Thursday, October 25, 2018
Embrace The Divine With Infinite Love
make good spiritual choices and you elevate your life to a place where with great compassion you are able to connect with your true self as you embrace the divine with infinite love.
when I was a child they told me in school that I was difficult. they told me that I was distracting to other students and they told me that I was a problem child. the truth was that I had attention deficit and I suffered from depression... they may not have known what those things were back then but they knew what compassion and kindness were and they chose to ignore them. we as a people need to be more sensitive towards each other. walk not a mile in my shoes but spend a moment in my mind and you will see my struggle and know my pain. when I was an adult they told me......
i have aligned myself with divine truth which has connected me to the beauty of life which has led me to landscapes of love where miracles happen.
when anxiety attacks I cannot breathe and simple little things that are seemingly harmless destroy my world while darkness throws me to the ground and beats me mercilessly. yet I have become accustomed to this reality and I have managed to struggle through the darkness each and every time while rising up to embrace with gratitude the blessings of my life. I am a warrior of spirit with a purpose that is profound and a path that is positive.
look closely at your miraculous existence and recognize that your role is to embrace the beauty of your unique sacred self and share its blessings in ways that celebrate your spiritual destiny.
even when my heart is heavy it is grateful for it understands the struggles I have faced and it knows that my purpose has remained positive and my intent continues to be pure.
when I was a kid we didn't have cell phones and computers. we could walk to school on our own and we didn't have to lock our doors. we actually did things like play outside, talk to each other face to face and ventured into the world with hope not fear. I miss those days. I think I am going to leave the house today with my head up, a smile on my face and nothing electronic on me.
we heal the spirit when we serve others in simple ways that open doors to love, light, kindness and compassion.
life is difficult enough when something bad happens but for some of us its not that something bad has actually happened its the thought of it happening, the memory of it happening and the possibility of it happening that torments us. today I am going to think happy thoughts with the belief that something good is going to happen.
whenever I treat myself with kindness and compassion I flower on the inside and blossom on the outside which makes every moment a most rewarding experience.
open your mind, heart, body and soul to the divine reality that you have within you the power to make magic and manifest miracles.
truly loving yourself is a compassionate choice that frees the soul as it guides you into the light of a better tomorrow.
an awakened heart has powers beyond belief which when shared create rainbows of joy that open us to a beautiful new world of miracles.
it wasn't that I discovered my authentic self, it was that I began to accept, acknowledge and appreciate my authentic self which shaped my reality into something sacred and beautiful.
design your life in a way that helps and heals by creating moments which manifest greater life experiences of inspired ecstasy and ethereal bliss.
let us live for the greatest good. let us embrace our highest self. let us open our hearts to compassion as we immerse ourselves in sacredness. let us create more joy. let us be the beings of light and love we were born to be.
look at life differently today. make an effort to try and see those little treasures that the tree of life makes you miss most days. stop not just to smell the roses but to immerse yourself in their artistic ethereal beauty. there are blessings of sacred beauty at our feet and around every corner. see with your heart. see with your spirit. see with your soul. look at the world differently today.
I frame my life in a way that my brain can accept. what are pleasant experiences for some are triggers for me so I must find ways to accommodate my altered mind that allow me to function. I live moment to moment to moment. the more good moments I can manifest the better my day will be. they say if you want to know someone walk a mile in their shoes. if you want to know me spend an hour in my mind. my strength and my weaknesses are the same things. they are a two sided coin which I flip hoping that no matter which side it lands on I have enough to pay my destiny. fear not though because I just turned sixty recently and while I still struggle I am here and at times I am happy.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Breathe Joy Into Your life By Embracing The Greater Good
breathe joy into your life by embracing the greater good in ways that help you love yourself.
