Thursday, February 27, 2020

Live A Life Of Bliss That Reaches Far Beyond Your Beliefs

a divine purpose changes our spiritual perception and leads us down a path of heart centered consciousness to realms of compassion where we may live a life of bliss that reaches far beyond our beliefs.

let us on this day create a spiritual community that uses its divine powers and sacred abilities to create new possibilities which make this world a better more beautiful place.

today I will seek mystical opportunities and life changing discoveries that shine a positive light on my simple sacred extraordinary existence.

beautiful is the smile on the face of those sentient souls who with holistic awareness and awakened aliveness use their innate abilities to do the most good.

the light of goodness is a divine blessing that inspires the spirit to unfold in a manner that serves humanity while embracing the fabric of the universe.

we are beings of energy and when we share that energy in pure positive ways our soul evolves and we bring harmony to our life.

you have intuitive strengths and sacred abilities which when used to serve the highest good will immerse your life in a natural state of bliss.

yours is a remarkable story of sacred meaning which when shared honestly and lovingly is a powerful force that will help you and others achieve greater happiness.

I once gave my last dime and the shirt off my back to someone. I on more than one occasion gave counsel to someone in need even though I was standing on the ledge of life waiting to jump off. I once put myself in the line of fire to defend and protect others only to have them abandon me. this and many other betrayals taught me how not to be. I learned from them how not to act which gave my life sacred meaning and opened my heart to true love. I continue whenever possible to make meaningful contributions to my life and the lives of others. I am thankful that I am still alive and that I have touched the heart and soul of humanity. blessings to you all.

wonderfully beautiful cosmic energies help our spirit to evolve when we engage in heart based practices which fully embrace our true natural self.

compassionate confidence is an elixir for the soul that manifests positivity while helping us to build a strong spiritual foundation from which we can engage life more fully.

live from the heart and shape your life with love as doing so empowers the soul which leads to positive personal experiences that will help you grow and transform.

it has always been my desire to love and be loved that has transformed my intentions, enriched my life and enlightened my consciousness.

my life is blessing thoughtfully composed and lovingly crafted with guidance from angels and ancestors in which I plant seeds of deep serenity as I make divine spiritual connections that elevate my mind, body and soul to sacred realms.

the uglier this world gets the more determined I am to make my life a beautiful tapestry of personal enrichment and positive energy that has a powerful impact on the world around me.

you have within you natural beauty, purifying energy, extraordinary abilities and healing powers which when used to serve the greatest good will align your life with heavens.

it was when I was at my lowest that I evoked the highest energy and it was that choice which helped me to transform my life.

we make our world a better place when we embrace our path with deep inner peace and spiritual wellness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, February 20, 2020

I Feel At Home Within My Heart

I feel at home within my heart so I like to spend as much time there as possible. sometimes I invite people in which embraces me with pure enlightenment and empowers me to be a better man. I have lovingly created within the heart that is my home a sacred place where I can be my kindest self which for me has made all the difference in the world.

mindful acts of self compassion help us to reveal the beauty inside that all the world may see us for the angels that we truly are.

as one who has mental health concerns life has and continues to be difficult. however I have managed without medication to walk a path of purpose that is pure and positive. the way I cope is I frame my life in a way that works best for my brain. Instead of saying I cant, I find my own way to accomplish what I need without pushing any buttons or pulling any triggers. when asked by someone - why did you do that - I always say because that is what works best for my brain. I am alive and I have survived because instead of saying I cant, I have always I can but in my own special way.

as a child suffering showed me profound truths that inspired me to fully embrace spirit as I served the greater good.

it was life affirming practices that nurture positive beliefs which aligned me with the sacred and led me to the light.

with clarity of mind I wander through life with true kindheartedness as my guide and inspiration.

explore and experience the sacred beauty of this world by living wisely and loving unconditionally as you with inspired hope seek to make each day a glorious celebration of life.

cosmic transformations occur when with a sense of meaning and purpose we set out on a miraculous mission to fully and completely love ourself.

