Thursday, July 30, 2020

Make Choices which serve the Common, Greatest and Highest Good

it is by creating a path of powerful positive patterns bathed in kindness that I have managed to make choices which serve the common, greatest and highest good.

be divinely intimate with your existence and yours will be a transcendent awakening in which the flow of love guides you to far greater realities where you may live in eternal glory.

with deep conviction and greater sensitivity explore your internal landscape for it is there that you will find the tools necessary to be a source of positive change.

I make an effort to engage in deep spiritual practices that help me to satisfy my yearnings as I grow in unique ways which embrace my life with compassionate serenity and peaceful well being.

yesterday was pajama day. we stayed home had three wonderful meals. had someone ice cream. watched a documentary, dora the explorer the movie and one of my favourites rock and roll high school. we read, played games, talked, listened to music and cherished our time together. we did it by choice not by necessity or mandate. we did it because we love each other and enjoy being who we truly are. yesterday was family day.

we are unique vessels of love meant to shine our light as we carefully, compassionately and joyfully make our way to enlightenment.

I sail the rivers of my life with spirit as my guide. I have always sought healthier ways of being and harmonic wellness. I have made an effort to communicate mindfully with everyone I meet. I have with intuitive awareness been radically awakened to the blessings of my divine existence. I sail the oceans of life with love as my companion.

deeply beautiful experiences that elevate the soul are my reward for making the effort each day to be a better person than I was the day before.

live authentically with a powerful sense of purpose and yours will be a profoundly healing path of spiritual rejuvenation and sacred transformation.

beautifully liberating for me are those moments where I shift my perception so that I can see more clearly the true beauty of sacred Mother Earth.

yesterday we went out to a farmers market. it was a really big one. when we arrived we started to walk into the place and saw that there were far too many people, taking far too may risks whose were being far too careless and cavalier so we turned around and walked out. we then went to a small village that had a lovely downtown where we could walk around and look around while keeping a safe difference. shops were clean and had guidelines of how many people could be inside at any given time. each one had hand sanitizer when you walked in the door. many had separate entrances and exits. people on the street were being kind, careful and compassionate. we felt safe there because everybody was making an effort to not only be safe but to help others feel safe. this is how we have been from the start. we have made our own guidelines. we carry with us wipes, masks and more at all times not because we are mandated to do so but because this is who we are. I have always held doors open for people, I have always stepped to the side to give oncoming people room to walk by, I have always given my seat on the bus when there was no seats available and someone needed one more than me... before any of this happened this is how I made my way through life. people were not offended by kindness before all of this. I hope you all are doing well. have a beautiful day.

a thoughtfully designed life of meaningful intent where you free enough to be your true natural self is one in which you reach a state of divine wholeness.

from head to heart I venture forth each day on a mystical journey of illuminating beauty and blessed inspiration where my intention is to be my best self as I serve the highest greatest good.

may ours be a love minded community of wellness and wisdom in which we each live our own truth in a manner that is decent, dignified and deserving of respect.

sacred loving souls walk with me a path of calm, clarity and common sense where together we heal as we blossom into beautiful blessed beings of light.

with peaceful self acceptance and higher levels of clarity I walk a path of common sense and compassion in which with illuminating guidance from spirit I live my best life.

I experience wholeness and my true nature emerges when with open hearted awareness I seek to make my home a nurturing environment of joy and happiness where we as a family can heal as we grow.

embrace new perspectives, be your true authentic self and communicate on a soul level as these few choices will facilitate healing and make yours a bright path forward into a future of freedom and fullness. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

It is by living a more Conscious Life that we make a Greater Contribution to Humanity

it is by living a more conscious life that we make a greater contribution to humanity.

look for the light of divine guidance for it will give you a life enhancing sacred sense of purpose that will nurture your environment with abundant well being.

adjust your awareness, align with your values and be authentically present as you confidently shine your light on those things that make you the beautiful blessing that you truly are.

dear heart centered beings know that even though we may disagree on certain aspects of this crisis and how they should be handled I still wish only the best for you. know that even though we approach things differently my desire is that you and yours are happy and healthy. believe this to be true that I want all to survive, thrive, live mindfully and love joyously.

it is easier to divine your future when your future is divine.

while on my way to infinity a mystical awakening occurred which activated my awareness, sparked new ideas and inspired me to light the lamp of mindfulness.

I have not let this crisis bring me down instead I have listened to my celestial guides and used what I have learned from all this to make mine a soul empowering and transcendent journey of education, illumination, inspiration and transformation.

with compassionate intuition I set out on a journey of profound exploration where I not only found my true sacred self but I also gained a greater appreciation for who I am, where I have been, what I have gone through, where I am going and whatever comes next.

