Thursday, January 28, 2021

Speak from the Soul, Listen from the Spirit and Love from the Heart

speak from the soul, listen from the spirit and love from the heart as doing so awakens our humanity, manifests our intentions and evolves our universe.

I set out one day with the intention of inspiring, empowering and enlightening myself which made me feel happy, free and totally alive.
value yourself as you seek your truth and you will create flashes of inspiration that will bathe you in rivers of good karma.

a life infused with divine light is one of unique purpose that serves the highest good while embracing the earth, stars, planets and heavens with love.

I like to walk toward the sunshine of spirit as doing so opens my heart and changes my vibrations thereby making it easier for me to embrace the universe as I sow seeds of love.

we all have the innate ability to be spiritual messengers, teachers, mentors, facilitators, guides and role models. let us gather as one and share freely our sacred abilities.

let us create together a new and better world. let us fill it with peace, freedom, joy and happiness. let us make it our purpose to do good for each other. let us listen to the voice of spirit. let us compose a symphony of love. let us all be better people who do better things in the best way possible.

the sun shines through a sincere smile and illuminates the beauty of life in simple sacred ways that enrich, expand, empower, and enlighten.

words of love heal the heart, uplift the spirit and transform the soul.

give yourself the freedom to live your dreams and love your life for you deserve all the goodness, greatness, love and light that this world has to offer.

heavenly is the heartbeat of those sacred souls whose healing touch radiates beauty, inspires change, speaks the truth and serves a higher purpose for they are angels on earth guided by grace who make the world a better place.

in the gentlest possible way walk along the road to wellness with the light of goodness as your guide as this will open doors to change that help you heal and grow into happiness.

I opened a portal of hope one morning and I heard the heart of nature beating which brought new meaning to my life that inspired me to see the good in the world.

believe completely. believe in life completely. believe in happiness completely. believe in the power of love completely. believe in yourself completely. life is better and more beautiful when we foster beliefs that express our goodness, greatness, grace and glory.

peace, love, light and laughter joined me for breakfast one day and we talked of spiritual exploration, esoteric meaning, cosmic rebirth and evolving into wholeness.

I have throughout my life intelligently crafted a unique spiritual path of hope, happiness, harmony and divine diversity that has made my journey magickal, mystical, inspirational and transformational.

there are other spiritual beings in the universe and if we open our minds we will bring into our lives breathtakingly beautiful new realities that will embrace us with an infinite light that connects us to the divine.

be a singer of sacred songs who brings people together with words of love that bless us with inspiration as they move us into the light.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Walking through Canyons of Introspection


I was walking through canyons of introspection with the intention of creating good karma when I came upon my immortal soul who was waiting to guide me on a personal heroic journey of celestial beauty that transcends the traditional and embraces the transformational when I realized that I was already on that journey and I had been my whole life.

the divine spark within lit a fire in my soul that warmed my heart and awakened my authentic self who with clarity of intention immersed me in a world of revelation and transformation where with higher purpose I have created a heaven I call home.

our horizons expand when we with active imagination, kind words and positive intentions send out into the world messages of joy, hope and happiness.

I wept with joy the day I discovered my true self because he embraced me with love, showered me with blessings, saturated my mind with ancient wisdom and gave me the strength, power and passion to transform.

the earth sings a song and I reach for the sun as the brilliant and beautiful dance with the divine in celebration of the pure sacred glory of a life well lived.

there is a light breeze that flows over the mountain of my spirit which guides me through the forest of my soul to a world of myth and reality where humanity and divinity live as one.

when my mind is hungry I feed it. when my body is hungry I feed it. when my spirit is hungry I feed it. when my soul is hungry I feed it. when my heart is hungry I feed it. what I feed myself determines how my day, week, month, year and life will go. I just made myself a bowl of kindness, compassion, love and light for breakfast this morning and I am looking forward to the day ahead.

simple, sincere, sacred and wise are the children of the world for innocence is inspiration that lights the world with love.

each and everyone one of us has an extraordinary story. it is a story of life, love, strength, courage and survival. open the window of your soul and set free your story that the world may know the brilliance and beauty of who you truly are.

I found the transcendent in the back of my mind stored in a box of memories from a past life and used them to build a bridge of blessings to the sacred love that is my destiny.

I find that when I pay tribute to the spirit within it fosters hope, embraces change, cultivates compassion and facilitates sacred self discovery.

theres a lot of crazy out there these days. I choose not to listen to crazy instead I listen to clarity and hope which during these difficult times has kept me safe and sane.

spread your wings and take flight along a lighted path of love where your visions are validated, your intentions are elevated and your heart and soul are captivated by all that is sacred.

we are all ethereal artists and within each of us are unique and special brands of creativity waiting for us to express our artistic essence to the world by making our life the masterpiece it is meant to be.

I received a call from my calling one day who told me to live my life in a way that showed the world I loved to love.

my footprints are in the wind and my heart prints are in the heavens for I am a being of light whose spirit soars freely through realms, dimensions and worlds most sacred.

do that which resonates with spirit as this will help you to transcend the trials of life with an enduring expression of love and lightness.

open your mind and free your dreams that they may in heavens glory lift your heart, raise your spirit and elevate your existence.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Hearts True Purpose is to Deliver Us Love


the hearts true purpose is to deliver us love with a sacred embrace of spiritual well being that strengthens the soul of humanity.

with ethereal confidence, great honesty deep gratitude and a love divine I have made my way from the darkness into the light of hope and happiness which has brought me home to a joyous place of peace where every breath is a blessing.