I experience life more fully when mine is a sacred reality grounded in love in which my intention is to be of profound service to all.

as a child I didn't want to live. as an adolescent I wanted to die. as an adult I just keep waiting for it all to stop. then one day I decided after deep reflection to with divine intention uniquely design and construct my own truth, reality, world and destiny. today I am happy to be alive.

there is a luminous warmth to learning and growth that lights the way to change oriented environments where one can act more powerfully and live more deeply.

the better able you are to forgive yourself the more deeply you connect to yourself and the easier it becomes to cultivate greater inner peace.

meaningful things happen when I practice happiness. positive things happen when I practice compassion. enlightening things happen when I practice kindness. miraculous things happen when I practice love. what practices will you engage in today.

discover your own truth for doing so will enable you to dream into being a purpose filled life of profound respect where embodied experiences bring you joy and happiness.

love yourself more deeply and yours will be a life of illuminating wisdom in which you walk a path of well being that connects you spiritually with the world around you.

when I was at my worst in life it was the choice to make better decisions that made me feel more fully alive and inspired me to share my spiritual gifts in unique ways that gave me harmony and freedom.

I am on a sacred quest where thoughtful actions attract wonderful opportunities which profoundly connect me with myself, the world, the universe, the heavens and beyond.

we grow and transform in ways that positively impact our world when we express our true self and embrace the beauty of life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, February 13, 2020

May You Shine your Brightest as you Create a Remarkable Life

embrace your unique soul energy and yours will be a healing adventure in which angelic voices lead you through mythical landscapes to a world where you may shine your brightest as you create a remarkable life.

it was the choice to venture into the light that saved me from the darkness and inspired me to walk a sacred path of liberating experiences and greater spiritual truth.

we are high vibrational beings based in spirit and by living authentically and lovingly we honor that truth and ours becomes a fate of our own creation.

I shine more brightly when with awakened aliveness I set out on a sacred path in search of glorious moments that beautifully impact my life and my world.

the light of the universe is there to guide us on a journey of wholeness to our place in the heavens. step into the light.

today I will nurture my soul, expand my awareness, share my unique essence, discover my bliss and take charge of my destiny.

today I will use my unique beauty and miraculous tools to create an open minded environment of spiritual vibrations where people can explore their gifts, live their truth and do simple sacred things that make this world a better place.

I have walked with the dead, danced in the darkness, encountered aliens, battled demons, explored the heavens, grounded myself in sacred Mother Earth, researched gods, embraced goddesses, met my spiritual self, journeyed beyond the mind, communed with cults, gravitated toward gurus, found religions, spoken with angels and through it all have managed to create for myself a belief system that keeps me safe, makes me smile and inspires within me a love that is limitless and eternal.

may yours be a prayer of unity that embraces you with countless blessings which help you create a destiny where you journey joyfully toward love.

when I am bombarded by the negative energy of the outside world I open myself to the wellness within which helps me to dream new dreams that enhance my relationship with the divine.

transformation begins with love of self for we as beings of light evolve into enlightenment when we nurture and nourish ourselves with kindness, compassion, hope and happiness.

go beyond the mind to a place of divine truth and pure consciousness where you can expand your possibilities as you create a powerful positive reality in which you experience soul growth as you manifest love.

if we are to truly be who we are born to be we must with unwavering compassion be an infinite source of love.

with absolute truth I walk pathways of healing that nurture my gifts and make mine a deeply transformational life of peace and harmony.

think positively, act positively, live positively, love positively and be positively the best person you can be.

in quiet reflection I awaken wellness which motivates me to live more mindfully as I diligently and faithfully foster a loving relationship with my family, my world and my true sacred self.

when I reach toward the heavens I see the spiritual and my unique life path becomes clear and I become an ethereal soulful being of boundless love.