I like to engage in purifying practices that breathe fresh life into my heart and soul while immersing me in the divine.

use the light within you to illuminate your path that you may see clearly the positively poetic beauty of the world above, around and within you.

one day I became open to receiving inspiring messages from cosmic forces which awakened me to a higher consciousness that has guided me to an authentic fulfilling life of peace and contentment.

celebrate your strengths, embrace the wisdom deep within, use your intuitive powers, live your truth and share your divine beauty.

the tides of destiny wash over me with a scared source of inspiration that clears my path, cleanses my purpose and cultivates my passions.

I say hello - you hear goodbye. I say have a nice day - you hear get out of my way. I write that I take care of my own - you read nobody else matters. I write I wish you well - you read go to hell. its getting more and more difficult to accept and understand the constant misinterpretation of everything one says or does.
hello, have a nice day, take care of yourself, everybody matters, I wish you well, I hope you are happy, stay safe, I love you.

may yours be a magical quest of deep self awareness, uplifting guidance fruitful manifestation in which you are of great service to yourself and others.

spiritual forces have inspired me to engage in beautiful acts of caring, kindness and compassion that have made mine an empathic journey of enhanced energy and embodied resilience in which happiness for all is my desire and intention.

healing thoughts and feelings create within us a transformative perspective that enhances our spirituality thereby allowing us to experience with clarity the wonder and beauty of life.

forge a path all your own in which you sail seas of self awareness that awaken the soul and ignite the spirit while you discover your divine magnificence.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Engage in Whole Self Experiences that Center and Balance your Life

the combination of messages from spirit and wisdom from the love inside me has helped me to traverse spiritual landscapes in which I encounter the mystical as I engage in whole self experiences that center and balance my life.

the hardest part of this crisis for me has not been the disease itself but the constant barrage of misinformation from misguided people. I stopped listening to others early on. I chose instead to listen to the voice within and just use common sense as my guide. I am happy and healthy.

I like to bathe within the waters of my soul for it not only cleanses me it also gives meaning and value to my eternal ethereal existence.

from wounds come wisdom that is nourishing, healing and beautifully fulfilling.

let us with a smile on our soul immerse ourselves in experiential exercises of deep spirituality and healing change that are mutually beneficial.

by embracing the raw beauty of our existence we open acutely transformation gateways of wonder which guide us on a journey of true happiness to our higher sacred self.

engagement and interaction with love minded beings fills our world with graceful contemplative moments in which we experience the ethereal as we are embraced by the extraordinary.

you are a being of light on a journey of liberation whose every breath is a unique contribution that makes the world a better place.

explore the beauty within the core of your being and you will have deep inner experiences which create moments of grace that will embrace your world with meditative insights and synergistic sacredness.

choose a clear direction toward sacred self worth and yours will be a journey of harmonious living and spiritual attunement in which you are immersed in meaningful moments that manifest miracles.

to awaken at every level be kind with yourself, engage and interact with others in compassionate ways, take part in healing practices, go to places where goodness flows and let love be your passion, purpose, path and intention.

with authenticity and authority purify your mind as you set your intentions to evolving in ways that encourage growth of heart, soul and spirit.

a sense of calm and heavenly good comes over us every time we share with joyful intensity the sheer brilliance and beauty of our radiant sacred self.

improved well being comes our way when with generosity of spirit we do our utmost to be agents of joy and messengers of light.

stop whining, stop moaning, stop blaming, stop trolling, stop ranting, stop raving, stop criticizing, stop misbehaving, stop accusing, stop hating, stop attacking, stop berating, stop, stop, stop, stop...
start living, start smiling, start singing, start laughing, start celebrating, start dancing, start giving, start sharing, start rejoicing, start caring, start loving, start, start, start...

develop and nurture a higher purpose by speaking the language of spirit, sharing the magick of your soul and embracing fully the greater whole.

the heart is lifted and bathed in moonlight when we open ourselves to the divine flow of positive energy that resides within the core of our being.

the road ahead becomes clearer when we let the light of love within our heart shine through.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Deeper Self Awareness and Compassionate Enlightenment

I like to engage in contemplative practices such as treating myself with kindness as doing so makes my journey one of persistent courage, deeper self awareness and compassionate enlightenment centered in the sacred.

a deep spiritual awakening occurs when with sacred self care we make it our purpose to inspire new possibilities and experience greater joy.