I feel nurtured, nourished, liberated and transformed when I am wrapped in grace, beauty, bliss and love by my wife and son.

we benefit from goodness. we benefit from kindness. being good and kind are simple sacred choices that improve greatly the quality of life.

its important to let go of things that hinder your happiness because no matter the struggle there are always miracles happening and if we remove barriers that such as anger, stress... we can see with clarity the blessings that surround us.

I can feel my heart open when I make choices that are positive which serve the greater good.

I try every day in my own way to do something simple that is inspirational and uplifting as doing so has an impact that gives me a better quality of life.

create with me a compassionate community of unconditional love filled with deeply nourishing and divinely nurturing experiences in which we engage in sacred activities that heal, empower and elevate us into a heavenly new world of joyous beauty and spiritual happiness.

I have found that when I share my blessings with others it creates for me a path of awakening embraced by light that opens celestial gateways to positive personal growth of mind, spirit, heart and soul.

extraordinary transformations take place when we light the lamp of hope with the intention of creating a welcoming atmosphere in which we can care for and love people.

you are an incredible blessing. you are a beautiful gifted soul. you are a being of light. you are a being of love. thank you for being you.

my contribution to the world today will be to do caring loving things that bless and heal the heart.

hello trees its the forest, can you see us yet, we have been here all along waiting for you to open your eyes and come to your senses.

we evolve more effectively when we let love lead us on a healing journey to our home in a heaven of our own creation.

I find that when I am being who I am meant to be I live a more meaningful life in which soul and spirit unite with the energy of the universe to make miracles my reality.

it is my fundamental goodness that has brought me to brighter worlds in which I not only see the light I become the light.

I begin each day with energizing prayer, ecstatic mindfulness and heartfelt love as my path, purpose, intention, inspiration and tools for transformation.

in every heart is an all embracing light of love waiting to be released that it may give you, yours and the world around you a spiritually transformative and divinely beautiful hug.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Live in Harmony with the Earth and the Heavens


home for me is a nurturing environment in which every day I grow spiritually as I experience blessings that help me live in harmony with the earth and the heavens.

you be the good one, you be the nice one, you be the decent one, you be the smart one and you be the compassionate one. these are the things I tell my son every day. I say to him as you make your way through life you will encounter people who make bad choices and do bad things so its important that you be the good one, you be the nice one, you be the decent one, you be the smart one and you be the compassionate one. He is the smartest, kindest and most loving person I know.

enhance the quality of your life by taking steps that awaken your magnificence and bring more joy into your world.

engage in contemplative practices that evolve the human spirit and you will experience an inner peace that opens the mind, heart and soul tp the glory, greatness and beauty of your true sacred self.

deep personal transformation occurs when we nurture our gifts with the intent to embrace, enrich, empower and enlighten ourselves and others.

i embraced the true nature of my spirit which expanded my sacred abilities, helped me conquer my fears, inspired me to reach beyond my dreams and guided me down a path of wholeness, happiness, fulfillment and joy.

I was walking a path to a place where intuition meets intelligence when the voice of light whispered words of love that lifted my spirit and illuminated the true beauty of this world.

I like to embrace the essence of who you are. I like to embrace the uniqueness in each of us. I like to embrace the beauty of who you are. I like to embrace the sacredness in each of us. I like to embrace the glory of who you are. I like to embrace the greatness in each of us. I like to embrace. who wants a hug!

I start each day with a prayer in which I wish that all humanity may bask in the sacredness of creation as they engage in soul nourishing experiences which connect the heavens and the earth.

I started to appreciate life more when I made the conscious choice to to not just live my destiny but to also shape it in ways blessed and beautiful.

I dreamed a dream in which I lived a life where I loved a love and it loved me back.

a heartfelt thank you to all those who positively impact change in the world by shining their light in ways that bring people peace, comfort, hope, happiness and love.

I heard once that true love lies within so I made an effort every day to have some cuddle time with it which has grounded me in spirit and given deeper meaning to my life.

I was talking to true happiness the other day about the new year and was told to awaken my passions, live my purpose and walk a positive path of spirit that blessed myself, my family, my friends and sacred Mother Earth. If you are reading this know that you are loved. bless you.

what is your divine plan. mine is to live a creative compassionate joyful life of inspiration, liberation and transformation in which I embrace the heart and soul of humanity. what is your sacred purpose.

I stand in peace, kneel in prayer, sing in the streets and dance in the heavens for I am a sacred being of light whose message and mission is love.

I realized that my calling was simply to live a good life. a life of respect, honor, integrity, dignity, decency, compassion, kindness, common sense and love. by making a conscious choice to do my best to live my calling I have helped myself and by helping myself I have helped others which has helped the world.

the struggles of the past year for me facilitated self exploration which softened my heart and connected me with my needs. while it has been difficult it has also taught me to appreciate just how beautiful and blessed my life is. I was walking with my ten year old by the canal yesterday when he said do you know why you and mom were meant to be together, it was to bring me into the world. sometimes times life looks you in the eye and says hello I love you.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One