metaphysical, Occult and Spiritual as viable extensions of our Existence. I Am The Other Way, Son of Man, Light of Day.
Dedicate your Thoughts to Love, Visualize your Dreams, Come into Greater Wholeness and Live your Destiny. You are Respected. Live your Higher Self, Be alive in the moment, Discover your True Purpose and Open your Heart to Others. You are Admired. Journey to Transformation, Reach across the Heavens, Embrace Positive Change and Awaken your Spirit. You are Loved!
I am a Sacred Being living fully Alive in a World of Enlightened Awareness. I am a Holy Entity Imagining the Unimaginable in a Universe that is Karmically Pure. I am a Transcendent Soul nourishing Spiritual Growth in a Galaxy of Evolving Possibility. I am a Creative Spirit celebrating Humanity in a Consciousness of Healing and Transformation. My name is Micheal. I Am The Ancient One.
Inspire your Thinking by Celebrating Life with Spirit. Move forward on your Path of Light and Discover the Beauty of who you are. Personal Empowerment comes when we Live a Life of Harmony and Balance. Let today be a day where you Breathe Joy and Happiness. You are Loved and by walking into a new Reality you can Change the World forever. The Journey to Heaven begins with a Smile.