I was in a car accident once where I hit the windshield from the back seat and suffered a concussion. soon after that I had a dream where I lived a totally different life in a different place filled with different people. when I awoke I had a hard time figuring out which was my real life. was it my waking life, my dream life or both. I decided that it didn't matter for I had the same goal in both worlds which was to be good man and to live a good life.
once I realized that the darkness had made my brain process information differently than others I learned to think differently which filled my heart with hope while helping me see better the true beauty of life.
the removal of stress from our life encourages spiritual growth which helps us leap forward on our path toward the destiny we desire.
I was guided and directed by spirit to look deep within and discover the joy that is my birthright and my blessing.
know that you are touched by the light and that spirit is always present for this is a truth which if believed in will bless your life with bountiful sacred gifts.
my true soul self and my sacred spirit self offer me loving guidance which makes the path I am on a blissfully hopeful journey to the healing waters of enlightenment.
its not the end of the world. it is the beginning of a new world. it is the start of a new chapter in my life in which I will write with love as my guide. my story has been sad but I am writing new stories that liberate the soul. I am the author of my life and my book will have a happy ending.
what will you do on this day to help yourself. what actions will you take to better your life. what activities will you engage in that create a new reality. if you walk out the door and turn right that is your fate. if you walk out the door and turn left your destiny changes. we have within us the power to expand our horizons and enrich our future. what will you do on this day to change your world.
I am profoundly inspired in those moments when I with great respect love myself for it is that act of self compassion which brings forth bliss, beauty and blessings.
we achieve the greatest happiness when we look at life in positive ways that allow us to see with clarity the true sacred beauty of who we are.
first you imagine the possibilities, then you believe that dreams can come true and then you make it your mission in life to manifest miracles.
I accept who I was for I love who I am and it is this realization that has strengthened my spirit and inspired me to be a compassionate force of good.
profound change is facilitated by intensity of purpose, esoteric explorations and a true passion for making life better for all.
I share with you stories of sadness in my life not to evoke sympathy but to show you that I have survived. every dark tragic experience has made me stronger and more compassionate. every struggle has made me more appreciative of the blessings I have. my darkness is not meant to bring you down but to lift you up. I have courted death yet I am still alive. had I not been through hell I would never have found the heaven that my wife and son embrace me with every day. thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I am a good man with a good life and for that I am grateful. I am sending you all love, light and positive healing energy.
let us walk in the direction of the pure light of spirit for it is there that we will discover the life force energy necessary to live a more blissful and beautiful life.
there are spiritual benefits to being positive that enrich the mind, body and soul. so think positive, act positive, feel positive, live positive and love positive.
you are unique in the world. you are unique in the universe. wear your uniqueness proudly and yours will be an empowered life filled with treasures, truth and transformation.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, October 11, 2018
A Smile On My Soul And A Song In My Heart
with a smile on my soul and a song in my heart I serve to you the highest good with the intention of connecting you to the radiant light and love of your true sacred self.
depression no longer haunts me for I use it to transcend the darkness and raise myself to celestial realms that emit beautiful blessings and miraculous messages of light which enlighten my existence.
I wear my wounds proudly for each one was a lesson that taught me the value of life and inspired me to move from the darkness into the light that is my divine destiny.
it is by reaching into the heaven within my heart that I discover higher states of awareness that guide me along a path of life changing experiences which channel all that is sacred.
cradle each moment in the light of love and yours will be a brighter world that nurtures and inspires in beautifully powerful ways.
the heart has within it a beautiful energy which embraces and elevates the soul when shared with kindness, compassion, purpose and nurturing healing power.
by making a conscious effort to live your highest good you uplift sand empower yourself and others for it is the intention that inspires and the purpose that enlightens.
make soulful decisions that illuminate the way to love and healing energies that embrace the light of your divine self.
for those of us who suffer from mental health issues there is a part of us you will never know or understand. no matter how open we are and how much we share with you there will always be a part of our pain that is hidden. a part of our struggle that is ours and only ours. its not that we are not willing to let you in, its that it is just to hard to explain and even if we could you would not be able to understand the scope of it all. so when we are dark, when we are intense, when we are silent... know that we are not angry at you. we are just living a pain that is personal and private. I am writing this because I am alive which means even though I still suffer I have survived and that means I am blessed. sending love and light to all who suffer in silence.
