we foster connectedness when we communicate with love for love is an ethereal blessing that unites us all.
a smile serves humanity, a hug serves humanity and a simple sincere desire to serve humanity serves humanity.
I like to listen to the beat of my heart for within it is a sacred mantra and healing prayer which brings a piece of heaven into my home.
this planet and its people are in need of healing and that healing begins when we put away our prejudices, throw away our ignorance and commit to opening hearts, minds, body and souls to true kindness, compassion, unity, harmony and love.
divine reality expands when we embrace honesty, explore the spirit within and embody our deepest truth while expressing a commitment to all that is ethereal.
let yourself blossom by living your true purpose and loving your higher self.
I like whenever possible to look within for a simple glimpse of the soul heightens awareness and fills my day with messages of hope that bring me peace of mind.
every experience good or bad is a life enhancing experience if we learn from it.
positive energy flows with kindness and compassion out into the world when we support our intentions with actions that motivate, elevate and inspire.
I heard a conversation about a conversation that inspired people to converse about things that needed addressing which then opened up new avenues of thought that created endless conversations about what to do until a child overheard and asked why instead of sitting around talking about these things didnt they actually go out and do something about it. then one of them said she is right we should talk about this. such is life.
with compassionate intent step fully into life in ways that touch the sacred and yours will be a journey of many blessings in which you reach higher levels of living, loving and being.
my path, purpose and destiny have always been to connect with the soul, shine the light of truth, facilitate well being, create an atmosphere of caring, inspire, empower, motivate, elevate, transform and transcend. for me it has never been about completion it has been about having thoughts, ideas, actions and intention that serve the greater good. all the hope and happiness in my life are a direct result of my unwavering faith in my belief that we all are deserving of peace, joy and love.
within the core of my being are personal treasures of pure loving energy that I distribute throughout my day to those in need of a sweet gentle hug from spirit.
the more positive the feelings I express the more loving the moments I experience and the more balanced and beautiful my life becomes.
I had a visit from something called normal the other day and I had to tell them I had no idea who they were. They insisted they were once part of my life and that we got along well. they asked if they could come in and talk about the past and I said you can come in but I prefer we talk about the future. We had a nice long conversation. I think we will be great friends and one day I will remember what normal was, what normal is and what normal can be in the future.
I experience a profound state of peace every time I use my spiritual gifts for the benefit and betterment of all.
I heard the voice of mother earth one day whispering words of wisdom strong and vibrant that compelled me to do my utmost to help her to be happy and healthy.
mine became a more loving world when I started to live in heart based ways in sync with my soul that changed my way of thinking at a spiritual level.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One