I was walking toward fulfillment in search of a higher truth when I heard the voice within say smile and be happy for you are the truth.

we achieve higher consciousness when with sacred self care we focus on the whole person, ground ourselves in spirit and strive for the extraordinary.

expand your horizons with thoughts, actions and positive daily intentions that center you in sacredness and connect you with the universe

bring peace and serenity into your life by walking heart first into the pure organic beauty of sacred mother earth.

spiritual empathy inspires me to dive deeply into sacred waters of luminous healing from which I emerge relaxed, rejuvenated and resurrected into a beautiful new reality.

whenever I go where spirit dwells I actively listen for epiphinal wisdom and divine revelations that I can share with beings of this world and beyond.

saturday night is movie night at home. last night we watched a documentary film called Stay Human by singer songwriter and humanitarian Michael Franti. It was a brilliant film about people of spirit that he met throughout his travels that touched his heart. it was about people of strength and courage who through struggle not only survived but thrived. it was about the beauty of people and the glory of life. it for me put this current situation in perspective. I am blessed with a family that is transformative and transcendent.

a radiant awakening occurs when we use the lightness of our being and our spirit based energies to open and empower the heart and soul of humanity.

be a good person as doing so is a simple act of spirit that embraces the heart of humanity with illuminating revelations that powerfully transform our life into a divinely rich state of bliss.

forge a new path in which you find freedom in every step and where your purpose is to simply be happy.

today I will share the essence of my sacred beauty as I walk a path of greater pleasure, spiritual radiance, tremendous goodwill and loving devotion.

the flames of freedom warm my heart and fill my soul with the strength and courage to rise above my struggles into the happiness that is my destiny.

I have weathered many a storm and I have done so by connecting with my true self, altering my environment and doing what feels wonderful.

I have found in my life that a sincere sacred appreciation for myself and others creates pure positive vibrations that inspire the heart to flower.

a heightened perspective and the intention to create real change awakens our gifts and helps us to heal spiritually.

advance your spiritual evolution by stepping into your power and leaving a positive imprint everywhere you go.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Mindful Self Compassion has Miraculous Powers

mindful self compassion has miraculous powers that flow from the heart of who we are and make our journey a divine dance of spirit.

I was walking down the sidewalk the other day when I saw a women walking toward me, so I moved over to the shoulder of the road and as she passed she smiled and said thank you. sometimes a simple gesture of caring and common courtesy can be a beautiful blessing.

with the sacred breath of intention I have made my life more joyful by bathing in healing waters and cultivating loving relationships.

just as important as what we do in life is what we don't do. yesterday I didn't read the paper, I didn't watch the news, I didn't complain about what other people are doing wrong, I didn't criticize anybody, I didn't get angry, I didn't place blame, I didn't make excuses, I didn't worry about anything and I didn't shed a tear. just as important as what we do in life is what we don't do. what won't you do today.

there is a beautiful light within each of us and by following that light ours becomes a spiritual exploration that leads to divine experiences which transcend and transform human knowing.

in wonder I wander through gardens of soul and spirit where I open celestial gateways to holistic wellness, joyful living and the highest greatest good.

may we unite as one and speak a language of spirit that embraces our world with beauty, bliss and blessings.

consciously relax with the intention of opening doorways to deeper truths that lead to angelic realms where you may breathe with excitement the ethereal air of awareness, awakening and ascension.

our future needs a fate lift. we need to come together and with sacred knowing manifest a stunningly beautiful destiny of guided inspiration, vibrational wellness, inspired gratefulness and unconditional love.

we all have a spiritual quality in the core of our being which when accessed will embrace us with esoteric principles that guide us to new worlds of true freedom and mystical meaning where every experience is enlightening.

mine is a mystical journey of energetic flow and intuitive knowledge in which I communicate my light with the intention of helping others live, love and dream more deeply.

with mindful awareness dive deep into the heart of clarity for it is there you will discover the confidence and courage to live and love the essence of who you truly are.

you are a being of light with mystical gifts and transformational qualities which when shared in compassionate ways can help both yourself and others to discover deeper truths that will make ours a more loving world.

this moment right now is an opportunity to grow. this time is a perfect time to align with your true self. this day is a beautiful day to engage in sacred pastimes. this moment right now is and opportunity to make a commitment to yourself that you will live in joy as you walk a path of light and love.

opinions seem to be getting meaner and more offensive these days. so today I will put my opinions in a box under the bed and instead of sharing them I will share kind words, loving expressions and compassionate common sense.

the other day I was true to my heart which increased my intuitive awareness, regenerated my spirit and helped me to be a force of good.

how your life unfolds depends on you. fill your day with radiant expressions, vibrational energies and powerful soul centered activities as this will help your life to unfold in ways that awaken the spirit with love.

our soul evolves and we change for the better when we engage in beautiful loving acts of caring, kindness and compassion.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One