there is a moment in our spiritual evolution when the truth appears and we are able to see beyond our boundaries into the beautiful reality that is our ethereal existence. open your eyes and let the truth embrace you.
it is my heart centered nature that has always lifted me from the darkness into the light and for that I am eternally grateful.
whenever I walk toward my true self I am immersed in blissful states of awareness that awaken and enliven the sacred beauty within me.
what will you add to the world today. will you add joy. will you add kindness. will you add wisdom. will you add light. will you add meaning. will you add inspiration. will you add love. what will you add to the world today.
mine is a loving path of boundless spirit in which I am constantly changing and evolving into a sacred being of light and love.
whenever I am happy I seek to enrich souls by sharing my feelings of joy and igniting the flame of spirit.
I appreciate being alive for it wasn't always my desire and had I not found my way out of the darkness I would have never experienced the divine beauty and sacred love of my wife and son.
within us is a wellspring of sacred knowledge which weaves its way into the world when we make it our purpose to live a meaningful authentic life in which we create harmony, happiness and wellness.
we are beautiful and unique beings of light who blossom in spirit when we help each other smile.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, October 04, 2018
When Our Actions Are Focused On Spirit We Serve Our Higher Purpose
when our actions are focused on spirit we serve our higher purpose and ours becomes a journey of joyous blessings and positive outcomes.
I saw a baby smile yesterday and my heart soared as my soul flourished and my spirit rejoiced in its simple sacred beauty.
may your happiest self help you transform and evolve into the sacred being of beauty and light that is your divine destiny.
the significance of positive thought is that it has a healing energy and a life changing impact.
a life lived and loved fully is a purifying blessing of inspiration that enriches the spirit while celebrating the divine glory of existence.
with meaning and purpose make the choice to truly love yourself as doing so will breathe fresh life into your world which will help you heal your way to happiness.
you are a truly original sacred being deeply connected to the heavens whose unique essence enhances and enriches the world we live in.
blessings within are awakened when I open myself to the extraordinary spiritual energy of the world around me. it is by looking at life with kindness and compassion that I see with clarity the true beauty and bliss of my divine existence.
the darkness gives me purpose. the madness of life motivates me. I am inspired by my struggles and empowered by my scars. when I am at my lowest I see within me the pure light and love that is my true sacred self and I embrace the highest good. my weaknesses are my strengths and my pain is my salvation. I survive because I believe in the goodness of my heart and greatness of my spirit.
every positive choice significantly improves our life by raising our vibration and filling our sacred path with love, light and blessings.
celebrate being you for by showing the world your unique beautiful self you elevate your spirit which opens gateways in the heavens that let light and love flow into your life.
the ordinary things in life inspire me and fill my world with joy. the sun in the morning. the cat sleeping at the foot of the bed. pancakes on a Sunday morning. my child at play. the warm embrace of the woman I love. these are the things that inspire me to live my sacred purpose. these are the things that make me happy.
I have a heart centered in awareness which is a magnificently beautiful gift from the heavens that radiates love and warms all aspects of my life like a ray of sunshine.
when darkness embraces me I look deep within for that sacred place of pure joy where the spirit of self love and acceptance shines a light and guides me back to the heaven that is my home.
fill your days with glory, greatness and gratitude as you radiate kindness and yours will be an extraordinary path of power and purpose where happiness is realized.
with positive interactions that integrate the spiritual into every aspect of our divine self we manifest an enriching life of deep satisfaction that heals and transforms.
cultivate and nurture the sacred garden within your soul and watch as your life blossoms into something beautiful beyond your imagination.
acts of kindness reveal to us realities of spiritual significance that enrich all aspects of our existence while accelerating our growth as beings of light.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
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