nurture your gifts, make changes in your life, align with your true self and celebrate with joy as you seek the sacred in every step and breath you take.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Live More Fully, Deeply, Completely, Joyously And Happily

there is a sanctuary within the heart and soul of our being where the power of spirit waits for us to find our way home that it may deeply enlighten and divinely empower us with waves of wisdom that we may live more fully, completely, joyously and happily.

be a source of love for love is a powerful prayer that exquisitely transforms and beautifully inspires our journey with blessings of boundless joy.

we have to be better people. we as human beings are the least evolved species. we not only destroy ourselves more that any other species, we destroy other species more than any force on earth. we are told that most people in this world are good. the math just doesn't back that up. look at the statistics on physical and sexual abuse of women. look at the child abuse stats. look at all the military actions. look at all the corporate greed. look at all the liars, cheats, rapists, molesters, thieves, terrorists... add them all up and the number is more than half the population. we refuse to learn. we refuse to grow. we refuse to evolve. we elect bad people. we listen to false prophets. we accept that which is unacceptable. if we ever want this world to change, we have to be better people. let goodness be our mission. let love be our purpose. we need to be better people.

compassionate understanding raises us to higher realities of awakened awareness where our natural beauty and sacred spiritual blessings roam freely in fields of light and joy.

at the core of our being is a place of deep connection which when visited embraces us with a healing life force energy that transforms our lives in remarkable and miraculous ways.

may we live more fully with beauty in each breath as waves of spirit guide us along a unifying path of profound experiences that embody the divine truth of who we are.

as a spiritual practitioner I have crossed path with many psychics, readers, healers, speakers, teachers and shamans. some were brilliant and some were beautiful. some were fakes and some were frauds. some meant well. some didn't really care. people are people and when choosing people to help and guide you along your path its important to take your time and explore your possibilities. you wouldn't go to a doctor who worked on a deserted dead end road in the back of a van. you wouldn't go to a psychiatrist who lived on the street and sold black market drugs. ask questions, do research and be sure what your are doing is truly what is best for you. there are within our midst saints and angels as well as devils and demons. be careful.

the more we believe in ourselves the easier it is for us to engage in soul guided experiences and healing encounters that generate new possibilities which fill our lives with magickal blessings.

with loving aliveness I journey into the heart of humanity with the intention of discovering deeper well being and exploring the divine essence of all existence.

I used to visit the lilydale assembly in New York and my favourite part of being there was not the activities, readings, workshops or healings it was simply sitting on the porch of the hotel and cafe conversing with fellow travelers about soul, spirit, light, love, truth, beauty, inspiration and transformation.

each of us have a uniquely powerful story to share and by doing so our soul shines brighter and we are better able to see the the true beauty and blessings of our divinely inspiring existence.

let us take the time to pause and reflect on the divine truth that we are love and with greater faith let us use that reality to engage in transformative practices that embrace beautifully the heart of being.

connect to your truth with compassionate joy as you embrace the infinite within and yours will be a uniquely powerful path in which breathe deeply the miracle of your existence.

as a child I knew things a child shouldn't know, I saw things a child shouldn't see and I experienced things a child shouldn't experience. as I grew older these burdens isolated me from the rest of the world. I had allowed broken people to tear at my soul which pushed me into a prison of my own creation. I still struggle with memories of that madness. the difference is that today I not only have people that love me, I have people that know what love is. I now have something to live for and something to love for. as an adult I know things an adult should know, I see things an adult should see and I experience things an adult should experience.

life gazes lovingly at us when we use our beautiful natural gifts to deepen our humanity, inspire our soul and uplift our spirit.

after everything life has done to me and I have done to myself its a miracle that I am still here. survival has been my greatest inspiration and the experience of love has been my greatest motivation. today sacred intent lights the way for me to miraculous places of greater awareness where every moment is uniquely transformational.

when we immerse ourselves in the sacred beauty of our deep inner nature we emerge inspired to bring our hopes and dreams to life.

awaken from your sleep with the intention of engaging life spiritually as you rise to new heights of joy and happiness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One